Reviews for How do you talk to girls?
Guest chapter 8 . 7/9/2017
Oh so good sex. You do smut so well. Ahh I can't believe the story is over but it is appreciated. Don't stay away too long. I miss Cory too but you keep him alive and thank you for that.
khazrn43 chapter 8 . 7/9/2017
Nice sexy times. I look forward to the next new Finchel. Honor their tether! Remember our drummer!
Bev beltz chapter 8 . 7/9/2017
Hi Carol . So this was your very first finchel story , you are a great writer , and because of writers like you , you keep the memory of finchel alive .its hard to believe that in four days Cory will be gone from this world four years .it was a sad day for his loved ones and adoring fans .i have never before grieved for someone I never met .i mean I was saddened by the loss of some actors or singers , but never like Cory . He was such a compassionate man .so talented , but it never went to his head .he cared so much for people who didn't have what he had .he was always fighting for the underdog .he was so involved in charities to help people less fortunate , and trying to make life better for kids living on the streets like he did as a boy .he believed so much in the arts , and places like woodwynn farms in Victoria B C . He once said he wished that place existed when he was on the street .they help the addicted to get clean and learn how to live a clean life again .cory helped so many charities because he cared so much about others .he will be missed ,but he is now free of the addictions that plagued his body off and on since he was a young boy .but he did stay clean a long time after he was 19 years old .i don't think he relapsed too long before his untimely death , but I still wished to this day he would have stayed in rehab much longer .i think his chances would have been better to stay clean again .i will always have the utmost respect for Cory .ok that's enough about this .but I was wondering if you ever thought about doin finchel fic about Cory .i have read a couple of fics about that and really enjoyed it .a little angst is always good too .hugs for you Carol xoxo
vickstick chapter 8 . 7/9/2017
Love it can't wait for more
guest chapter 8 . 7/9/2017
Thanks for the update. That was a cool way to get Finn into acting.I am still so saddened by what could have been for that supremely talented,sweet,handsome man.
Guest chapter 8 . 7/9/2017
Awesome chapter! I would love a few more though pretty please!? Maybe their wedding and how Artie made the show and some Finchel jealousy? I love whenever that happens! So loved this story!
noro chapter 8 . 7/9/2017
Awesome ending to an amazing story excellent writing
noro chapter 7 . 7/4/2017
Fantastic writing awesome work update finchel always
Kedzie3238 chapter 7 . 6/25/2017
Finn finally found his voice Yay! He was too sweet with Rachel. Such a cute chapter.
khazrn43 chapter 7 . 6/24/2017
ABC I know where that came from. I like vied this chPter so good
Honor their tether! Remember our drummer!
Bev beltz chapter 7 . 6/24/2017
This is such a cute story Carol.i am so happy that a lot of fanfic writers a choosing to make us finchel lovers happy . By keeping finchel love alive . I love your finchel storys .i don't know why I can't remember your older story protecting my one . But I am now just going to read your second chapter of that story .i am looking forward to chapter 8 of how do you talk to girls . I love it .
lefthandedrn chapter 7 . 6/24/2017
Love Van Morrison. Good chapter and Yeah for Finchel!
Guest chapter 7 . 6/24/2017
Too cute for words. I was so giddy to read they finally got past all the uncertainties and became a couple. Man Finn is lucky Rachel was not fickle cuz he could have lost his chance. Great chapter. Can't wait for the next update.
lefthandedrn chapter 6 . 6/22/2017
Sh now I understand why Rachel had that jacket on. Puck's slang is confusing me though. Glad to see Rachel talks gibberish when Finn's around. Too cute.
lefthandedrn chapter 5 . 6/22/2017
I don't understand why Rachel was with that baseball player and wearing his letterman jacket.
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