A/N: Because you can't call yourself a fanfiction writer unless you've written an embarrassingly overdone high school AU, can you?

Welcome to another ShikaTema fic, and my first real AU. Pretty standard for most high school-based fics, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. There are other non-AU and canon-compliant stories for ShikaTema on my profile, so do have a read of those if you liked this one or are looking for something different.

N.B. I'm from the UK, so all of my knowledge of "high school" comes from the select few friends I have across the pond and terrible chick flicks. Apologies for inaccuracies!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. If I had money and time and talent, I totally would.

"No. I refuse."

"Temari, you can't just refuse-"

"I can, and I will."

"I'm going to be blunt here, Temari, since you clearly have no respect for my authority as it is: you're failing your senior year, and at this rate, you won't get the grades to graduate. All your teachers have highlighted your academic performance as 'cause for concern'. So unless you want to spend another twelve months here stuck in classes with people a year younger than you, I suggest you accept the help that we're offering to you."

"It looks like I'm already going to spend twelve months with someone younger than me. No, three years younger than me. I can't be tutored by a freshman, Miss! That's beyond humiliating."

"He's not a freshman, Temari, he's in your year."

"Since when?!"

"Since he skipped three grades."

"That's ridiculous. How can they let someone skip three grades?"

"Some people enjoy a challenge."

"He's practically in middle school. There's no way he'll be of any value to me whatsoever."

"I can't think of anyone who's more qualified for the task. He has a 4.0 grade point average, an IQ of over 200 and he wants extra credit for his college admissions in the future. The rest of our staff body are busy helping the rest of the students in your year with their applications, alongside the classes they have to teach."


"That's the end of this discussion, Temari." The principal sighed and rested her chin on her knuckles. "I know it's not an ideal situation, but this is for your own good. I want you to walk out of this school with a diploma and a cap and know you have a bright future ahead of you. If you simply put your mind to it and let this student help you, I'm sure you'll reap the rewards come mid-terms."

There was a sharp rap on the door.

"Come in."

Temari turned around to see a boy of slightly above-average height and dark, spiky hair enter the room. It was tied up in a taut ponytail and his eyebrows were stern, as if he were perpetually unimpressed.

"Shikamaru, take a seat."

Temari eyed the boy as he slipped into the chair next to her. She sized him up to be an arrogant, self-important teacher's pet who was just passing time amongst idiots and goldfish.

"Temari, this is Shikamaru Nara. He will be your tutor for the rest of this year."


"Temari!" The principal admonished her. "I will not tolerate any of that attitude. Now greet him properly."

Temari rolled her eyes and turned her head slightly towards the boy. "It's nice to meet you."

"Likewise," he said, equally apathetic.

"Good. Now that introductions are over, I expect you to be able to organise weekly tutorials between yourselves." She turned to Shikamaru. "If Temari gives you any trouble about it or doesn't turn up when she's supposed to, alert me and I will ensure that doesn't happen again." She glared at the girl with unruly blonde bunches whose arms were folded indignantly. "Do I make myself clear, Temari?"


"Perfect. Dismissed."

Both students rose from their chairs and walked towards the door. When Shikamaru reached to open the door for her, she blocked him with her hand. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Being polite, Temari-senpai."

"I can open doors for myself, thank you very much. And drop the '-senpai'."


"We're in the same year."

"You're technically three years-"

"Would it kill you to not be such a smartass all the time?"

"Sorry, that's part of the job description as your tutor."

"You two, if you're going to bicker, get out of my office. I have work to do," the principal barked after them.

They walked out of the room; Shikamaru closed the door behind them.

"See what you did?" Temari hissed.

"What I did? You're the one throwing a fit over me opening a door for you."

"Because I can open it myself."

"And you did, congratulations. You're an empowered woman now."

"Is that sarcastic?"

"Beats me."

She grabbed his tie by the collar with one fist and stared him down. "Listen, moron. I don't care if you've got a 4.0 and you're skipping grades and your IQ is greater than all my test scores combined. We are not friends, you are not my equal and you will not treat me like we are."

"That's why I used the honourific," he choked out.

She let go of his tie and pushed him away from her. "Unbelievable," she huffed, walking away.

"Wait," he called. "We haven't even arranged our first tutoring session."

"Figure it out, genius," she yelled without turning back.