Reviews for Slipping Through my Fingers
SMEADE chapter 20 . 6/6
Thanks for the happy ending. Great read.
SMEADE chapter 19 . 6/6
This has to end with them getting back together.
SMEADE chapter 18 . 6/6
Big brother Elliot took charge and crushed Elena and I loved reading every word. Elliot is right the family needs to know what happened to him at 15 yrs old. Elliot defined what love is and Christian passed with flying colors.
SMEADE chapter 17 . 6/6
Great chapter can’t wait to read what he’s going to do to get Ana back. She made the right decision by leaving everyone needs love even Christian Grey.
SMEADE chapter 16 . 6/6
This was one powerful chapter. Why is he telling Ana all of this he’s the one that said he doesn’t do the girlfriend thing. He is realizing just how much Ana means to him and he doesn’t want to loose her because deep down he’s fallen in love with her.
SMEADE chapter 15 . 6/6
How is Christian going to explain to Ana what Elena said about “You don’t have a heart, I’m the one who taught you boy, Don’t think you’ll ever be able to teach the master?”
SMEADE chapter 14 . 6/6
What is his plan bringing Ana to this gala? Could it be that once people see her as Christian Grey’s girlfriend she has to stay his girlfriend and that’s the excuse he’s looking for for her not to leave him.
SMEADE chapter 13 . 6/6
He doesn’t want her to get involved with his family even after they break up BUT would you promise to go to the gala my parents are having with me in two weeks. He can’t let her go and I’m guessing he’s not going to.
SMEADE chapter 12 . 6/6
Christian keeps on saying don’t worry when we break up I will tell them it’s my fault but will he break up with her “I don’t think he will.”
SMEADE chapter 11 . 6/6
He can’t stay away from Ana and he knows deep down in his gut that what he’s feeling just being with her he’s never felt before but the big question what is he going to do about it.
SMEADE chapter 10 . 6/6
Elena trying to still control him but she made the biggest mistake by going to see Ana and threatening her to stay away from him. Will he tell Ana his past relationship with Elena when he was very young.
SMEADE chapter 9 . 6/6
Great chapter Ana standing up to Elena calling Christian and getting some answers but not enough. How is he going to explain his relationship with Elena to Ana.
SMEADE chapter 8 . 6/6
Can’t believe someone walking into another persons home would not call out their name before walking in on them in a very embarrassing moment. Ana meeting Elena and having very uncomfortable vibs just by her staring at Ana.
SMEADE chapter 7 . 6/6
Christian feels comfortable talking to Ana about his childhood.
SMEADE chapter 6 . 6/6
Christian is opening up to her I wonder how long before he realizes he likes the idea of Ana being his girlfriend.
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