Hey guys! Yes, I know I should be posting another chapter of Save Money Live Better or The Man Who Can't Be Moved but I wanted to take a small break from it to give you guys this short story. It was something that crossed my mind and I really think this could help me practice my humor and jokes in stories so that I can make my chapters more fun. Overall, I hope you all like it!


It was a beautiful Sunday morning. The sun was out, the birds were chirping, and strangers often stopped to send greetings towards each other as warm as the sixty degrees weather outside.

It all made Finn sick.

"Ugh..." Rubbing his eyes tiredly, he put his sunglasses back on. "Dude, why are we meeting up here so early? And on a Sunday, nonetheless."

His mohawked friend sighed as he surveyed the building in front of them. "You think I wanted to get up this early and skip out on Sunday morning sex? This was the only day they had available and Quinn insisted that we check this place out."

Snickering, Finn muttered, "Whipped."

"It's better than the way your living, fuck face," Puck retorted back, smirking at him. "It's not my fault you decided to drown yourself in booze last night."

Finn gave a grunting sound in response. They were standing outside La Fête, a very popular and very expensive venue business located in the upper east part of Manhattan. Quinn insisted on this being the best place to book your wedding reception, but in his opinion, it looked like a place that would make any middle class citizen feel like trash. Trust me, if he had the choice, he wouldn't be here. But with being the best man and friend of the groom, he had no choice but to come along.

Looking down at his watch, Finn sighed. "Dude, when are they going to be he-"

"We're here!" A rushed Quinn and Rachel approached them, notepads and pens in their hands.

"Of course..." Finn muttered grudgingly. He almost forgot; she was here. Almost as if she knew he was thinking about her, the brunette sent a quick but sharp glare in his direction.

"Babe, I'm so sorry," the blonde apologized as she gave her fiance a quick peck on the lips. "There was an accident just ten blocks down from here and we were stuck in traffic. I hope we didn't leave you guys here too long." They all started walking into the beautifully polished building.

"It's okay, Q. You've been talking about this place forever. And i'll be damned if we don't find the room of your dreams." From behind them, Rachel smiled softly, Finn pretended to gag next to her. She rolled her eyes at his immaturity.

When they approached the marble front desk, they were greeted by a sophisticatedly dressed older lady who smiled at them. "Hello. Are you all here for a tour?"

"Yes." Quinn smiled excitedly. "We're planning on booking a room for a wedding reception."

At the word wedding, she visibly perked up and smiled wider. "Well, that's wonderful! There's nothing more beautiful in life than a promise between two lovers." To the bartender's confusion, she looked at Finn and Rachel as she spoke. But before we start the tour, I'm going to need you all to fill out a few forms about the to-be weds, the maid of honor, all that stuff. Is that alright?"She asked.

"Yes, yes! We'll sign. Come on, Puck." As the couple walked ahead and signed the forms, Rachel heard Finn chuckle from beside her. She looked at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"Is there a problem?"

He shook his head, grinning lopsidedly. "No, there's no problem. I'm just surprised you're here, that's all." Turning completely towards him, she crossed her small arms, raising an eyebrow.

"And why is that?"

"I just thought you'd be doing something else today instead of being here," he explained, still looking straight ahead. "I mean, no one messes with Rachel Berry's spa Sundays, right?"

Gaping at him in disbelief, she said, "Are you serious right now?"

"No, I'm not," he responded sarcastically.

Angry, Rachel walked closer to him, speaking quieter this time. "Need I remind you of the many times you've skipped out on your best man duties because of some quick lay or-or some drinking party?"

Grinning coyly he says, "Beats singing in a diner, sweetheart."

"Gosh, you're so frustratin-"


Puck and Quinn turned around to find their best friends standing close together with fake smiles on their faces, Finn's arm wrapped around her shoulders while her head rested against his side.

"Yes, Quinn?" The brunette asked a little too happily.

"We need you to sign the forms."

"Oops. Sorry." With a fake smile, she eagerly walked to the counter as far away from him as she could.

It's always been like this. When Quinn, Puck and Finn met in preschool, they became friends instantly. Things were fine and peaceful for the trio; fun even. That is, until Rachel moved into town. With many fights and arguments between them throughout the years, let's just say many parent-teacher meetings were held between Rachel's fathers and Finn's parents-so many that caused all four of the adults to gain a strong bond, therefore making it almost impossible for them not to run into each other.

So here they were. Both of them, twenty-five years old with the same malice they held for each other twenty years ago.

And Puck and Quinn have been through the most of it. After years and years of arguing and fighting with them, the couple finally reached their breaking point.

"Okay, that's it!" The blonde 19 year old yelled from from the patio of her parent's house. Both Finn and Rachel halted their actions and looked at her fuming face.

"This has been going on for too long! You mean to tell me, after all these years you guys can't find one thing in common? You guys still can't get along?!"

"But it wasn't me this time, Quinn," a younger Rachel protested.

"Oh please, when is it not you, Rachel-"

"Was I talking to you?"

"Might as well if you're yapping about me in front of my face-"

"Shut up!" Puck yelled, his face turning red. "When are you guys just going to put this petty shit behind you and get along?!"

So that's when they knew they had to do something, anything to keep the friendship between the four of them in tact.

The night of the party, Rachel caught Finn walking to his car. She grabbed his arm softly. "Finn."

He sighed tiredly and turned around. "What do you want, midget?"

She ignored the insult. "Quinn and Puck are really angry with us. Like, really angry."

"So? They always get angry with us. It'll go away in a few days."

"I don't think so, Finn," She leaned closer to him and spoke softly as she said, "We have to make this right."

He frowned at her and shrugged. "How? By actually getting along? Because we both know that ain't happening."

"We could pretend," she offers. "I personally have a lot of acting experience so it wouldn't be hard for me, and I could always give you some tips to help-"

"Woah, woah, woah." He frowned at her. "So let me get this straight...you want us to pretend to be friends? To pretend to get along for as long as we're friends with Quinn and Puck?"

She nodded silently.

It took a while for him to process this, but once he did, the corner of his mouth lifted up in a grin. "That might have been the smartest thing I have ever heard come out of your big mouth."

Aside from the small argument that soon followed that statement, both Finn and Rachel were able to keep their dislike for each other under wraps.

With both of their minds too focused on each other, they failed to check the right box on the paper.

As the older woman collected the papers, she smiled at them. "Well, let's take a look around, shall we?" With an excited squeal, Quinn clapped her hands and eagerly followed her.

"Guys, come on!" With tense grins, both Finn and Rachel followed the couple.

Wrapping his arms around her shoulders again, Finn sighed, letting out an 'ah' sound. "I hate you."

Chuckling all too sweetly, Rachel said, "Oh, trust me, Finn. The feelings mutual."

Knock knock.

"Okay, okay, I hear you!" A still half asleep Finn marched up to the front door and opened it. Across from him revealed a very attractive looking blonde with blue eyes and a big smile.

How can she be so happy this early?

"Hi! Are you Finn Hudson?"

He didn't know what to say besides a croaked out, "Yeah?"

"I'm Brittany S. Pierce. I'm the host for the famous game show, " : the ultimate test to see how much you know your partner."

A game show? Closing his eyes, he waved his hand dismissively, saying, "Look, if this is one of these survey things where I have to these answer random questions, I'm not doing it. Can you at least come back when I'm not resting up for work?" He watched as she stared blankly at him.

"What's a survey? Ooh, is it one of those things where weird smelling people approach your door to talk about politics?"

Finn's hand dropped carelessly at his side as he gaped at her. She can't be serious.

Finn reached a hand up to itch the unruly mop on his head. Why would she be talking to him about a couples game show if she's not giving him a survey? He's not with anybody. I mean, does it look like he's with somebody?

"I'd like to talk with you and your girlfriend about this great opportunity."

"I-I'm sorry," he interrupted hoarsely as she continued to exclaim the show to him. "You must have mistaken me with someone else. I'm not in a rela-"

"That's not what the lady with the fur coat said."

He's so confused. "The lady with the w-what? Huh?"

"The woman behind the front desk at La Fête. Yeah, she said you and your girlfriend Rachel Berry were a great choice for the show and you can't go wrong with old ladies who wear fur coats." She exclaimed.

Ohhh...Finally getting it, Finn smiled apologetically. "Oh, you see, she must've mistaken us for another couple. Rachel and I...we-we're not-"

"All we need is one more couple so we could get started with the season." She sighed, suddenly dejected. "You see, my husband is the director of the show and we're running out of time. If we don't find a couple in two weeks, the show will be cancelled and i'll have to give my cat up for adoption. And look, if you guys win, you'll get 400,000 dollars! You can buy like...a thousand unicorns with that!" Her blue eyes seemed to sparkle at the name of the mystical creature.

Through all of her confusing gibberish he only focused on one thing. "Did you just say 400,000 dollars?" His eyes widened when she nodded. Was it possible to get aroused at the thought of money?

"Why didn't you guys just make it 500,000 dollars?"

The blonde tilted her head slightly to the side as she said, "Huh?"

"Wouldn't it be better if you made it a half a million dollars?" Finn asked. "That way the couple could still split it fifty-fifty."

Her smile faltered. "Oh."

He nodded slowly, drawing out, "Yeah."

Her smile returned almost instantly as she shrugged. "Oh well! All I need is a your signatures and I can-"

"Well, why didn't you just ask?" Finn responded quickly, his mood suddenly lifted. This was great! He could practically hear the "Cha-Ching!"sound repeat in his head like a catchy song.

As he signed the contract with his sloppy handwriting, he failed to think about what he was getting into.

Or rather who he was getting into it with.

"You did what?!"

Uncomfortable, Finn looked around the café in caution. "Jeez, can you yell any louder? I'm right here, you know."

Rachel gasped dramatically and placed a hand on her chest. "Oh, I'm sorry, was my complete and utter spoken words of frustration and disbelief hurting your precious little ears? Get over it, Finn!"

"Look, it's not that big of a deal," Finn says in a nonchalant tone. "The filming of the show lasts about a month, two months tops, and-and we could get four hundred grand! Plus, you're always telling me how much you love acting and stuff..." his sentence drifted off as he cowered in his seat at the glare sent his way across the café table. Well, this didn't go as planned. It probably would've helped the situation if he had told her about it before he signed the contract.

Sighing, she pinched the bridge of her nose as she stared down at the table. "I just...I have no idea what goes through your head sometimes."

He sneakily tries to pick a small piece off of her blueberry muffin when he thinks she hasn't seen him."You make it sound like I'm all wacko and shit."

Slapping his hand away, she says loudly, "That's because you are!" Silence fell over the whole café as the other diners looked at them due to her outburst. With pink, tinted cheeks, she placed both palms of her hands on the table and leaned in closer.

"Do you know how hard it is for me to even be sitting with you right now? And now you're telling me that we have to pretend to be together for two months?" She said with a harsh whisper.

"We've done it before; many times when we were around Puck and Quinn."

Her brown eyes widened as she said exasperatedly, "Yes, but only them! We agreed we would only do it for them to keep our friendships in tact. Pretending to be friends is a lot different than making up a whole relationship! Plus, how were you even able to sign my name when I wasn't even there?"

Rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly, Finn replied, "I sort of lied and said you were out shopping at the mall with some friends." At this, she gaped at him. He stuttered, "Th-The girl wasn't really that bright anyways, so she took my word for it." She rolled her eyes. The bartender took both of his hands and placed it gently on hers which was still on the table. Rachel visibly tensed up.

Finn sighed. "Look, I know I shouldn't have lied or forged your signature and I'm sorry, but...what if we do win? I mean, we must be good enough actors to be able to convince Puck and Quinn that we're all close. Hell, we were able to convince a random stranger at some venue place. What harm would it do if we just convinced more people this time? Plus, you can't look at me in the eye and not tell me that the money doesn't sound a little tempting. We'll be rich, well, rich enough." He watched her bite her bottom lip as he continued, "Don't you get tired of spending hours a day working at a lousy diner, only to spend the weekend giving piano lessons to some spoiled kids? I know I hate serving creepy those creepy, miserable alcoholics every night at the bar. Don't you want to feel something for the rest of your life? To feel accomplished?"

He already knew what would come out of her mouth. "Yes," she whispered.

"Then why not take the opportunity? W-Why not prove that your dreams aren't unreasonable, or dead? That we're more than what they say we are?" He squeezed her small hands softly for emphasis. A small moment of silence passed as the brunette processed this. Then, as if a little child were to say it, he heard a meek, "Yes."

Straightening up in his seat, he smiled. "Yes? As in you'll do it?"

With a sigh, she shook her head, a small grin forming at the lips as she muttered, "I can't believe we're doing this."

"Yes!" He cheered as he fisted the air in victory. He smiled at her giggle.

Mission accomplished.

There's the first chapter! I hope you guys liked it so far and I promise to post the second chapter as soon as possible.
