Reviews for Winter's Warmth
FrostyChops chapter 10 . 8/13
So very, VERY happy to see this back to being updated, this story is honestly brilliant. Also completely agree with your Authors Note, seriously the only good thing about RWBY is the fanfiction that comes out of it.
Guest chapter 10 . 8/11
Welcome back, your excellent writing has been greatly missed.
7ima chapter 2 . 8/13
do you know what a pun actually is?
Guest chapter 10 . 8/10
Well, take this from someone who was dumb enough to go into literature, you write a good story.
Guest chapter 10 . 8/10
It is very good to have you (and this story) back; however, having lost the interest for the show like that, you are likely to eventually lose interest in this story as well (personal experience). In that case, consider putting it up for adoption
Just my two cents, for what they're worth (much less obvioysly)
Majin Othinus chapter 10 . 8/12
Greetings from Philippines!

I can understand your sentiments in the AN. I dropped RWBY the very moment I saw the giant robot. The only good thing I can gleam from V6 were the Apathy episodes. Jaune has been a part of the cast but has shown little to no improvement. Whivh is baffling because he managed to hold down a direct strick from a Nuckelavee but be totally useless in other battles? HARD PASS.

From what I've read Jaune and Ruby were supposed to be the main protagonists of the show according to Monty, I guess we can only dream of what it could've been.

Anyways... welcome back! I had to reread the whole fic to remember what it was about, but that fault is on me for forgetting. I'm enjoying how things are shaping up for the cast. Can't wait till the next update.

Didd23 chapter 10 . 8/12
I haven't watched rwby since the end of S4, so you're not ruining anything. Looking forward to some new Jaune and Winter moments.
srosnan99 chapter 10 . 8/12
Dude don't worry, criticising something is easy and creating something is hard. But that doesn't mean the criticism isn't warranted. You seem to love the series and films and that should give you more than a right to convey your dissatisfaction.

Wholly the RWBY show was made essentially by an amateur. But it was portrayed as such, and people didn't have a problem with it. They should have stick to their strength and try to build from that.
Lord Matthew chapter 10 . 8/12
Good Story!
drolo1998 chapter 1 . 8/11
We miss you mate, continue the good work ! :))
Sapoman chapter 10 . 8/11
RWBY was basically just Monty saying "Hey, teenage girls fighting monsters in a fairytale world would be cool" and people running with the idea. Plot was a tertiary concern and worldbuilding didn't start until several volumes in. RT itself is falling apart. I don't think you'll find many people who disagree that the fanwork the show has spawned is better than the show itself. Personally, I think a lot of the failings of the show came about because after Monty died, they moved away from his "rule of cool" (which wasn't THAT great of a method to begin with) and tried to make it a political lesson. However, part of the failings of the show can actually be placed on us fans. We all got very into the world and the fanfiction, and seem to have almost expected some Lord of the Rings level worldbuilding and logical adventure, which RT just isn't capable of and was never going to attempt. Resolving that deficiency by continuing to try to make the kids know better than everyone else, and thus everyone else having to be brutally incompetent, was a poor move. Especially how they treated Ironwood, who has been right literally every step of the way, and yet nobody realizes it and they've almost made him another villan. RWBY haven't been the main characters since halfway through Volume 3. Even before then, in some ways. They should just acknowledge that and focus back on the new plot they crafted at that time, which is the war between Ozma and Salem.

Regardless, I'm enjoying your story, so I do hope you continue it.
Macabre Stranger chapter 10 . 8/11
Welcome back! I feel the same as you for the most part as I am not really enjoying the main show anymore. Adam you had so much potential than angry 1 dimensional ex... But I still eagerly consume fangirls as everyone is so creative! Very happy to see this return in any functionality!
Uday Sra chapter 10 . 8/11
Devilmaycry17 chapter 10 . 8/11
Yeah that sums up RWBY perfectly. Dude if you took a path that completely diverges from canon, you know, with diff character developments, back-stories and plot in general I would respect you even more. Waited so long for the update and was not disappointed. But I do hope the next one comes in a bit faster.
P.S. Your grammar is very good. Take it from a guy that spends half his day reading.
Reiki27 chapter 10 . 8/10
Thank you for the chapter, and while I am a RWBY fan, it doesnt mean that you cant create your own headcannon, or universe, or storythis is a fanfic after all, so things like nobility being a thing, holding greater power than even the SDC and all their wealth and shares of dust can even become an arc in your story, if is not already, with maybe, fongers crossed, Jaune being an even bigger noble than all that appearedbtw, love the interactions between your chatacters, Jaune and Weiss whispering at each other good friends was nice, and... Nora caring to Weiss was amazing as well. btw, on the prologue, you told us that Winter's gaze could be compares to Glynda Goodeitchwould this means that the hidden boss was Nora all along!?
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