Reviews for Miss You Like Crazy
OlivineWK chapter 4 . 11/29/2018
Yay, thanks for writing this upGlad to see that Fuyumi at least is already warming up to the whole situation. Will you be doing some post-graduation bits too? Like if Izuku become said sidekick or opens his own hero agency (or maybe join Endeavor's). Also I think it'd be really funny if there was something with Hawks trying to interact more with Fuyumi and the parents try to stop that.
FANactic Writer chapter 4 . 11/29/2018
Eh we need the sad part to appreciate the happy ones. Love the chapters!~
Midnight Angels Say GoodNight chapter 4 . 11/29/2018
Hugs all around!
Rekboi chapter 4 . 11/28/2018
My freaking heart melted, seriously, holy crap, I'm in literal shambles. Your stories right now are quite possibly my favorite that I've read on this site and I can't even begin to quantify my adoration for these verses you're bringing to life. I wish there were more stories like this, they're so darn rare so thank you for continuing it. Would LOVE to see a full family outing, possibly an event of some sort (Christmas is coming up!) but something to include a very wholesome family get together, man that'd be incredible!
SereneideLys02 chapter 4 . 11/28/2018
kyaaa ! They are cute * - * (I think my glucose went up) Izuku is like a little light that illuminates everything in its path (and I know, I have a friend like that)
Poor Hawks xD with father-in-law Enji.
FANactic Writer chapter 3 . 11/24/2018
This was adorable!~
Rekboi chapter 3 . 11/13/2018
I'll be totally honest with you, I was hoping so bad to see this exact scenario when I first started reading your writing and it was everything I hoped for! Great hecking work, ignore the flames and keep on creating these incredible pieces! I'd love to see the whole Todoroki crew delve into this further, especially with Izuku becoming a father figure to Todo in class, heck. Thanks for continuing to write!
AltMassITBC chapter 3 . 11/9/2018
Loved this~
OlivineWK chapter 3 . 11/8/2018
I kind of want to see Izuku around the Todoroki family more (and their relationship with their new step dad? I supposeP
SereneideLys02 chapter 3 . 11/8/2018
Oh my God! thanks for updating * - *.
One thing he asked me ... how did these children react when they found out that our cute green hair cinnamon roll was their father's partner?
How did Enji know? ... doubts, doubts
TemPexal chapter 1 . 10/28/2018
Pls Die all of you who likes this.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/27/2018
All y'all motherfuckers who like this need help.
SereneideLys02 chapter 2 . 10/27/2018
I love! please do not make negative comments, you write very well and everyone likes it.
keep it up!
Rekboi chapter 2 . 10/27/2018
Dude holy heck, I'm so darn happy you updated. I've never read any other EnjIzu stories and yours is so darn adorable. I wish we could get more of this pairing, especially from you. However, I appreciate that you're willing to update regardless of frequency or at all. Thanks for writing again, take it easy, can't wait for more from you! :D
Little Miss Firebright chapter 1 . 10/8/2018
The age disparity made this creepy beyond belief. This is just straight up pedophilia, no way around it. And yeah, yeah, don't like don't read, but it sort of needed to be said.
Your grammar is (mostly) on point by the way, and you've got at least the basics of descriptive writing down, but any talent you may have is wasted on such a gross couple. Plus literally everyone was extremely out of character. Sure, you couldn't have Endeavor be sexually attracted to a tiny teenage boy without OOCness, and sure, it'd be difficult to have Todoroki react realistically to a his DAD dating his male friend in a story like this without ending in murder, but again, it needed to be said.
I'm sure you're capable of writing a decent story, but in summary: ew. Justify it all you want, but this is gross.
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