Of Fairy Princes & Demon Lords

Chapter 1

The pain was unbearable. She was regretting every decision she had ever made, except for one perhaps. She shook her head and screamed. She took in a deep breath and tried to calm her mind, listening to the instructions that the soothing voices around her gave. One more time in the vice, another crushing, gripping, twisting pain wracked her small body, then it was over. Blackness, points of light, bright lights and a sense of calm, elation, joy and peace flooded over her. She was finished, it was finally over.

"Kyoko-san... it's a boy." The nurse told her as she helped her get comfortable and gently placed the little blond-haired, green-eyed sprite to her breast.

"Corn?..." She whispered in shock as she stroked her son's back.

"Kuon is a very nice name Mogami-san." The doctor complimented as she heard the proper way to say it, mistakenly.

Kyoko looked up at the professional woman with a bit of shock and nodded. "Y-Yes... Kuon... It's his father's name." She said absently. Now, she realized the truth? The man she had comforted in his sickness and possibly taken advantage of his hazy cold medicated state that produced this beautiful little fairy prince she held in her arms, was her true fairy prince and she wanted to kick herself for being so completely clueless.

This was worse than she originally thought. Had he not been the son of Kuon Hizuri and just Ren Tsuruga, she could have worked with hiding him from the world. There was no way anyone could mistake this tiny doppelganger for anyone but who he was. His father would know instantly if he ever saw him. The tears flowed freely from her eyes and she clutched the infant more closely to her.

What to do? What to do? Yes, she was keeping him, she had made that decision the second she peed on the stick and she saw the plus mark. What would the President say? He had known she was pregnant, but she never revealed the name of the father. He would most certainly know now. There was no way he wasn't aware of Ren's identity, he was his employer. She cringed inwardly.

If Moko-san saw baby Kuon, their secret would be instantly revealed to her and god only knows what she would do. Finally, as over-protective as her mother and Todoh-san had gotten over the past year... well, the jig was up to put it mildly. At some point really soon, everyone that didn't know... would definitely know that she wasn't on an overseas project. Her little project was snuggling comfortably in her arms, now nursing and his name was most certainly Kuon Hizuri, Jr. Just not officially.

Lory chuckled inwardly as he admired the beautiful infant behind the glass of the nursery. He shook his head. He had suspected for a long time that Kyoko wasn't the wanton, loose woman that she bemoaned herself to be. He was actually glad that Kuon-chan looked so much entirely like his father. It made giving the news to the two visitors that were to arrive within the hour so much easier and more convincing. No longer would a pseudo-father and mother have to pretend to be grandparents, they actually were and everything would soon be revealed. All he had to do now was figure out a way to convince them to keep silent on the matter for a little while longer, while he tried to convince the child's mother that the father would be more than happy from this new development. She had avoided him for far too long. For the past three months to be exact.

She had started avoiding him at month six when her tiny belly started to show signs of being occupied by the adorable little sprite. In fact, she had avoided everyone by taking a hiatus and only coming out in disguise to visit her closest friends. Her modeling jobs were taken under a pseudonym and she was never seen without a blonde wig, makeup and blue contacts. She had even gotten under the radar with quite a few commercials that way. Lory chuckled at that thought. She was definitely talented to be able to fool all of Japan and the people that knew her like that. She had used the name of the character she had first ever portrayed and her father's false first name, as her stage name, Chouko Kazushi. Not very creative, but very cleaver. Had anyone even suspected any of her secrets they would have known instantly.

Fortunately or, unfortunately, Kuon Sr. was just as, if not more oblivious than she had once been and never questioned her disappearance. He had only taken it for what it was, she was avoiding him and she was working on an important project. Things were absolutely about to start heating up for the pair though. Kuon was starting to dig. Lory's excuses and explanations were not satisfying his curiosity. It was only a short matter of time before...

"Boss? What are you doing here?" A cold shiver of what could only be described as fear clawed it's way up Lory's spine and pulled him out of his ruminations as he observed the squirming infant belonging to his godson. "Ren, what brings you to this little corner of the world? Are you visiting someone?" Lory tried to hide his nervousness.

Kuon looked into the brightly lit room at the only infant that stood out like a sore thumb with his blond hair, his 4 ½ kilograms and his 63 ½ centimeters. The largest baby in the room and his bed tag read: Kuon Mogami. The father's hands gripped the metal railing in front of the window tightly and he felt lightheaded. So, the memories of the dreams weren't what they seemed. They were a reality and the beautiful child before him, proved it.

His first thoughts were, Why didn't she tell me, and the most prominent and second thoughts in his mind were filled with shock and wonder, How on Earth did she give birth to a baby that big? Compared to the others, he was enormous. "Where is she?" He whispered to Lory. "Which room? They only had her listed in the maternity ward." He prodded.

Lory told him. Kuon turned around and nodded then headed for the nurse's station with a purpose. When he stopped in front of the ogling females, the first words from his mouth were, "I need to finish the information on my son's birth records and add him to my family registry. How do I do that?"

The eldest of the gaping fish, dressed in a nurses uniform, quickly regained her composure and answered. This was the biggest thing since the birth of Kuu Hizuri's little boy way back when. "The name of your son, Tsuruga-san?" She breathed out still trying to piece together all of this new Earth shattering information.

He smiled brightly. "Kuon Mogami. It will actually be listed as Kuon Hizuri, Jr. from this point on."

She nodded and pulled out the paperwork that was to be submitted in the evening and placed it on the counter before him. "You'll need to sign here, here and here. Then you will need to finished the paternity information on this page and sign here." Her small shaky hand gave him a pen when she noticed that he had been patting down his pockets for one.

He nodded to her. "Thank you." He took the pen and began filling everything out in front of the wide-eyed and stunned nurses. He flashed them his ID card and they nodded then witnessed the document, placing signatures stating so.

"Hiz..." The head nurse started, but he shushed her with an index finger to his lips.

"Tsuruga." He smiled.

"Tsuruga-san, if you wish, you can deliver the documents downstairs and they will enter the information into the system for you." She suggested, knowing that this was very sensitive information and he quite possibly didn't want anyone else handling it.

"Thank you, I think I will take your suggestion." He agreed as she placed the documents in a large manila envelope and sealed it, then handed it to the new father.

She smiled widely. "Congratulations on the birth of your son."

He chuckled as he took the envelope. "Thank you." He wrote his phone number on a small piece of paper. "Could you let me know when Kyoko is allowed visitors? I want her to get all the rest she needs before I see her."

The head nurse took the piece of paper, nodded, wrote the word "FATHER" on it and paper-clipped it to the inside of Kyoko's medical record to be added later. "Of course Sir. I will give you a call when she wakes up."