Reviews for Identity Crisis
Guest chapter 37 . 7/11
I have quietly followed your story upto this point and let me begin by congratulating you on such an intense piece. I have read it almost continuously since I starte it two days ago, unable to stop. But I have been forced to speak now. Throughout the narrative, I was able to comprehend that your grasp over the complexities of human emotions is amazing- the way you portrayed every new revelation, every new insecurity in every scene is beyond anything I'd expect on this platform.
But I was forced to speak up with this chapter, because though you have chose Sakura's self-actualization to be the theme of this story, with the relationship being a part of it, you have ultimately reduced the canonical Sakure (the one before and during the Fourth Shinobi War) to nothing but a dreamy eyed, naive and maybe even a pathetically shallow teen. Nothing more. All her actions that led her to this stage, the motivation that led her to become this great Shinobi who would die to protect her friends has been completely nullified once you relegated her main motivation, since the beginning i.e. her feelings for Sasuke, to being an idealistic belief in utopia by an immature girl. I find that to be very saddening as canonical Sakura wasn't simply this. Her love for Sasuke had been genuine, her attachment to him as a friend and as a teammate rivalled Naruto's. He was in every sense of the word, the first love of her life. I wish that during the portrayal of her growth you had made her acknowledge that while moving on towards the next step. Instead of simply brushing it aside as the naive workings of a girl's brain who was simply chasing the 'unattainable' dream.
mykaelamatsukaze chapter 52 . 7/6
The whole story is so damn accurate on what I felt whenever I see Sasuke and Sakura in Boruto. I love sasusaku in another way but not how I profoundly love KakaSaku. This story gave the justice I want for Sakura or any women out there suffering from the toxic ness of their marriage.

Thank you for this well written story!
Tarah6 chapter 52 . 6/16
Whew, I'm bit at a loss at what to say, really. One of the best post-war stores I've ever read, the ending made me literally laugh out loud. What a ride. pun intended haha Thank you!
Stxhac chapter 52 . 5/8
...That’s exactly how Naruto should have ended.

P.S. I binged this in about 7 hours. I’m literally speechless so I’m not even sure what to say in this review other than that was INCREDIBLE.
SoraAraii chapter 31 . 4/10
I in love with this story so far. It's unlike anything I've ever read. I love sasusaku but the way you write her with kakashi makes me wish they were actually a thing. I like how accurate this is. I can totally see something like this happening. Sakura would never have not married sasuke so something like this would have to happen for her to be paired with someone else. Also it's 1am right now and I can't stop reading!
Sweetpotato16 chapter 1 . 4/8
Ever since the quarantine, I have been finding comfort from reading a ton of fanfic. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for writing this piece. We readers tend to forget just how much effort and time is being sacrificed to bring forth this quality of work. This appreciation comment is the least I can do to express my gratitude. Thank you dear author for the wonderful read, and keep up the good work! Keep safe always
Dances with Willows chapter 1 . 2/19
This story was beautiful. I am sure over the next several years you will see the comments and favorites shoot up for this story. Beautifully written. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. I loved the growth, the depth of emotions, and just how truly wonderful the journey of your words were. Again, thank you. If you ever need a beta or anything else let me know.
SakuraKween chapter 24 . 2/5
I love that you write about sasuke and sakura. I do feel like it’s needed in the story, it is part of who sakura is and a mayor catalyst in whatever change she makes. It’s super heartbreaking to read them though and i feel the anguish in my heart, but that’s why i love it, cause you can relate to sakura somehow. She’s going through a lot and she’s allowed to be feeling so confused and conflicted
SakuraKween chapter 15 . 2/3
I’m actually really loving this story! I love how real everything feels and the slow character development. Because even though it could be considered relatively slow, there’s still a lot of movement and development in the story itself which makes it all still entertaining!
I love your approach to sakura’s and kakashi’s relationship. I feel like they would have a lot to connect on at this stage in their life. I’m not anti sasusaku, i actually read a lot of it...but the realistic part of me doesn’t really understand how they ended up together and how they are still together when sasuke is never there. So this whole story would only make sense. Sakura had been known for how caring and emotional she is, and she would need that back, which she doesn’t really get, not in the way she’d like.
Aaaaand I’m done with this long comment hahaha sorry
Gaby chapter 52 . 1/21
Ay me encantó esta hermosa
La historia me ayudó con algunos problemas la amo ️️️️
afeltyz chapter 52 . 1/3
I'm glad I waited until I could read the last of this uninterrupted.

An excellent cap to an excellent fiction.

Thank you for all your hard work and for not giving up after your hiatus!
Lorrayne Soares chapter 52 . 12/16/2019
Love it!
Guest chapter 52 . 11/21/2019
A sequel would be appreciated :D
Guest chapter 51 . 11/21/2019
Can’t believe it’s almost over :( this was so great!
Guest chapter 50 . 11/21/2019
A masterpiece!
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