Reviews for Roads Not Taken
Guest chapter 1 . 11/16/2015
So who replaces Geordi as Chief Engineer?
ArafelSedai chapter 1 . 8/17/2006
Such a sweet and fitting finale! Nice sendoff to everyone.
Pixenvixen chapter 1 . 10/18/2004
Bravo! Your command of dialogue/voice is pitch perfect, and I enjoyed the witty back-and-forth between the characters. Write some more Datafic soon!
Eve Robinson chapter 1 . 9/2/2003
You know, this is a whole lot more logical than having an increasingly superannuated crew continuing to rub along together...

Again you have Data's characterisation very nicely (though I don't think he would call her 'Liz' unless they were very definitely not on duty); I also particularly like his interactions with Geordi.

How nice to discover a(nother) good Data writer!

Melrick chapter 1 . 4/2/2003
I really liked that story. I think this attempt at Data was more successful than the previous two; more belevable and true to the show. I really enjoyed the interactin between Shelby and Data, and I enjoyed being surprised several times. The ending was unexpected, and I couldn't help but feel a little sad by it. I know it was essentially a happy ending, but the break up of the gang at any time would be sad for me. lol I enjoyed this one, well done and keep it up.