Reviews for King Koopa's Spitfire
sladerules chapter 31 . 7/13/2019
Welp, That was a long read, But definitely a Good one.

Granted there were some moments in the later chapters that made me Less Interested in the Story, But all in all, a Great Fanfic.
TheGhostlyRobot chapter 19 . 5/5/2019
Mario breaking the fourth wall and arguing with the narrator made me loose it! XD
Doctorplague115 chapter 31 . 4/15/2019
I loved it good work
riverraiden chapter 16 . 1/18/2019
...Okay, I found my next question. Where exactly did this whole Star Children thing come about in the first place? Is it another manga thing? And geez, Kamek's a friggen powerhouse. Hard to believe he's even older than Bower at times.

Also, go Luigi! It's kinda funny to see just how much Mario depends on him without realizing. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have succeeded in the castle by himself.
riverraiden chapter 5 . 1/17/2019
...Okay, I have a few questions for you, mostly on the informative side but first things first. I truly adore the way you write this story. You acknowledge the fact that not everyone who reads this is going to know how certain people look and do your best to describe just about everything in high-def detail. Sometimes it definitely feels like I'm watching a movie or something. That's a good thing, it means it's detailed enough to leave a clear picture upon what's happening.

Now... for my questions, if you don't mind? They'll mostly be on where to find out more about certain things. Also, love the introspection on the Koopalings and the moon. So informative, I love it!

What exactly is the Vibe Scepter, what did it do, and where can I find out more of it? That is to say, will I need to watch an episode or play a certain game to find it?
When did Kamek ever betray Bowser? Was it the Mario & Luigi series or somewhere else?
Morton seems to have more interactions with his siblings than I had guessed. Where did you see this happening? Was it in the main series for this or somewhere else?
I knew about Iggy's pet Chain Chomp, but when did he get neglectful to it? What happened when Mario and friends came across it? And which game or games was that even in?
When exactly did Lemmy betray Bowser and how is it not well-known? When does he try to get Luigi to side with Bowser?
"He is also shown to be as horrified as the others when witnessing the Sammer's Kingdom's destruction..." That one made me do a double take, as I have NEVER heard of this Sammer person. Could you tell me more about it? ...And maybe where it's from so I can take a look?
"In the fourth party Mario threw for all he knows,..." So does that mean it's from the Mario Party series? Which one?
The Dream Stone Nightmare? ...That would be... Mario & Luigi: Dream Team, correct? And Paper Plumber Problems is Paper Jam on our end?
Zero testarossa chapter 31 . 1/6/2019
i really liked the story but the was rushed and Lynsie was being mary su-ish
mailing60 chapter 31 . 11/28/2018
Now that I've chased the onion man away.

What a chapter. My goodness, that was really good. Thank you for this story lyn and I hope you have a good rest.

Mailing. xxx
Dragonfire prime chapter 31 . 11/27/2018
AWWW. I am glad I was able to be part of this journey with you!
-Dragonfire Prime
Nightmother chapter 30 . 10/19/2018
I had only discovered "I'm the bad guy" just recently, so I'm on a bit a kick with that song so this made incredibly happy. However she forgot to deal with her enemies first. Oh well. Mr L is scary.
Poor Lyn, she needs a vacation.
Nightmother chapter 28 . 10/18/2018
Oh geez what an emontional chapter. Oh Lyn Biwser is just being a good dad, well trying. What a creepy dream. Or premonition, or a view into another reality, who knows but it was very disturbing.
Nightmother chapter 20 . 10/17/2018
*hysterical laughter* oh i need to listen to Smash! By starbomb now. I love the references you're throwing in. The karting was cool, actually that was kind of how my first time playing mario kart went. Trailing the back to learn the track, then with luck pulling to the front. .didnt quite make it to first myself, but had fun for sure. Good to lyn could forget about her thing for heights once she got going.
Nightmother chapter 19 . 10/17/2018
I loved the fourth wall breaking and koopa sheldin had me snorting in laughter.
Sorry Bowser you cant have your cake and eat it too. Good to know Lyn has standards.
Nightmother chapter 17 . 10/16/2018
Meowser! Ah i cant handle the epic cuteness. When i first saw Meowser all i wanted to do was give him all the belly rubs and maybe mario on a platter.

Its good to see Bowser is getting over Peach.
FluffyBluBon chapter 30 . 10/16/2018
Yo so many references :D
Nightmother chapter 15 . 10/16/2018
Woo! Imma half way. I wouldnt hold your breath Lyn, many things couod go wrong by hanging with Peach
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