Reviews for SG-Harry
Edale chapter 12 . 7/20
This is a nice little sidestory. I could easily see 1 or 2 more omakes to finish the story up before they return to Lantis.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/28
Story sucks. You have no taste... I'm serious.
marius1117 chapter 12 . 6/20
i like it so far
BMeph chapter 5 . 6/12
Nice chapter.

Got any more? ;)
lonestar40k chapter 12 . 5/27
Holy crap that was an awesome omake
lonestar40k chapter 5 . 5/27
This is a very interesting story
BadReader chapter 12 . 5/26
This attempt at an omake ruined the story. If you make an omake, but make it stand alone, it becomes a chapter. A chapter that has skipped too far too fast and involved more crossovers out of nowhere. You should have made a seperate story or left it as an add-on to a regular chapter.

Also, if you are going to mix universes. Try and keep them similar. Live action with live action and anime/comic with anime/comic. Mixes types pulls readers out of the story and smacks their head into the fourth wall.

It's like cooking with a bunch of ingredients you like and expecting the end result to be something you like every time without considering that not all ingredients go well together.
soumilplays03 chapter 12 . 5/11
Worm? A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.
Calen chapter 12 . 4/22
YaY! Still enjoying this and looking forward to more!
Vallavarayan chapter 9 . 4/21
... a helicopter was able to confuse and evade an alterren drone? That makes no sense at all... did that actually happen in the show?
Vampiero101 chapter 12 . 4/13
Nice story. While I would have liked another chapter, I loved the sudden wormcross. Kinda interested to see how that ends.
Blackholelord chapter 12 . 4/12
Okay so beyond your omake, which was confusing as I am not familiar with. I like the story and hope for the continuation of your story.
Armiture chapter 12 . 4/12
That was a cool omake, I hope you do eventually write a Harry Potter/Worm crossover. I have enjoyed reading your story since I discovered it recently.
samics chapter 1 . 4/8
So so many grammatical mistakes, weird word ordering and what not...
MaverickCoyote9 chapter 12 . 3/28
This is really good. Could we get a conclusion. I know you might not want to get to get sidetracked from the main story but maybe you could write it as they are leaving the Worm verse.

Harry could flash back to show how they changed that world, just summarize events, or mix up both. It would allow you to write what you changes you imagined as much as you want without having to flesh out the entire time Harry is there.

I could be a single chapter or even an Omake. I am personally am curious about how your Harry and Atlantis would fix the world of Worm.

Which ever you decide, I look forward to reading your work in the future. Thank you.
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