Reviews for Cause for Concern
periodt-ish chapter 17 . 7/9
I have read chapter 1 to 17 in one sitting. Looking forward the next chapter. :)
Poodie chapter 17 . 6/23
I'm such a baby, I cried for Shikamaru's speech as well. It was honestly really well written -not just the speech but the entire chapter.

As with almost all things, I am sad to see this coming to an end. But damn if it wasn't one hell of an enjoyable ride! I am so happy I found this story, but also so happy I found you as an author.

I really cannot wait for the epilogue. I am super excited to see how that goes. Where you leave us in this story. I know you won't disappoint, and I just hope I don't cry!

Simone137 chapter 17 . 6/10
I love the maturity of the characters and the story, even if it is a little sad they dont end up together is obvious they need to grow in their time and space, they are not on the same chapter on life. I love the realistic take you have for this story.

I love your writing. Thanks for taking the time to bring. new chapter.

Patiently waiting for the epilogue.
soranohoshii chapter 17 . 6/7
So happy you updated! Cant wait for the epilogue
Borulover10 chapter 17 . 6/2
I love your story
OstaraNight chapter 17 . 6/1
Ahhhh... Not gonna say much, but I'm so glad you updated and I can't wait to read what's next!
winnyz chapter 17 . 5/27
Em, i'm so happy you updated! This chapter was everything! I love how you are wrapping up without sacrificing the story and plot. So eager to read more!
Litfam chapter 16 . 10/19/2019
Poodie chapter 16 . 9/4/2019
Literally, Kankuro is the best XD

Ahhhh! What an awkward but lovely chapter! The end is too close, but at least the story will always be here for me to reread to my heart's content.

I loved this journey, and though I don't want it to end...I know it must.

Poodie chapter 15 . 9/4/2019
Awwwww! Poor Shikamaru wanted a date! XD

I confess that I had lost some track of the events of this story, but it's all coming back to me!

I especially like the last line, because I think it's so true to life. Nobody likes waiting. That's just the truth.

So...will he still ask her?


A little cute and awkward she wanted to go to the same college, but wouldn't go to prom

Wiceriene chapter 16 . 7/17/2019
I just love love love their interaction. It is so damn good. Love it! Mooooore plz!
chlorineobsession chapter 16 . 6/28/2019
I finally got around to reading this and Why is Tems family literally the cutest and most wholesome thing in this world? I literally didn't even think I needed this amazing chapter until I read it and this made my day so thank you for being amazing omg
Simone137 chapter 16 . 6/22/2019
Omg! I can't, my heart, so much feels.
I love this interaction with Temari's family. It was hilarious and sweet and beautiful.
Thanks so much for taking the time to write this.

Hope you update soon!
OstaraNight chapter 15 . 5/7/2019
Aww, I like how quickly Shikamaru is looking forward to going to celebrate with Temari again. (Hoping to kiss her again, I'm sure.)
I was happy to see this updated, and every happier to read.
chlorineobsession chapter 15 . 5/7/2019
As always, this is one of my favourite fics *ever* (as is p much everything you write lbr) so this chapter was just amazing as always. Temaris ramble about growing a pair really made me question expressions in the English language like, huh...
Thank you for updating, I hope you're doing well and remember that everything you write is wonderful
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