A/N: Writing a HarryPotter/Stargate crossover is hard. Like...really hard. One of the two universes takes magic for granted and actively leans on the mystical wonders of the magical world, while the other explains 'magic' rather scientifically in whatever way is most convenient to the plot at the moment. On top of that, the SG-1 show spent so long doing so little other than teaching humans just how weird and hostile space is that altering that part of the timeline just doesn't seem like a good idea to me. The SGC kind of needs those years of desperate floundering and skin-on-their-teeth close calls in order to become the SGC that we all know and love. So instead of making this a story about how Harry guides humanity to the stars in glorious and boring fashion by the merits of his magical Alteran heritage, I decided to make my crossover about a Harry who has earned a place among the stars, happens across this little Earth-based organization with a cool interstellar portal, and desperately wants to join in the fun.

If that doesn't sound like your cup of tea, you should read my story anyway. Yes, you. The one who's already typing a flame review. If you don't read my story then you'll never be able to properly complain about how terrible it is without failing miserably, and I'll be able to ignore you in peace.

You've been warned.

(On a completely unrelated note, I do invite polite and well-structured reviews, especially critical ones that point out legitimate flaws. Just...please don't review my story if all you're going to do is whine about how much you don't like it. That doesn't help anyone, and it makes you look like a jackass.)

Harry's day started out normally, by his standards. He'd finished up his research on weather manipulation, something which had gotten far more in-depth than he'd expected; and with that done he performed the ritual which would take him to a new alternate reality. With his research complete there was no real reason to stick around, not when there was a whole multiverse was out there just waiting to be explored.

Then, he'd landed in front of a rather fascinating ring-shaped portal, one which managed to sustain the interdimensional tear from his ritual for an impressive three seconds after Harry came through. Upon investigation he found that this portal was designed for near-instantaneous wormhole travel to similar portals across interstellar distances, and Harry's ritual had only connected to it because the portal was a conveniently stable aperture for highly unstable interdimensional tears like the ones he summoned to travel between alternate universes. Wormholes were, in theory, quite similar to his ritual-created tears, but despite this Harry hadn't yet figured out how to get this portal to activate. The nearby console-type device had 39 unfamiliar symbols on buttons that glowed and made the portal-ring itself spin and...'dial' a corresponding symbol on the gate, but even though he could tell this was some sort of coordinate entry system for the portal network, Harry couldn't figure out any valid coordinate combinations. On top of that, the technology behind the portal was completely mind-boggling, and even seemed to utilize a form of magic in its workings, which Harry had long considered an impossibility. Harry suspected he may have stumbled on proof of his old friend's theory that magic could be explained in technological terms, once technology advanced far enough. It had only taken him centuries of exploration to find it.

If only he could figure out how the damn wormhole ring worked, maybe the discovery of such a potentially groundbreaking artifact would excite him just a bit more.

Now, Harry squatted in some ruins he'd found near the portal. He had no way of knowing whether the occupants of the ruins had built the portal or just used it, but the proximity of the ruins to the portal gave Harry hope that they'd at least known something about it. This was such a big breakthrough on the theory of what made magic work that Harry wasn't going to leave this reality until he fully understood at least the basics of how the portal operated. Unfortunately, so far all he'd managed to figure out was that the language carved into the ruins appeared to be based on a highly advanced form of latin, (it was actually similar to the dialect used in verbal spellcasting) and that the civilization had been so advanced that they actually carved things like "Caution, slippery floors may occur," in stone. And not only that, but their writing consisted of blocky runes that must have required something like laser etching to accomplish. Well that or, as Harry was beginning to suspect, the residents of these ruins had been able to use something similar to magic to carve their runes into stone however they wanted with barely a thought. Wizards tended to build simple structures out of stone for that very reason.

It was as he mused about the endless possibilities of a civilization that was advanced in both technology and magic that the floating robot hovered up and scanned him.

"Well hello there," Harry said, examining this newcomer. "What are you then?" If he was lucky, this robot could be a remnant of the civilization who'd built the portal. It certainly looked the part. The robot, a spheroid with a few appendages protruding from its body, didn't reply to Harry's question. Nor did it do anything else. It just...hovered there.

"So...I'm Harry," the slightly bemused wizard said, "What are you?"

The robot didn't hesitate to reply this time. "This prophet is a messenger from your god! You will treat it with respect!" a distinctly non-robotic voice shouted.

"You're a...messenger? From what god? But I don't know any gods. How can he be my god if I don't even know him?" Harry had a hard time respecting people who demanded respect. It just rubbed him the wrong way.

After the robot once again failed to answer, Harry spoke up again. "Right," he said, "do you mind if I run a little scan on you, because frankly I'd be fascinated to know how you work."

"This prophet is a messenger from your god! You will treat it with respect!"

Harry stepped back a bit as the robot's appendages twitched with irritation, and two rather energy-weapon looking appendages which had been idle before began tracking his movement. "Right," he said only a little sarcastically, "I will treat this prophet with respect." Glancing at the wand in his hand, Harry took stock of his situation. He'd just been examining the runes on the ruins visually, so he wouldn't be leaving anything behind if this prophet-bot started shooting at him and he had to leg it. Still, he didn't really want to provoke the thing, especially if it could somehow help him figure out how the portal worked.

"So if you're a prophet, what's your message?" Harry wondered aloud, "I mean, you must have a message other than-"

"This prophet is a messenger from your god! You will treat it with respect!"

"...yes, that. Do you say anything else?"

"Identify yourself!" A new voice demanded.

"Wait, you do say other things? You were holding out on me," Harry accused the probe playfully.

"Impudent wretch! You will treat the prophet of your god with respect!" The robot shouted, still in the new voice.

"Right, sorry. Erm...you wouldn't happen to have come through that portal back there, would you?" Harry pointed off behind him.

"You do not ask questions, shak'tar! Kneel before the prophet of your god!"

Harry didn't know what shak'tar meant, but he figured it wasn't very nice. Slowly losing hope that this prophet would be of any help to him, he began to say, "Alright, I tried being nice. Look-"


With barely a crackling hiss for a warning, the robot opened fire. Harry hastily cast a shield, which cracked and broke almost immediately under the weapons fire, but he knew better than to trust a shield against unfamiliar weaponry and had already ducked behind the nearest pillar for cover by the time his shield failed. Harry idly hoped that this pillar hadn't had the information he was looking for as he carefully moved so that the pillar stayed between him and the probe. The robot was slowly circling the pillar in an attempt to get a clear shot at him, firing all the while, and in the process it was likely annihilating most or all of the runes that had been on the pillar. As Harry glanced mournfully at the lost ancient writings, he noticed something interesting.

"These are plasma burns," he said aloud. Then a plasma blast whizzed past his head and he hastily ducked around the pillar, continuing the deadly game of chase-me-round-the-tree.

Plasma weapons, Harry thought to himself. That explained why his protego had gone down so quickly, it was only designed to absorb spellfire and kinetic energy, not the heat a plasma weapon gave off. Fortunately, Harry had discovered a handy solution to that problem a while back. He quickly conjured a large transparent sheet of reinforced ceramic material, strengthened and lightened it with some quick enchantments, and then attached it to his left arm. Thus protected, he stepped out from behind the pillar and took aim at the robot, casting a brilliant blue bolt of lightning that overloaded several systems and caused a critical shutdown. As the robot dropped to the ground, Harry felt a distinct sense of anticlimax. A few shots from the robot had impacted his conjured shield, but they'd been completely ineffective.

"You know," he mused to himself, "getting shot at is never dull, but I must say that you weren't much of a challenge. Almost makes me wish for the good old days, when getting into fights meant my life was on the line…" Harry sighed aloud. "Oh well, let's see what we've got here."

He squatted down and began to strip down and examine the robot. As he did so, the feelings of disappointment only grew. The technology was light-years behind the portal's design, and the thing seemed to be more of a scavenger than a prophet, designed for exploration and salvage. The only really interesting part was a long-range communications array capable of communicating over distances of nearly 100,000 light years. This array, apparently, was what had allowed the 'prophet' to start speaking intelligently instead of just shouting its pre-programmed message at him. So in all likelihood, whoever created the probe knew how to work the portal network. Unless they had a ship capable of interstellar travel and they relied exclusively on that, but Harry doubted that was the case. The robot was a cobbled-together amalgamation of a lot of different kinds of technology, as though it was designed by scavengers who would use every little bit of useful technology they came across for their own purposes.

So Harry set to work, carefully using some delicate spells which had been designed for this exact purpose to decode the drone's programming and attempt to pinpoint the method it used to activate or travel through the portals. It was entirely possible that the portals were activated by something other than the drone, but this was the best lead Harry had gotten all day, and he preferred working with technology over the prospect of ancient writings on broken-down ruins.

Before he'd made much headway, unfortunately, he heard the sound of plasma weapons in the distance, met with the unexpected sound of standard Earth machine-gun fire. Were there more of these robots? That promised trouble. Harry looked speculatively at the robot he'd gutted.

"Well, you weren't much trouble, but it sounds like you brought friends. Maybe they'll get the old adrenaline pumping, eh?" Harry conjured another full-body shield, enchanted it to be bulletproof (just in case) and took off running toward the gunfire. And, he realized, also in the direction of the portal. Had these newcomers come through the portal? Coming to the top of a low hill, Harry paused and lay low, surveying the situation. Two soldiers had taken up a defensive position by the portal, and were slowly working their way toward the nearby console, as though their plan was to use the portal to retreat or call for backup. Seeing his chance to finally figure out how the portal worked, and noticing that the plasma weapons used by the armored enemy bearing down on the soldiers were quite similar to the ones on the drone he'd come across, Harry decided that he needed to assist the underdog in this situation.

Taking a moment to choose a spell that would achieve his desired effect, Harry stood up. Wand movements were always tricky when he was lying down, and the spell he had chosen was quite a finicky one. Mentally preparing himself and taking a calming breath to steady himself, Harry allowed his mind to drift back to some of his more disturbing memories.

"May heaven help me but...I summon theeee, servant of olde." Harry chanted the latter part in guttural tones, waving his wand in a manner that would have appeared random to the uninitiated. The effects weren't immediately apparent, but then one of the armored warriors stepped into a newly forming black puddle and tripped, dropping his staff weapon. Then, slowly, the black ooze flowed up the warrior's leg, engulfing the poor man. As the warrior disappeared into the ooze, the beast's eyes began to pop to the surface. Harry winced. That wasn't a pleasant way to go. Knowing that the armored warriors would be busy for the foreseeable future, Harry ran across the open battlefield toward the soldiers he'd just saved. They were looking at the ever-growing black ooze in shock and mild horror.

A/N: Yes, Harry just conjured up a shoggoth to deal with a bunch of Jaffa. And since he knew exactly what he was doing, it worked exactly the way he wanted it to. This ain't his first rodeo. Or even his first shoggoth.

"What the hell is that?" one soldier asked the other, having missed Harry's approach.

"Telliki-li," Harry replied, unable to resist. Both soldiers started violently and pointed their guns at him. Smiling, Harry held out his hands in a universal gesture of peaceful intent. "Relax, boys, it's helping out. For now. Look, I'm a bit...lost here, and I figure this portal we're standing next to is my best way off the planet. Do either of you know how to work it?"

The soldiers exchanged worried glances. "Who the hell are you?" One demanded.

"Who cares who he is," the other interjected, "we need to call for backup, fast! Wells isn't going to last much longer, especially with all these Jaffa everywhere!"

Harry frowned. "You have a man down in the field?" The two soldiers didn't say anything, but the looks on their faces were enough. "Right, stay here. It's probably my fault these 'Jaffa' guys are here anyway. I'll go get your friend, you call for backup!" Not giving the soldiers any chance to respond, Harry took off running, keeping his ceramic shield between him and any visible threats, idly casting a few spells at the black ooze to ensure that it didn't become overly dangerous until after he was long gone. Hopefully. For now, the ooze would be content to absorb the armored warriors slowly, one by one, having disarmed and enveloped the poor bastards before they really knew what had hit them.

Moving past that scene, and trying not to think about it too much, Harry listened closely and once more heard the crackling of gunfire, this time from within the ruins. Running towards it, Harry cast a disillusionment charm on himself to add to the element of surprise. Then he charged around the next corner, wand blazing with a wide variety of offensive spells. Jaffa fell left and right, some struck with massive boils, others beset by dozens of flying snakes, but most simply knocked to the to the ground in various states of unconsciousness. After about 10 seconds, Harry stopped casting and took stock of the situation. Armored bodies littered the ground 30 feet in front of him, several Jaffa were running away, and one soldier in the same uniform as the other two he'd met was crouched over another soldier who was lying on the ground. Wells, Harry presumed. He dropped the disillusionment.

"He got by those bloody plasma blasts, didn't he?" Harry asked aloud. The crouching soldier warily nodded. "Right, well, I know a thing or two about plasma wounds, and I'm willing to trade my services for a ride off this planet. Do you think we can come to an agreement?"

The soldier looked at him nervously. "Who are you?"

Harry smiled reassuringly. "My name is Harry Potter and I'm from Earth, just not any Earth you'd know about. Now, how about I take a look at your friend and see if we can't get him out of here?"

The soldier looked at Harry doubtfully, but stood and got out of the way.

"Good," Harry said. "Now," he muttered to himself, "let's see how bad you are." As he examined the sizeable plasma burn, he began waving his wand over the wound and casting general anaesthetic and disinfectant spells.

"What's that?" the other soldier asked sharply, suddenly pointing his machine gun at Harry.

"Relax," Harry said calmly, "this is a wand. It's...sort of an all-purpose tool I use to channel magic. I'm using it to ease this man's pain and protect him from infection."

"Ain't no such thing as magic," the soldier stated firmly, "How's this wand thing work?"

Harry sighed. "Well, I'm actually not overly familiar with wandlore, but I can tell you that it contains the tail feather of a rather impressive phoenix, and this feather allows it to effectively channel my magical power. I'm the source of the magic, the wand merely helps me direct my power more precisely. Now, would you like me to help your friend or not?"

As Harry said this, the man in question groaned, slowly returning to consciousness. "Who...are you?" The soldier asked weakly.

Harry placed a calming hand on the soldier's uninjured shoulder. "I'm Harry, and I'm here to help get you out of here. I suspect that I'm also the reason a battalion of Jaffa were poking around here, so I feel a bit responsible for your injury. Now, tell me, where do you feel the most numbness?"

The wounded man stared at Harry in confusion. "Why...why doesn't it hurt?"

"I've numbed your wound," Harry explained, "the less sensation you feel, the more pain your body's in. I've just tricked your mind into inverting the pain. Now tell me, where do you feel the most numb?"

The soldier squinted as he processed what Harry was saying. "My shoulder...and it's spreading into my chest."

Harry swore. "All right, don't panic. I'm going to have to levitate you a bit to help drain the fluids. This won't hurt a bit, and it should help with that spreading numbness." Harry gently lifted the man off the ground with a spell, rotating him so that the internal bleeding would drain away from his internal organs. This display of magic drew a gasp from the uninjured soldier, but Harry ignored that as he cast a few spells designed to slow the metabolic process for deep meditation. They wouldn't do much to help the healing process, but they would slow the internal bleeding and keep the man stable as they got him to safety. "All right, I've stabilized him but he'll need professional help. Keep an eye out, I'll get him back to the portal." As Harry lifted the man and cast a more sturdy levitation charm, something occurred to him. "You...are planning on withdrawing through the portal, right?"

Before the soldier could answer, his radio crackled to life. "Bosworth, Wells, backup is on the way. What's your situation?"

As they ran toward the portal, the man replied, "I don't think we'll need backup, sir, we've received assistance from some kind of…magician, I guess, and he's helping carry Wells back to the gate."

There was a stunned pause. "A wizard? You mean that black-haired freaky guy?"

Bosworth glanced over at Harry, who was currently levitating a man as they ran. "Yeah, I think so, sir. He says his name is Harry. We should be at the gate in 30 seconds, Bosworth out."

"Acknowledged, Bosworth, I'll alert the SGC."

The radio went silent, and before long Harry, Bosworth, and the injured soldier crested the final hill and caught sight of the portal, or what these soldiers called the 'gate.' One of the men Harry had talked to before was pressing the symbol buttons on the console, and the other was nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly, a massive wave of energy burst forth from the portal, collapsing into a blue event horizon similar to the one Harry had stepped through when he came to this reality. Harry felt a thrill of excitement course through him. He was actually going to get to see how it worked!

The soldier who'd dialed the coordinates fiddled with something on his wrist. Then he looked up and saw Harry, Bosworth, and the man Harry was levitating. "Woah…" he said, taking a moment to inspect the hovering soldier. Then he collected himself. "Right Harry, I don't know who you are, but you say you're trapped here, and you've helped save one of my men. For that, I'm inviting you to leave with us. You interested?"

Harry felt a goofy smile form on his face. "Are you kidding me? I'd be delighted!" He looked at the portal in admiration. "After you?"

The soldier stared Harry down for a moment, probably hoping that he'd made the right choice in trusting the strange man he'd just met, before he nodded. "SGC, this is Col. Dixon," the apparent colonel said into his radio. "We've got Dixon and Wells, and we've picked up...something of a friendly local. Proceeding through the gate." Then the man ran through the event horizon, followed closely by Harry and Bosworth.

Travel through the portal was...unpleasant. Harry was familiar with the mechanics involved, as he used similar tears in spacetime to travel between dimensions, but the portal's wormhole felt...colder than his inter-reality ritual. It compressed him down to a mere thought and shot him across the universe, completely impartial to his feelings on the matter. As he came out of the portal, Harry resolved to find a way to refine the process, because the ability to travel across interplanetary distances in an instant was one thing, but Harry preferred to travel in comfort.

He was distracted from this train of thought by a small woman asking, "What...how are you doing that?"

Harry looked her up and down. She wore a long white coat and was leading a team of medical professionals with a stretcher. This was the medical help the wounded soldier needed, and she was being distracted by his levitation spell. "Magic, my good doctor," Harry explained simply. "He was hit in the shoulder with one of those plasma weapons, and he's got a bit of internal bleeding in his chest. I slowed his metabolic process to reduce blood flow, but he needs professional help. I assume that would be you?"

The woman stared at him for a second before a mask of professionalism dropped over her face. "What did you give him for that?" she asked.

"I used a series of spells which was designed to aid in deep meditation. It reduces the speed of his heart and slows his whole body's metabolic process. I didn't give him any drugs, if that's what you're asking."

The woman looked at him speculatively, but seemed to grudgingly accept his explanation. "Well then, if you could get him on the stretcher, I'll take him from here."

Harry easily floated the man onto the stretcher and released the levitation spell. "He's all yours, ma'am. Give him my best wishes." Harry would have directed his last comment at the man himself, but the meditation spells had lulled him into a stupor.

As the medical team took off down a hallway, a bald, rotund man stepped forward. "And who's this, Colonel?" he asked.

"This is...Harry, sir," the colonel replied, "he summoned some ungodly creature on the Jaffa that were attacking us and then proceeded to single handedly retrieve Wells and Bosworth from their position, where they were surrounded by Jaffa."

Harry examined the rotund man. He had an air of command about him, two stars on each shoulder, and he was the only military man in the room not dressed in field greens. This was the man in charge around here. Stepping forward, Harry offered held out a hand. "My name is Harry Potter, and the colonel's story is quite right. Perhaps summoning a shoggoth wasn't the best idea, but it did subdue the Jaffa. And it was the least I could do to help your men out, as I suspect that the robotic probe I came across on that planet was what brought down a battalion of hostile warriors."

The rotund man looked at Harry's hand for a moment before shaking it firmly. "I'm Major General George Hammond, and I'd like to offer you my thanks. It sounds like you more than made up for bringing the Goa'uld's attention to that planet, and you may have saved Airman Wells's life. That means a great deal to me."

Harry nodded graciously. "Well, my motives weren't completely altruistic. I was...sort of stranded on that planet, and I'd been trying to figure out how to access this portal network," he said, gesturing to the dormant portal behind him, "your men were kind enough to get me out of there. For that, I am most grateful."

General Hammond frowned. "If you didn't come through the Stargate, how did you get onto that planet? Do you have a spaceship?"

Harry smiled as memories of his time piloting spaceships were brought to mind. Shaking them away, he said, "Well, that's actually a long and rather complicated tale. Do you have a place where we might discuss it in detail?"

"Ah. Yes, as a matter of fact we do," Hammond said, gesturing to the door opposite of the one the medical staff had used. "Airman Halling can take you to our briefing room while I attend to a few matters of my own. I'll be with you shortly. Oh, and Halling?" Hammond turned to one of the many well-armed soldiers in the room.

"Yes, sir?"

"Keep him away from the camera crews. This qualifies as an ongoing mission in my book, and I don't want it getting out."

"Yes, sir!" The airman saluted the general before turning to Harry. The wizard amicably allowed himself to be guided through a control room of sorts and up a set of stairs to a well lit room with a video screen, a long table, and several well padded office chairs. Harry was impressed. He'd been expecting a military briefing room to be more...austere. In the corner, he noticed an American flag next to another flag he didn't recognize. On the wall was an emblem similar to the one on the unfamiliar flag, with a prominent rune-like inverted V shape over something that resembled one of the glowing protrusions on the portal that had brought him here. The letters 'SGC' were printed above the overlapping shapes. Harry wondered idly what it all meant.

"Admiring the emblem?"

Harry jerked away in surprise. General Hammond had entered the room while he was distracted. "I was just...yes, actually," the wizard said, desperately trying to calm down. "Sorry, I must still be a little jumpy after the murder-bot with built-in plasma canons."

"The murder...bot?" Hammond asked tentatively.

"Ah," Harry said, "I should probably start that story at the beginning, shouldn't I?"

And so Harry sat in one of the surprisingly comfortable chairs as the general took his seat at the head of the table. "The first thing you should know about me," Harry began, "is that I'm from an alternate reality. So while I'm from Earth, I'm not from your Earth, and I don't yet know exactly which details are different about this one." General Hammond didn't look as surprised about that as most of the people Harry told his story to, so he continued. "The most significant difference, or at least I assume it's different, is that I come from an Earth where there's a secret society of witches and wizards, hidden away from what you would call the 'normal' world, but what we called the muggle world. And really, we hid from them because there were too many of them and not enough of us. The genes that grant me magical ability are mostly recessive in humans, and that lead to difficulties maintaining a stable population, let alone trying to encourage population growth. It wasn't as big of an issue when we could intermingle with muggles, but our version of the Salem Witch Trials caused the entire magical world to go into hiding.

"So understand that when I say I was born with magic flowing through my veins, I am in a sense telling the literal truth. Magic is more like something that one summons from the ether through a conduit that only a witch or wizard has access to, but the genetic code for that conduit does indeed flow through my veins. Whether or not that makes me the next evolution of mankind is...debatable." Harry stopped there, having realized he'd gotten a bit off topic. That was a bad habit of his, but he had been a researcher for so long that he just couldn't help himself.

"Are you saying that you...know how this magic of yours works?" General Hammond asked in a slightly awestruck voice.

Harry was surprised. Usually the people he talked to, especially military people, would have told him to shut up and get to the point by now. But this general, it seemed, was different.

"Well, I've been studying the inherent properties of magic and technology for years now, actually." Harry said. "It's not something most witches and wizards even bother to ask about, but a friend of mine got me wondering about where magic comes from when I was in school. Several years later, after some unique circumstances sort of...took over my life, I found myself in the unique position of being able to start an extended research project of sorts into the matter. It's been more than 300 years since then, and I must say that my research led me to a great many fascinating conclusions."

General Hammond looked like he'd been given exactly what he'd always wanted as a child at the tender age of fifty, and couldn't get over just how amazing it was that his wish had finally been granted. "Well...I don't know what to say. My men tell me that you're a capable warrior in the field, that you saved them from an incredibly perilous situation, and that we're frankly quite lucky to have you around. I can't even begin to imagine what someone like yourself would want from a place like this, but I imagine that my superiors would bend over backwards just to get you to stay."

Harry blinked. And then he blinked again. These people...wanted him to stay? That was a first. "Well...actually General, I was hoping to study that portal we used to get here." Harry said, "I've never seen anything like it before, and I suspect that I've finally found a technological device capable of utilizing magical energy without short-circuiting. If I'm right, then just the existence of such a device would be a breakthrough the likes of which...well, back home I'd be even more famous than Merlin! If you're willing to let me stick around and study the mechanics of your Stargate and any similar technology you have lying around, I would be delighted to share some of the many things I've learned among my travels."

The look on George Hammond's face in that moment could have lit up a whole house, it was so delighted. Harry got the feeling that this would be the most pleasant universe he'd been to in quite some time.

A/N: Hoo, boy. I wrote this whole chapter on an iPod. No, not an iPad. An iPod. Did you know that you can download Google docs onto a modern iPod? It makes sense when you think about it, but the marvels of technology still amaze me, especially since my iPod is so old it doesn't get iOS updates anymore. Anyway, school just got out, it's summertime, and my SG-Harry plot bunny has finally escaped its cage so that I can tell its story to the world. No promises on a strict upload schedule, but I should have chapters out on a fairly regular basis. I've decided to eschew all other responsibilities and be a writer this summer, because I'm lucky enough that I can just...do that if I want to. And also, now that I'm focused on writing, I have a decent idea what went wrong with each and every one of my other stories (they lacked good theming to drive the plot) and I've figured out how to put good theming into this story. I hope.

tl;dr, it's summer, I have free time, and this story won't go the way of the poor, abandoned fics that haunt my published stories page because I've cracked down on the real problem this time...I hope. If this fails...well, it won't. XD

Best of wishes,


;; sidenote ;;

as it turns out, using an iPod to post chapters on this freaking website results in formatting problems. (spoiler alert for the later sidenotes, I found the actual problem. It wasn't my iPod, funnily enough) So the Author's Notes weren't bolded, and I didn't even know about it. *internal screaming of authorial rage* I believe I've fixed the problem now. If I haven't, we can only blame Steve Jobs, because the laptop I'm borrowing is still an apple device, just like my uncooperative phone and iPod. (Steve Jobs is innocent of all his crimes. I'm sorry apple fans, but I still don't like their current business model.)

;;; sidetone the second ;;;

*deep calming breaths, feauxen* as it turns out, you just can't put bolded text into the document editor on this very frustrating website. fuck my life.

;;; hey look, a third sidenote ;;;

I'm home now. I have a proper computer. My formatting can be its old self again now. I am content with the world.

;;;; sidenote...the fourth ;;;;

I'm submitting an error report now. The problem is this damn editor. It's lost the ability to keep bold text bold during the saving process. *repressed internal rage escapes in a surprisingly expressive sigh of repressed internal rage*