Reviews for Dormant Power
StandUpKeepMovingForward chapter 3 . 7/14
Mewtwo-TheLoneShadow chapter 3 . 7/12
Crippled? (Temporarily I know) And so early in the story? Bold call but with how you handled the power sharing/learning at the end there I think I like where you're going with this.
Exiled Soul Nomad chapter 3 . 7/11
So... Aizawa was directly party to crippling a student due to his bias and there are no consequences?
Yamajiji chapter 3 . 7/11
Ok so Aizawa completely fucks Izuku and there are no consequences? He literally lost an arm outside of when he’s using his quirk, and although its temporary, why is no one mad? Aside from that, shift is an awesome idea for a quirk. Hope you touch on the consequences for Aizawa next chapter as All Might and Inko must be pissed.
Adypoker chapter 3 . 7/11
WTF is this giant hole between chapters 2 and 3, and then you do some sh*t just to nerf the MC, sounds LEGIT!
And even worse, you made it happen exactly like in Canon where he would destroy his own arms when we know that in chapter 2 he didnt?!
That's BS, and it destroyed my interest in this story, BYE BYE!
aabhas.gangwar chapter 3 . 7/11
well tbh, it's not something I can read. aizawa was responsible for his hand he should be punished for that instead he took izuku for another test, he is a teacher he should know that stuff what his quirk can do to other. a student lost use of his limb cause of him and he is like what a waste of time, that's just bs.
sorry but I don't think I can really read something this stupid.
BitchBetterHaveMyHoney chapter 3 . 7/11
Setsuna/Midoriya pairing? I like this pairing a lot, even though it seems like I'm one of the few, so if it is then that's cool.
SentinalSlice chapter 3 . 7/11
What the F*** Aizawa! You just permanently crippled a student! Aizawa needs to face consequences! He can’t just injure a student like that and then say Izuku has another chance and everything is alright! Inko definitely won’t stand for that.
Dorngok Sekker chapter 2 . 7/11
What a refreshing sight it is as I return to this story just in time to see it continued. Thank you and hopefully we'll meet 'Nama' soon.
Mr. Obscure chapter 2 . 7/11
Awesome idea and story! Can't wait for the next chapter!
Cyberbeasttitan chapter 2 . 7/6
Don't even remember the original story, but this story seems a little... generic as far as MHA fics go.
StandUpKeepMovingForward chapter 2 . 7/6
Douggernaut chapter 2 . 7/6
Interesting quirk and story so far! Looking forward to how it develops!
The Keeper of Worlds chapter 2 . 7/6
Quite the interesting plot shift. I like it!
Emrys Akayuki chapter 2 . 7/6
Well I don't remember the original story, but I'm am looking forward to the next chapter of this new version!

Looking good. If potentially difficult to write development wise with how OP he already is.

Anyway, good stuff.
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