Reviews for Who I Used to Be
katbybee chapter 13 . 9/16/2019
I've read this story twice, and it was better the second time around. My heart broke for what Tim had to go through as a kid, but soared for the man he became, and for the family he found along the way.
Saissa chapter 13 . 12/5/2018
THat was a great story! I have had some of those same guilty feelings that Tim has altheough not for anything as bad as murder, not even in self defence.
Gibbs really should be a little more verbally supportive and maybe a bit more hands on - with hugs at the very least. Actions really do speak louder than words - for many people - including me.
brendafay chapter 13 . 12/10/2017
love it
mcgeeksgirl chapter 13 . 10/25/2017
What a great story, so glad Tim realized the team wanted him back and thrilled that Gibbs made Tim the offer to be his family. It's something both of them need!
velcrogg chapter 13 . 10/22/2017
Great story! I was pretty excited to see a new story. That's a lie, I was ridiculously excited to see a new story! So, I was wondering... it's almost Halloween, will there be a new halloween story? Please please!?
alix33 chapter 13 . 10/20/2017
Is the psychiatrist anyone we know already from the RL show? Like doctor Cranston?
AW! At everything that happened in Gibbs’ basement and at Sarah’s and Tim’s arrival at Gibbs’ house for Christmas. If I were watching this as an episode or bit of an episode of the RL show, I’d be in floods of tears.
EmilyAnnMcGarrett-Winchester chapter 13 . 10/20/2017
GREAT Story! I'm so glad Gibbs got thru to him. :)
ysubmarine chapter 13 . 10/20/2017
Loved the ending,almost made me only Tim has a family now,so does deserve it.
victoriantealady chapter 13 . 10/19/2017
Beautiful ending.
Yanagi-wa chapter 13 . 10/19/2017
Really, really good. I love the interaction between Gibbs and Tim. Excellent work.
delia cerrano chapter 13 . 10/19/2017
That was a great way to finish the story. Said something about where they were with each in their relationship and just about made me cry with how special these two characters are to me. Why? I don't know. I wish I had a "Gibbs" and I see something of myself in Tim I guess. Anyway way to go champ!
Rogue Tomato chapter 13 . 10/19/2017
Awwww. I loved this story. Papa-Gibbs is my favorite.

"A real Christmas, even if it was with Gibbs who wasn't a mushy, Santa-Claus type."

I liked that part a lot too. :)
VG LittleBear chapter 13 . 10/19/2017
Hi, family 101 for Gibbs - birthdays and Christmas. I can see how Christmas would mean the world to Tim. And Sarah is there too! A lovely ending to exploring Tim's character from a new viewpoint.
I can just see that Gibbs will be ever so surprised when he gets his first birthday cake. I'm pretty sure Gibbs didn't mean celebrate his own birthday, but family works both ways. :) As always, I appreciated your notes and answers to my comments very much! Thanks and cheers!
Runewulf chapter 13 . 10/19/2017
OK, I haven't got ready for going to the dentist, yet. ( Mine is a large cheerful Polish man). He is always in a good mood - most dentist are. Wonder why?
Anyway, I loved the ending. All endings are beginnings of course and Tim will find new reasons to love his life.
Momcat chapter 13 . 10/19/2017
Another wonderful story is ending, sniff. Was this chapter shorter than the others or did it seem that way to me ? Indeed Gibbs doesn't sound too willing to offer McGee himself as a family and being rejected so many times in the past, McGee can feel it. Gibbs being Gibbs he is even showing his offer like a necessity and not something he feels for. But I'm glad that Tim decided to accept it, after all he's used to Gibbs's ways. Tim's decision to come back to NCIS doesn't seem to cause a problem in paperwork. It's interesting, I never thought of making a connection between Tim's grandpa and Thom but they both acted the same caring way towards Tim. Gibbs welcoming Sarah too was nice and long overdue. I hope that the Johnsons will start to treat McGee more decently since he proved himself. I was half expecting them to find Tim's mom or other family members, apparently you weren't planning it. Maybe in a sequel ? Cheers.
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