Reviews for The salvation of the new world, is in the hands of the old
Monster King chapter 9 . 6/15
Review dude chapter 9 . 3/6
Just take your time and work at your preferred pace. You will get nowhere if your stressed out, and the last thing us readers of this story want is for you to rage quit. So again, just take your time and relax, the chapters will flow to you eventually.
LiberationPentagon5 chapter 3 . 3/2
Fantastic job, dude! Keep it up!
Review dude chapter 8 . 2/6
Nice to see that you're still alive and well. Keep up the good work, but don't rush yourself!
Guest chapter 1 . 2/5
Why is the capital of the hegemonic west in Maryland? Maryland is on the east coast of North America.
Also in the next chapter you say that menagerie is in the south west. All official maps of remnant from rooster teeth have menagerie in the South EAST corner of the map. Do you have east and west backwards or am I just reading this wrong?
gavinlinville chapter 1 . 1/18
HY TEXAS! YOU DAM MILKSOCK! o and good...….
Madpro32 chapter 6 . 7/2/2019
So no ones going to mention the fact that the US has iron man suits
saymyname chapter 6 . 6/29/2019
Kushmaster5000 chapter 6 . 6/29/2019
Are you talking about Elfen Lied Lucy? Cuz I was only five years old when that came out so I really wouldn't know it.
Guest chapter 5 . 5/29/2019
DERPITY DERPY DERPY DERP I DIDN'T KNOW LUCY HEARTFILIA WAS GONNA MAKE AN APPEARANCE! SO NOW NOT ONLY DO THE FOUR KINGDOMS HAVE TO DO DEAL WITH THE USA BUT NOW THEY HAVE TO DEAL WITH FAIRYTAIL? THEY FUCKED! LOL sorry about that I just really really really had to do that. In all seriousness this is a great story and no I am not saying that because I am a diehard American patriot (I am indeed a diehard America patriot but still that is not the main reason . . . to everyone thinking "boi shut up" yeah yeah) but because the plot and everything is so damn good.

Kushmaster5000 signing off and looking forward to what happens next.
Guest chapter 5 . 5/11/2019
Dear p3rc4rwby i have been enjoying this story of yours since chapter one having The United States in the world of remnant as i can’t wait till the kingdoms meet The U.S i will have to wonder will it be on the battlefield against each other or a common enemy but then again would Atlas see them as enemies or someone to make an alliance with but if they try to attack us they’ll have hell to pay and fighting against a country who has fought in two world wars, survived two civil wars and so forth keep up the good work and i will keep checking for new chapters of this story and codex.
Review dude chapter 5 . 5/11/2019
While we all know that the U.S. military could roll over Atlas in two weeks to a couple months max, we don't need to drop the hammer on Atlas to show our power to Remnant right off the bat. We could ironically show our nations power peacefully by showing Remnant the one thing they have yet to achieve that America has practically mastered: Space flight.

By televising a space shuttle launch by NASA at Cape Canaveral for all of Remnant to see, we can achieve multiple goals from one action alone:

1. We will show the existence of the United States to all the people of Remnant.
2. We will prove that the U.S.A. has more advanced technology than the other kingdoms, especially Atlas.
3. We could promote peace by offering to let the scientific communities of Remnant participate in our space program and maybe even invite some scientist from the other kingdoms to accompany our astronauts on a new moon landing mission.
4. The U.S. president could bluff Atlas and any other aggressive Kingdoms into peaceful submission by saying that the U.S. has weaponized satellites deployed in orbit over Remnant, and that we could wipe them off the map at the push of a button without a second thought.

If the last point fails, then we can drop the hammer and ask "Who's next?" after the stars and stripes are flying from the enemy kingdoms smoldering capital building.
halo is bad ass chapter 5 . 5/11/2019
Let me guess, the two guns are called the Joshua's and the Jackal from hellsing
Firem78910 chapter 4 . 3/31/2019
MERUCA F #$ YEAH! *sighs* ok i got that out of my system i have to say the US in remnant is a good idea so can i say add plasma rifles
Kushmaster5000 chapter 4 . 3/12/2019
YES! GO AMERICA! SHOW OUR SUCCESSORS JUST WHAT IT MEANS TO BE FAIR AND JUST! . . . and I wonder just how the hell Vale is gonna react to the USA . . . maybe Ruby actually becomes a citizen of the US or . . . plot twist she ALREADY IS AN AMERICAN BY BIRTH! Also maybe add some OLD SCHOOL tech to it? Like the P-47 Thunderbolt and the B-17 Flying Fortress? Salvation of the new world in the hands of the old wouldn't that actually be quite appropriate? Oh and for WHEN the four kingdoms do meet the USA we could use the threat of nukes raining down on them? Not an actual threat we would use more like an empty bluff. When in doubt put on your best poker face and bluff as best as you can.

As always this is Kushmaster5000 signing out and looking forward to seeing what happens next!
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