Hi everyone! New story for you guys. My first time in the FSOG fandom but I've been reading these fics for a while. Good news is that this story has almost entirely been written! So no worries about it going unfinished. It will be! I only have a few chapters left. This fic will get updated like once or twice a week but I'm not going to keep myself to any schedule, so sometimes it might even be more than that. It will go out as I edit it, but there will also be some time since I still need to write the last bit. I am also working on my first novel so this is more of a side project to that. But the one thing to take out of all of this is that it will get done!

Hope you all enjoy the story and enjoy my new take on FSOG.

"Where are you?" Kate asked in way of greeting as soon as Ana picked up the phone.

"I just got to campus," Ana closed her car door of her beetle, giving it an extra shove when it stuck. She needed her rust bucket to survive until she could afford something else otherwise she would become a slave to public transport. "I have class in an hour and was going to go to do some work for the paper."

It was going to be the last edition that Kate and she would ever run since they would be graduating in two short weeks. Ana was planning on going in this morning to start on the layout. Every other article was in right now except for the one that Kate was working on, the pinnacle of their journey at WSU and it had a space of honor right on the front page. Ana and Kate were going to go out with a bang. The only student newspaper ever able to successfully secure an interview with one of the world's top CEO', a local celebrity—well as local as Seattle was from Portland. He was also notorious for not giving out interviews and Kate scoring this… well it would certainly make it tough for their successors to even come close to competing.

"Aren't you supposed to be on the road?" The interview wasn't until three and she only had a four-hour drive but Kate is never one to leave things to last minute and chance.

"I need your help, Ana." Kate dissolved into a heave of coughing fits. Ana paused on the front steps of the journalism building. Now that she wasn't moving she could hear the rasp in Kate's voice. "I'm sick."

The world stopped. "Kate, what the fuck, the interview is today!" Ana moved to the side, back turned to anyone else that was entering the building. There weren't too many due to the early hour and how close they were to finals. Classes were still in session but everyone knew they were optional, most students choosing to stay home and study there.

"I know. I just woke up." Ana frowned, knowing that Kate was a lot worse off than she probably sounded if she just woke up because that meant she had slept through her alarm, something Ana didn't even think was possible for Kate to do. "I need you to come to my house to get all my material so you can do the interview. You can even drive my car. I filled up the tank and everything, it's just waiting to be taken to Seattle."

"Why aren't you asking Jessica?" Ana asked even though she was already making her way back to her car. Kate lived close to campus but time was already of the essence.

Jessica was their other reporter and one of the more capable ones on staff.

"Do you really want this article to go into the hands of someone who's not a senior? This is our departing statement. Our goodbye to WSU and the paper and a way to tell them good luck on ever being as good as us. You think they're going to be able to top an interview with Christian Grey? Yeah right! This is all us Ana and I'm not about to give it to a junior." Kate coughed. "Please tell me you're on your way."

"Of course I am." Ana slipped into her car. "I'll see you soon. Have everything ready to go for me."

"It already is."

They both hung up and Ana started her car.

"This is everything you're going to need," Kate said, shoving a stack of papers into Ana's hands. "Make sure that you record it with your phone but you have to ask, you can't just do it without his permission or knowledge."

"I have done this before," Ana replied, taking the papers from her hand. "Everything will be fine; this isn't my first rodeo."

Kate breathed in through her mouth, the snot in her nose making anything else impossible. "I hate you so much right now."

Ana smirked, folding the papers into her chest. "I love you so much right now."

Kate growled. Ana's smirk grew wider.

Ana's giant crush on Christian Grey was a well-known fact in the newspaper staff and Kate had heard the most of it, especially after Kate was given the go-head for the interview. Ana's ideas had gotten more and more outrageous on ways to get herself included into the interview or secret ways that Kate could videotape the whole thing.

"You're going to be professional right?"

"Am I ever not?"

Kate sighed but let it go knowing that Ana was right. It was the reason that Kate was still letting Ana do this despite her crush. They both knew Ana's crush was mainly for amusement than an actual belief anything could possibly happen between them—and the fact that the man was ridiculously hot. Ana wasn't conducting the interview with the secret goal of gaining a boyfriend or possible engagement ring, but to make sure that they would have a fantastic article. Kate and Ana had worked tirelessly to give the WSU paper the reputation it had today and Ana wouldn't throw it all away on the small chance to get a date.

"Okay, get going. I'm going to be wallowing here in misery over the fact that my interview just got stolen. Keep me up to date with texts!"

"Of course," Ana replied, keeping the rest of her jokes to herself. She knew that Kate was seriously bummed out about getting sick now and could only imagine what it was like. This interview was all Kate. She was the one that had persevered with GEH to make this possible and now she couldn't even be there to the end. "I'll make sure to bring everything straight back to you so you can start writing it up."

Kate nodded. "Looks like you'll be doing a heavier editing than you expected."

"This whole thing is different than either one of us expected but it's still going to be fantastic and that's why we make a great team."

"Yeah, yeah. Get out of here. I can't have you being late and leaving a bad impression. I did call ahead so they know you're coming through but still give both of our names just in case."

"Sounds good," Ana opened the door. "I'll see you later."

"Break a leg!" Kate's words were cut off by the doors closing.

Ana quickly made it out to Kate's car that was sitting tight and ready in the guest spot. It wasn't normally parked here, but Kate often complained how far away parking was and while the residents could get fined for using the guest spot, Kate had obviously chosen her priority. Soon Ana was on the road with all of her material in the passenger seat next to her.

She would be skipping commute traffic and still be arriving with plenty of time to stop at a café, grab a tea and study up. She knew most of what the questions were going to entail, familiar with Kate's articles and having done enough interviews of her own.

Ana was the editor in chief of the WSU paper having taken it over from Kate when she had transferred in from her community college. Money had always been tight and Ana wasn't the type of person that wanted to be working for the first ten years of her life to pay off a student loan. By going to the community college, scoring enough scholarships, working part time during the school year and full time during the summer had scored her an exit ticket with almost no debt.

She wouldn't regret it though she would always wonder a little bit how her life would have been different if she had gone straight to WSU freshman year. She'd been accepted then, one of her few allowances was letting herself apply despite knowing she wouldn't be going either way.

Ana had met Kate during her first month on campus when she had finally hunted down the professor in charge of the school newspaper. Kate had already been the top dog, doing almost everything herself. She wanted it to look great on her resume, but it had to be great in the first place for her to accomplish that. Ana had been looking for the same thing though her focus had been the editing side of the paper and not so much the journalism as was Kate's focus. After a trial run the rest was history.

Ana started taking over more and more of editing allowing Kate to step back further and further until she could focus on finding incredible stories without having to worry about the rest of the paper floundering. The rest of the staff had slowly stepped up when they realized that they had become a legitimate school paper that other students were actually reading. Even Ana sometimes did an article or two of her own, though was less than pleased when it was because of a lazy staff member and not simply because she wanted to.

You better be there.

Ana smirked down at Kate's message.

Just got here. Cool your britches. I'm heading to a café to study up now.

Like you need to study.

That got a full laugh from Ana. It was true that she certainly wouldn't be studying much about who Christian Grey was, but more of the focus for this article. This interview was the highlight of Kate and Ana's years together at the WSU Newspaper and Ana would never mess up her and Kate's career chances because of a silly crush. She would squish down her feelings and fangirl after the interview.

Ana gaped up at the building in front of her. She hadn't been able to park in front and thus had plenty of time to admire it as she approached. She had known the building was amazing, but hadn't even realized until she could compare it to the rest of the ones on the block. GEH was the top dog and if you didn't know it you certainly did as soon as you saw it.

She had known Christian Grey was rich, it was one of the only reasons he had made it onto her radar. Not because she only stalked rich and famous people but because she wasn't as up to date as Kate when it came to the news. Most of her information actually came from editing her own newspaper and whatever Kate told her.

Christian however, was certainly hard to miss despite being known for his low profile. It was simply next to impossible for someone with his level of success and looks to maintain the level of privacy that he did, yet somehow, he managed it. It did mean that when he was photographed somewhere or showed up at some type of event, everyone heard about it.

Even Ana.

The crush had started out simple—if it could even be called that. She hadn't even known she had one at the time. She saw a picture of him and wanted to know who he was. After a little bit of internet research she had a name and company behind it. Slowly she had gained more and more information about the man, even put him on google alerts to make sure she found out anything new as soon as it came out.

Soon enough it simply became a joke amongst Ana and all her friends that she was going to know anything regarding Christian Grey. She would wax poetic during meetings until they all told her to stop talking and was the first to point out one of the various charity that GEH donated to. And now Ana was one of the few people in the world who would have to privilege to actually meet their celebrity crush.

She was smoothly ushered through the front desk and following desk of another lavish office until she stood face to door with Christian Grey's office. The man himself the door she stood in front of. Ana forced herself to breath. This was going to be the most important interview of Ana's life. She was reminded why she wanted to be an editor and not a journalist. Her hands were shaking and she really hoped the Christian Grey wouldn't see them.

"You can go in now," the assistant said to Ana the second time. She'd introduced herself as Andrea when Ana had walked in and was probably thinking Ana was an idiot.

Ana gave her a shaky smile and turned back to the door. Andrea might face billionaires every single day but Christian Grey would be her first. She schooled her features and opened the door.

The office was just as opulent and tastefully decorated as the rest of the building, giving a whole new description to the word luxury. It was large with a wooden desk close to the window with seating in front of it for guests. Luxurious, modern and cold were the first words Ana would use to describe it. Here Christian Grey meant business.

The man himself stood in front of his floor to ceiling windows, turning when she walked in and offering a small smile that barely reached his eyes. He was just as handsome in person as he was in pictures. Ana pressed her hands into the papers she was holding, really hoping he couldn't tell how nervous she was but already knowing the futility of the action. The only way she could describe the way Christian Grey was looking at her was dismissive.

"Ms. Steele," Christian Grey said, holding out his hand, his face taking on an impassive quality that left Ana having no idea what the man was thinking. This man could have been a poker player if running a company hadn't worked out.

"Mr. Grey," Ana said, his hand was warm in her own. She reminded herself to give the correct amount of pressure. Not too little but not too much. Just enough to make her presence known.

Mr. Grey didn't react either way.

At least she'd got the name right. She'd been quick to note how everyone else talked about the big boss, only using his last name. She couldn't remember the last time she'd addressed anyone so formally besides her professors on the first day of school. They'd all quickly reassured their students to simply call them by their first names. The English department at WSU was extremely close and informal.

"Please, take a seat." Mr. Grey motioned towards the black leather couch, taking a seat opposite in one of the equally stiff looking arm chairs.

"I wanted to start by saying thank you so much for this opportunity," Ana began, laying out her papers in front of her and sitting back with her pad of paper and pen. She waved her phone. "Would you mind if I record this?"

A beep interrupted before Mr. Grey could say anything. He stood and made his way to his desk, pressing a button on his phone. Andrea's voice filled the office. "Mr. Grey. Your next appointment is in fifteen minutes in conference room A."

"Very good, Andrea." He punched a button and silence settled around the room once again, Mr. Grey staying perched against his desk, making it clear he would not be taking a seat again. He waved for Ana to go on. "Start asking your questions, I don't have much time."

"…And the recording?"

"That's fine."

Ana bit her lip, refusing to ask why he'd accepted in the first place but knowing that even fifteen minutes with the man was more than anyone else had ever scored. She wished that Kate had never gotten sick and she could have stayed in her blissful crush filled bubble of admiring Christian Grey from afar.

Ana placed her phone down on the table after clicking on the recording app and cleared her throat. "To what do you owe your success?"

Mr. Grey looked less than pleased. "Really?"

"It's a leading question," Ana said before she could catch herself. She cringed and cleared her throat, wishing she could take back her defensive response. This interview was going all stages of wrong. She looked down at her notepad. She didn't need it. She did need the respite from Mr. Grey's gaze. It felt like the man never blinked. "Okay, next question then—"

"No," Mr. Grey interrupted, looking as interested as Ana could tell. She had never met someone so unreadable. "What were you saying?"

Ana hesitated for a moment before finally replying. "It's a leading question." She waited to see how Christian would react, continuing at his look of interest. "A feeler question, you could call it. All interviews start with something like that to get a feel for the type of interview that is about to be led. To let me know if this is going to be a chatty one, more like a simple conversation that I will then go back and pick out the pieces of information I need or if I will need to be guiding it more. Asking all of the questions and pushing us in the direction of where I want to take it."

"Where would you think this interview is going?" Mr. Grey's eyes were still indiscernible.

Ana shifted in her seat, crossing her legs. She regretted the action immediately, wishing that she had just put both feet on the ground but now she was self-conscious and forced herself to stay as she was. "A guiding interview."

"Why is that?"

"Multiple things." There was no point in her stopping now. Either this interview would work out or not, but not answering his questions was the last thing she needed to do. "The most obvious factor was your assistant announcing your next appointment. You didn't set out a lot of time for this interview wanting to make it clear to me that I was on a time crunch—which I am now wasting," Ana waved her hand in the air with a self-deprecating smile. "Also, your response to my question was very telling and you haven't been very talkative for most of this, so…" Ana trailed off, wondering if she'd gone a bit too far at the end but otherwise not caring. Mr. Grey didn't seem like the kind of man that was going to get his feelings hurt over lil' ole Ana. He ran a multi-billion-dollar company. About to graduate undergrads were least likely his worries.

Then Mr. Grey did the absolute last thing that Ana expected.

He leaned back over his desk and pressed a button on his phone.

Andrea's voice filled the office once again. "Yes, Mr. Grey?"

"Andrea, cancel my next appointment."

Ana gaped, eyes going from Christian's phone to Christian. "What? No, you don't have to do that—that wasn't what I meant."

"Relax, Ms. Steele. Believe it or not, I am allowed to manage my own schedule, despite what others might think." He offered her a smile, it was smaller than the one he had given her upon greeting but much more authentic. Ana was practically gaping as Christian Grey took his original seat. "Now, where were we?"

Ana's responding smile was tentative, only growing bigger when she realized that Mr. Grey's offer was serious.

The rest of her questions went smoothly, Ana elaborating on some while skipping straight over some of the ones that Kate had written down that she deemed unimportant for the way that the interview was going.

"You're a real life superhero Mr. Grey. Saving the world one company at a time." Ana said with a fond smile as she put her pencil down and closed her notebook on top of it.

She'd be finding a café nearby as soon as this was over to go over them and make sure it was all legible for Kate; along with footnotes of how she thought it should be written. Kate and her hadn't done this often, but enough times to know how to make it the least painful for both of them so neither felt like they were getting their toes stepped on.

"That's the first time anyone's ever called me a superhero." Mr. Grey said with a considering gaze.

He'd loosened up during the interview. It wasn't much, only a slight relaxation of his body and let his facial expressions opening up a bit more. If it was anyone else, Ana would have still been quick to critique their closed off-ness but Ana had watched all the interviews Christian Grey had ever given and examined all of his photos. This was the most open that Ana had ever seen him and she was giddy from the knowledge that he had opened up to her of all people. That she, Anastasia Steele, had been able to get the ice king himself, Christian Grey, to loosen up.

"I'm sure it's been said about you many times, just probably not to your face."

"What does that mean?"

"You can be a bit intimidating… not everyone would probably want to use such fluffy words around you."

"But you do?"

"What can I say? I'm too awed by being in your presence to be watching my brain to mouth filter." Ana leaned over and shut off the recording. "I can't thank you enough for this opportunity, Mr. Grey. You have no idea how much you've made mine and Kate's day—uh, Ms. Kavanagh's."

"The tenacious Ms. Kavanagh, daughter of Eamon Kavanagh, who will be joining Kavanagh Media upon her graduation of WSU."

"Uh," Ana blanched. She chuckled awkwardly. "Yeah. You certainly do your research. I didn't realize you looked up the people that interviewed you. Or were supposed to."

"It pays to do so, especially when it comes to relatively unknowns requesting an interview and not taking no for an answer." It was only because of the last half hour that Ana knew Christian wasn't mad, simply stating a fact that bore little consequence to him, if any.

"Ah, yeah. Guess me showing up wasn't that great of a surprise then. Kate does apologize. She ended up getting sick and I'm her replacement. It was a last minute switch though we did make sure to inform your assistant."

Mr. Grey waved away Ana's concern. "You wouldn't have been allowed in the front door if anyone had noticed anything of conflict."

Ana nodded her head up and down, the feeling of awkwardness returning.

"What will you be doing after graduation, Ms. Steele? Perhaps, joining your friend at Kavanagh's Media."

"Oh, no." Ana barked a laugh. "I prefer to be much more behind the scenes. I've applied for several internships at local publishing houses here in Seattle."

Mr. Grey tilted his head to the side, a movement that Ana had learned meant interest, despite how miniscule the action was. Mr. Grey made all the right actions, they were just much more controlled and refined than anyone Ana had ever met before. "You won't be continuing on as a journalist? Scoring an interview with me is no easy feat and will get you noticed by many different companies even if it was only for your school paper."

"That was Kate's idea," Ana nodded. "She'll be the one writing our article not me. I'm just the editor in chief but this article was Kate's and my baby. We couldn't let it go to one of the underclassmen."

Mr. Grey didn't say anything for a moment, eyes trained on Ana's face but not looking directly at her eyes. He cleared his throat, grey eyes meeting hers once again. "An interview with Christian Grey will certainly be hard to follow up."

Ana couldn't stop the smile from reaching her lips as Mr. Grey repeated Ana's exact same thoughts.

"Perhaps I should hire you for my PR team, you certainly know a thing or two about good interviewing skills. I wouldn't have to be so worried about what statements they were going to release."

"I hardly doubt that your PR team isn't up to standards," Ana replied offhandedly.

"But not for you?"

"Uh—no! That's not—I, uh, didn't realize that was a job offer?" Ana had no idea what had happened to this interview. She cringed immediately. Of course that hadn't been a job offer and now she was making an even bigger fool of herself than she had been at the beginning.

"You wouldn't be interested in an internship at GEH? Even one of our short term ones would set you apart from any other candidates wherever else you chose to apply in the future."

Ana opened and closed her mouth. "I—I—thank you for the offer but I already applied at the other places and while the opportunity here would be fantastic it doesn't quite fit into the field that I'm looking for." Ana nodded to herself. That sounded professional enough for this strange scenario that she found herself in.

Mr. Grey considered her, hand resting against his chin, one finger stroking his lips in a very distracting manner. "Whoever you end up working for will be incredibly lucky."

Ana smiled her thanks and waited for Christian to start the closing statement.

"This must be a stressful time for you as you get closer to all of your finals and wrapping up the end of your year. Have you been having lots of celebrations with your friends?"

Ana blinked when she realized that Christian wasn't shooing her out the door. "It's definitely a crazy time," she replied. "Finals. Saying goodbye. Knowing that I won't see some of these people ever again. Are you still in touch from anyone from college? I know you didn't graduate, but that doesn't mean you didn't make any friends. I only have one friend from my high school and kept none from my community college. Just the way it worked out." She lifted one shoulder in a shrug. "They were good friends but we were just friends of convenience. Not that anyone likes to hear that. I'm pretty sure I know the ones that I'll stay in contact with and the ones I won't."

"That's something I haven't thought about in a while. I haven't kept in touch with anyone from my college days," Mr. Grey said after a moment of thought. "I was too focused on getting my company up and running I suppose."

Ana smirked. "I suppose that gives you a good excuse."

The phone beeped. "Mr. Grey, your next appointment is here."

Mr. Grey as already moving towards the phone by the time that Andrea had finished. "Cancel it, Andrea."

"Oh, no!" Ana said, leaping to her feet and scrambling for the rest of her things. "Really, you don't need to do that."

Mr. Grey stared at her for a long moment before nodding his head. Ana breathed a sigh of relief once she was no longer in his direct line of sight. Intimidating was definitely the word she would use to describe him. He pressed the phone button. "I'll be out in a moment, Andrea."

Ana stared at him a moment longer before she realized that he was waiting for her to go. "Oh, um," she moved all of her things into one arm and stuck out her hand again, "thank you again for the interview. We'll make sure to send a copy out to you as soon as the story is finished which should be right around commencement."

Christian nodded, taking Ana's hand. Was it her imagination or did he hold it a moment longer than he needed to? Finally, he released it. "I'm certain that I'll see you at your graduation."

"Umm. Well, I mean yeah. I'll definitely see you." Ana fought the cringe. Of course he would see her. He was handing out diplomas. Ana was already moving to the door, knowing that her face was bright red.

"Here," a hand popped in front of her holding a white card.

Ana took it tentatively realizing that it was a business card. Christian Grey's to be exact. She stared at it in amazement then up at Christian.

"I'll make sure to keep an eye out for a copy of that paper. I look forward to reading the article." He held open the door for Ana.

It took her a moment to finally walk through with a farewell that consisted of a wave, Ana not knowing what words to even say anymore. She wanted to question him on the card that he handed her but didn't know what to even ask. Instead she found herself fumbling to tuck it in with the rest of her papers as she walked towards the elevators, all too aware of Christian Grey on her heels. That entire situation had gone a lot more differently than Ana had ever expected.

The elevator opened and she walked in. Her breath caught when she turned and realized that Mr. Grey was standing right in front of her.



The doors closed.

She breathed a sigh of relief as soon as the metal doors were between her and the rest of the executive level. She pulled out her phone and immediately dialed Kate's number, grateful that the elevator wouldn't be stopping at any other floor for the ride. She was riding in Mr. Grey's personal elevator and that meant that no would else would be able to get on until it was at its destination.

"Tell me it went well," were the first words out of Kate's mouth when she picked up the phone.

She was sounding worse than she had been when Ana first saw her this morning, her voice even hoarser. Ana grimaced when she heard Kate blow her nose. Ana had never been a fan of snot. The worst time of the year for her was when cold season hit and all of her classmates walked around wiping their nose with their sleeves and only tissues if she was lucky.

"I think it's safe to say that you are going to have a fantastic article."

Kate breathed a sigh of relief. "Ana, you are a freaking light saver. I can't believe that you were able to do it. I mean I can, but you know what I mean. It all went well and he answered all of your questions? How long did he give you or did he just make you wait forever? I knew that he wasn't going to give long but it's been over an hour. You couldn't have been with him that whole time."

Ana almost felt smug as she reported that she did in fact spend it with him the whole time.

"You suck!" Kate said with a groan. "Still crushing on him?"

"I think my crush just got even bigger. You're never going to hear the end of it."

Kate groaned and hung up, only making Ana's answering laugh grow even louder.

Find me on Facebook: rebeccaegan007

Twitter: rebeccaegan007

Instagram: rebeccaegan007

Let me know what you guys think!