Reviews for Good Night, Sweet Prince
MirrorFlower and DarkWind chapter 1 . 5/18/2018
Damn you Loki just damn more tears
TiaKisu chapter 1 . 5/7/2018
I really like your reasoning! While Loki's death in IW was emotional his actions, that lead to it, were also utterly pointless and out-of-character. For my part I have tried to explain it with him sacrificing himself so that Thor has a chance for survival, but actually I think your theory makes even more sense. Giving Thor someone to avenge, someone who was closer to his heart than even Heimdall and his people were, means making him strong - giving him a purpose. That is truly something I can see Loki do, and it's a kind of reasoning that fits him.

Thanks for creating this little piece, and for sharing it!
The Wayfaring Strangers chapter 1 . 5/6/2018
I really enjoyed reading this! The Hamlet reference was aptly placed, and it made me smile. I like how Loki tries so hard to to think of another way out, but in the end it comes down to a sacrifice. That he doesn't want to die makes it so much more sad somehow. I also liked how you gave him a moment of closure with his last words to Thor.
LowTide1322 chapter 1 . 5/4/2018
Loved this! Great job
Moni Hasnone chapter 1 . 5/3/2018
So beaitiful and so sad. For a trickster god, I wondered why Loki didnt do much against Thanos. You put my thoughts to sleep :)
Erika H. Daae chapter 1 . 5/3/2018
This is so good! I love that the voice in Loki's head is Thor's! And I just love the idea that Loki realizes that by letting Thanos kill him, he not only gives the Thor someone to avenge, which he hopes will lead to Thanos's demise (which, in truth, would be a double win for Loki, since he destroyed Loki's life first, and has now decimated the remnants of Asgard), but also gives him what he always wanted: the (immortal) fame, and the power, and the glory! Well done!
OnePieceDoesExist chapter 1 . 5/3/2018
This was so good! I love Loki's thought process throughout this!