Reviews for The Cliffs of Hertfordshire
Magna Parva chapter 59 . 7/17
You write such wonderful, impossible, heartwarming stories. I've been staying up into the early hours trying to finish them before finally going to bed. The plots are all a bit mad and the characters sometimes feel so very different from canon, yet it all still seems to have a firm grasp of reality. I've really enjoyed myself these past few days reading your works. Thank you.
LFJAWW chapter 37 . 6/18
Quite an enjoyable story (just finished it) and I appreciated the time-jumping, and all the bad-ass women. One question: In this chapter, Jane deliberately left as clues for Lizzy "I would like everybody in the county to be well aware that the Masterson family is heading west towards Hatfield" - and in chapter 50 Lizzy immediately knew what that meant. But there was no explanation of exactly how the clues did their job. Is there an explanation?
misherukuro chapter 59 . 6/18
Delightful read.
misherukuro chapter 40 . 6/17
Darcy is such an adorably besotted fool.
misherukuro chapter 28 . 6/16
Fierce Jane is awesome!
LJ Summers chapter 9 . 5/19
One can feel for Jane, raised to be the sacrificial offering in exchange for parents who had been disappointed through having no sons. I feel bad for her, here, and admire her fortitude to try to help, even when she didn't see anything to atone for, herself. And how very awful, in her time and place, to have spent many years "out" and being "a beauty" and all, and not to have had a serious suitor 'til Bingley. How discouraging.
LJ Summers chapter 7 . 5/19
Ah, Elizabeth. Haggard and driven and thoroughly over her cliff...yet...she perseveres, yeah?
LJ Summers chapter 6 . 5/19
So Charlotte is our dispassionate heroine, then? I prefer people to be rational and she certainly is.

Darcy, poor fellow, is repentant and quite on his last leg, it seems to me. I am in hopes that this plan bears fruit.
LJ Summers chapter 4 . 5/19
Okay, so this was a surprise. I enjoy your cliff metaphor as experienced by Mr. Darcy; nicely sketched.

Quite unexpected of him to inquire after the Bennet girls here, but I'm glad he did, even if the results were unsatisfactory.

What are Jane and Elizabeth doing? This is quite intriguing and I am SO glad the story is complete so I can find out. :)
LJ Summers chapter 2 . 5/19
This is all, indeed, quite horrid. And I can't somehow keep from laying most of the blame on Mr. Bennet.
LJ Summers chapter 1 . 5/19
Wow. Okay. So. Mary lost it in a most appalling way. Whereas normally, I'm all for her finding her feet and so on, here she just lost it. But it's as if she had PTSD and her psyche could no longer contain the trauma so it was unleashed on the world. Her perceptions were not entirely accurate, but they were real to her and I...get it.

But wow. Yeah. Look, the Emperor's BUCK NAKED!

Well...he is.

And...they kinda are, yeah?
Guest chapter 18 . 4/9
Excellent! A story where Wickham gets his just desserts early in the story. Evil manipulator.
Joan G. Brand chapter 59 . 4/8
During this quarantine, I read this book straight through without stopping. Jane definitely came into her as did Mary. Loved the epilogue!
Joan G. Brand chapter 4 . 3/31
If Darcy has seen Elizabeth why did he go to Meryton to speak with Mr. Bennet? I am curious about these "tasks" Jane and Elizabeth have set out on though.
Joan G. Brand chapter 3 . 3/31
Is Elizabeth a servant now? What has happened to the Bennet family matriach and patriach?
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