Reviews for Of Fairy Princes & Demon Lords
vamplady019 chapter 5 . 5/25/2018
All's well that ends well. Too bad nobody punished Shoko, she deserves a visit from Karma in the form of premature aging, so Shobaka can tell her how ugly and an old hag she is.
vamplady019 chapter 4 . 5/25/2018
Karma is a bitch! And she gives back everything that it owes you! And unfortunately for Shobaka, it owed him a lot. Good going, Karma!
vamplady019 chapter 3 . 5/25/2018
Oh my gosh! Leave it to Lory to do something like that! I Love it! Love-mon President-san good job! The only thing that made me angry was that Shobaka! How DARE he said that kind of things!
vamplady019 chapter 2 . 5/25/2018
That was so cute! I Love it! A beautiful moment between mother father and son! Definitely a Kodak moment!
vamplady019 chapter 1 . 5/25/2018
Me like it! It is a very interesting beginning. Makes you wonder, what cold is Kyoko referring to, the one at the beginning of everything or was it another one.
Alex chapter 3 . 1/19/2018
soooo. kyoko was more relieved that she was able to marry a virgin? she is so innocent and cute. wanting follow old traditions and wait till marriage. high respects for her.
Guest chapter 5 . 12/7/2017
No ch on kyoko taking advantage of ren?

Love the story so cute
cleocat333 chapter 5 . 12/7/2017
My goodness that was absolutely lovely. And satisfying. Talk about a feel good read... Well planned & well thought out too - by both the Author & Lory Takarada lol! A very creative & original idea! I loved it!
PaulaGaTo chapter 5 . 12/6/2017
JAJAJAJAJAJA que Hermosa historia ..realmente disfrute leyendola!
Crazy4Animation chapter 5 . 12/5/2017
LOVED every word of this story. Simply amazing! Thank you so much for sharing it with us.
Love you so much and your work. I can't stay calm without reading your stories. Please keep them coming. I can never get tired of them. You are supremely talented.
P.S (Author-sama, please please please, post my requested story. I can't wait any longer :( Your mind is so sharp and creative you can dig the idea in no time {May evil eyes stay far away from you} Please please think of something soon and give me my treat to read :( please *puppy eyes* *up and down jumping like a toddler* Please, I'll be waiting }
Love your work so much dear. May you always stay blessed.
Take Care
Neha Verma chapter 1 . 12/5/2017
Sorry for the spelling mistake
"If He really was real, not just an animated character then I would have shot him to death. I hate him to that much intensity*
Neha Verma chapter 5 . 12/5/2017
Lovely! Beat the crap out of Sho
He is Despicable and filthy. He calls Kyoko a whore because he himself is one!
Scum bag! I hate him. You did well to show him his right place.
If I really was real then I would have shot him to death, I hate his character to that much intensity
brennakai chapter 5 . 12/5/2017
Thank you! You are amazing! You're stories always please!

I love that! Finally her 'brothers' (as she had always thought of them) were able to do what they have wanted to since thier first show filmed. I hope in the manga Sho grows up... but if he doesn't that is how i want him to crash & burn... with maybe Lory picking him up for LoveMe duty... or LoveMe spreading to other agencies.
Like that you included Reino in the restraining order. He isn't popping up often but he is another problem. Often forgotten, overlooked...
Nice that the show producer was... humbled... by the public reveal.
Kane is the best friend/sister Kyoko could ever want.
I want Hikaru & Chiori to become the couple i am sure they will be well matched. Just throwing that out there...
Thank you for the story
Your story lines are a gem always to look forward to.
psycobookcollector chapter 5 . 12/5/2017
Very lovely!
FlameDragonHime chapter 3 . 12/5/2017
Married without realising, classic!
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