The salvation of the new world, is in the hands of the old

Chapter 1: prologue and "timeline"

In the far corners of the galaxy, exists a planet named Remnant, in this planet exist 4 kingdoms, Vale and Vacuo (Sanus), mistral (Anima), Atlas (Solitas) and Kuo Kuana (Menagerie) , where the main 4 kingdoms (A) are at "peace", as well with the other humanoid species of the planet which were name, Faunus, these people look like humans but with a single difference, they have traits of a animal, that range from animal ears, tail, skin, claws and many more.

But this is "peace", is not because of peace relationships with each other, not because the economy, because of a "creature" that lives in this very world, nobody knows where they came from, that the only (so far) mission that has is to hunt and the kill all humanity and there are known as…


They come in multiple forms, the beowolf, boarbatusk, nevermore, creep, death stalker and many more. the only thing that is known about the grimm is that, the older they are, the more powerful they become. Scientists from all over the world have always dream about experimenting with the Grimm, but this task has been met with complete failure, because after the Grimm are kill, they disintegrated, living nothing behind to study.

But this wasn't always like this…

A 1000 years in the past, Remnant didn't even exist, but what really existed in her place was the planet earth, where there were more than 100 different cities, millions of humans living in all those cities, where Faunus and Grimm didn't even exist and the only thing that humans fight were themselves, but all that change in the year 2016

During a meteor shower, a asteroid impacts the moon which cause the debris from the impact to go strait to earth, causing damage mostly in America and Europe, after that scientist say that everything is going to be fine, but anomalies start affecting different parts of the world, which is later identified that a fragment of a brown dwarf was what hit the moon and that because of that the moon is stuck in our gravitational field, which made that the moon starts going in spiral directly to earth.

But, thanks to the professor/scientist Alex Kidner machine that creates electromagnetic pulse, as well thanks to the ASEP (American space elevator program) that uses a prototype of nanowire that is highly conductive, that will be launch through a GPS guided cruiser missile, with is converted to a cooper plasma warhead, which will detonated in the moons core to magnetize the moon's core, which will eject the brown dwarf (like a + magnet, with another + magnet), which all the mechanism and parts will be manufactured in earth, but ensembled in the moon and the personal have to be train in less than 3 weeks.

After the training the mission is a go, with a team of 8 people, which they have 7 hours to build, which they would succeed, with 2 casualties, from malfunctional equipment. Then with the missile launch, it detonated in the core expulsing the brown dwarf, but at the same time the explosion of the missile made that ¼ of the moon separated itself from the moon.

The end of the world was stop…, but for how long.

2 years later a new apocalypse arrived and this one couldn't be stop, from all around the world earthquakes and volcanos started to appear and later tsunamis and even a few big debris from the cracked part of the moon. The entire world was decimated by it, killing millions or billions of people.

The only country that wasn't affected massively was the unites states, but even if they do survive the cataclysm, the cities weren't so lucky, most of costal cities where heavy damage as well in the center cities of the country, which could take decades or more than a centuries, when the government see the state of crisis, they decide to take control of the country, which to the populace didn't like at all, but it was for the good of the country.

A 115 years later, mostly every city was rebuild as well to the reconnection of civilians communication satellites , which led to the country to rise again, somewhat, but the government did not relinquish there control of the country, because they become drunk in wealth and power, at the beginning I didn't cause to much problem, but eventually, the people grew tired of all this and started to revolt, mostly does that live from Minnesota to the south and to the west and the dam exploded, in 2136 when states started to live the united states and separating the country (democratic east and hegemonic west).

This enrage the government that they order all military bases that they take control of the government in those states, but, to their surprise, they don't do anything. This is because in all those bases, they disconnect any an all communication with the old government (by choice, mutinied, killing their commanding officer and staff of the base and replaced them), except area 51, which is later takeover by an assault of military and air force units.

For 3 years, tensions where high with each half of the country and that tension exploded in 2139 after the assassination attempt of the president of east (unites states), Richard Thompson, which started the second American civil war, which it would last for 5 hellish years.

The civil war would remain in the same defense line (Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Tennessee, Arkansas, Mississippi and Louisiana) for 2 years, with some attacks outside of the defense line, it would stay the same until the siege of St Louis, thanks to strategic genius of lieutenant-commander Marcus Alarcon. That broke through the defense, which give the opportunity to advance, thanks to using old tech planes (it's Normandy, pre and post invasion operations), later that year, a breakthrough in Michigan, an amphibious assault lead by general Catherine Kobayashi that destroy the Mackinac bridge, cutting off part of Michigan, which later on will transform in a pincer move, after the Wisconsin defensive line was destroy, Wisconsin will be the first state that surrenders after the civilian population overthrows the government building after all the causalities and all lies that were told to them.

1 and ½ year later, the original defense line was destroyed after coordinated attacks with spec ops teams, low altitude attack planes, as well, thanks to hackers the civilian morale as well a little on the military, after reveling what the government has been doing to the people. Which thanks to that multiple "resistance group" started to attack government building in the south of the country (Florida, Alabama and Mississippi).

1 year later only 13 states still stand, thanks to area 51 and the best scientist of east that created the autonomous knightmare frame, that thanks to their weaponry ranging from sub-machine guns (made specially for knightmares) ,a 140mm cannon (HEAT, HESH and APDS rounds) and thanks to their landspinners have a high mobility that make it hard to aim with almost every heavy weapon (except guided ordnance or already emplace anti-tank land mines) and as well to the invention of the emp grenade, as well with the new railgun cannon, but every general and admiral knew that trying to attack through ground forces will be a suicide, even with their new weaponry in ground units and their only option was through the sea , but with the Zumwalt destroyer class and the only Gerald R. Ford class carrier, defending the south coast of the hegemonic west would be suicide, the navy decided to reintegrated a class of warship, the battleship (fuck you to anyone that spoke something bad of this ship)

Most political figures, the president (democratic east) and even a few general and admirals have it's doubts about it, except the admiral in charge of the project, admiral Charles Cutter, because he knows that the experimental weapon would work.

At the assault a fleet of 6 destroyers, a submarine and as flagship the battleship were sent to destroy the threat, before the carrier could launch any fighter, the hangar and generator room where getting annihilated, they didn't know what was hitting them, but admiral cutter knew, they were getting hammered by the new heavy railgun cannons, capable of piercing 75 to 100 mts of armor, with new heavy explosive armor piercing shells (HEAP), after 50 shots the carrier becomes a floating wreckage, the same fate with the Zumwalt class, with a clear victory of the east and the return of the old giants to service of the navy.

5 months later and the war was almost over and the war would end in with the fall of Maryland and after 1 month the city is bridge and troops storm The Pentagon, The White House and any other military facilities and with the capture of the president (hegemonic west), generals, secretaries and the congress (of the west), they declare the surrender of all military forces and that they lost the war, but before that, thousands of people escaped from the supported states to the ocean (in that time unknow waters) with a uncertain future ahead of them. Later they are sent to the east to be court and executed, but before they. With the war over, families finally reunited with each other, friends reunited, and the country starts with the long repair of the nation physical, mental and emotionally and with a new future for the new America, one where they will follow there constitution and what the old world one said, that this land welcomes everyone and where they can find the freedom that any person is waiting for.

For a century America was at peace and with no enemy's the atomic bomb (any type) were almost all dismantle, with a few of them intact for any kind of emergency (end of the world or retaliation event type) and with this all information related to the atomic bomb was locked away in a secret area that almost no one knows about except the general of the area, the president and the secretary of defense.

With America in peace, multiple advances where made, a cure to the cancer, actual working prosthetics that can be connected to the nerves of the human body, hydrogen combustion cells to the public, etc. But one important discovery was, "DUST" as it was call, even though this isn't used in any type of form, they help with the creation or progress of multiple types of projects, both in civilian, scientific and military life (in the codex).

But this peace wouldn't last long, a 100 years later, numerous reports of weird activities where received in the state of Florida, at first was normal reports about people disappearing in parks and destroyed cars, but, those reports become more and more severe ranging from gas stops complete destroy, multiple police patrols found literally dismembered and shredder, the final and a call to the military was when a entire hotel was destroy with all civilians inside, by what the caller described as animal with black fur, cover in some kind of "skeleton armor" (said by the caller) and red eyes.

Later they send 2 patrols to investigate the place, when they arrived they found that all it´s true and that they needed back up, what arrived as backup was 2 dozen of SWAT units as 1 ½ police officers with different types of weapons, the mission was a pyrrhic victory, with all objectives complete, but with almost all police forces send kill by this "creatures", but this officers weren't save by other officers, but something that most people would call it paranormal, after the cam footage was extract of the SWAT team and from what it shows, it´s that they survive this because something activate inside of them that explode in a glow of light, which it later on materialize as some kind of force shield that protect from a "wolf type 1" (werewolf) and a "boar type 1" (boarbatusk), but that cannot be seen unless it takes damage.

Later that year more attacks from these creatures started to appear in all over Florida (mostly south Florida, better know that it's from Orlando to the south), as well some places in the states of Georgia and South Carolina. After the attacks report of the attacks are sent to the government, the president orders the evacuation of all civilians from the most dangerous areas to Miami, as well he sends 3 fleets and troops (formation of fleets in the codex) 2 fleets to Miami to defend the evacuation and 1 fleet to South Carolina to destroy anything that's on the coast, it would take 2 weeks 70% of the population was evacuated and over 4 million people (civilians, militaries, air force, police and a few navy), stay to hold the line until the third fleet arrive to evacuate them, but only 25% of those that stay could evacuated before the line of defense was overrun.

After what it's know as the "swam of demons" (remember they don't know anything yet, at this point) destroy half of Florida, the president order the construction of a wall 30 kms of Orlando to stop the advance of this "demons", as well the authorization of napalm ordnance, meanwhile the army and air force destroy any pocket of packs of the "demons" in the other 2 states, but later on, other states would fine more of this "beast" in other states, that would be later be call operation: demon extermination, with a few of them not being destroy, those would be used for experimentation and weaponry prototype testing (testing grounds), including south Florida.

What also was discovered is that more people started to get this "shields", mostly those that were from south Florida and that they give them powers, scientist from all over America have been trying to identified what inside their body that activates this, but they haven't had any luck with it. With theories that said that a country deploys some kind of virus that activates this, or that this are psionic powers, but so far nothing. The things that have discovered is that, including the shield and powers, is that they give the user augmented strength, velocity, agility and a little of regeneration (heals cuts, bruises, broken fingers, etc.).

After all this was over, the government authorized to NASA that the can re-start their space program, with the authorization for the program and as well with the advances with technology it was possible, their first mission was to construct a base in the lunar surface. In the next 10 years the first colony in the moon will be stablish, not yet independent of America, but to which starts to mine little resources, 25 years later the colony becomes self sufficient and more companies and scientist corporation start to arrive to the moon to mine the metals and helium-3, which would start the study of fusion reactor, for a more clean a sufficient energy then nuclear energy, as well to send exploration mission to other planet in the solar system.

50 years later the colony is official independent, with a population of 500 and has started to expand and the first spaceships start to appear, these ships jobs are solely for mine debris from the crack part of the moon and move asteroids, as well with the experimentation of the atmospheric entrance of a spaceship with out the problem of heavy damage in the hull.

5 year later, a fateful encounter happens in the south of the country, that shows America that their planet has change much more their thought, one of the few satellites that are operational. Finds, after a scan, that a fleet of boats appear to be in direct course to the country around a 150 nautical miles, a ragtag fleet is send which is compose of patrol ships, a few destroyers, a submarine and a few of the first corvette class atmospheric air ships (AAS class ships), with reinforcement of a carrier, a battleship, a few destroyers and more corvette class AAS. After intercepting the fleet, the captains noticed that the ships isn't even armed to do heavy damage to almost any ship (except the patrols), when the leader of the fleet ask that the "commander" of the fleet to move his/her ship to one of the destroyers, after that happens, the captains (with a few of them in screens in the wall) are surprise that this people have animal appendages in their bodies (ears, tails horns and a few claws), but after mentioning that they are humans, a few of them almost attack them, which confused them even more, when those few are calm and see their faces, they ask a stupid question to them "do you know what we are?", to the y which shook their heads to. After that everyone starts to ask question. Around 2 hours and both sides find out things, for the American was that this people are call faunus, about aura (shield), semblance (superpowers), the kingdoms and how the faunus were treated, to which everybody was furious about it. To the faunus that a place like America exist, nuclear power, spaceships, to which made the faunus laugh until they were show a view of the planet from the moon, to which one of them faint and the rest was speechless, after that one of the captains informs the president of the situation, but to his surprise, he knows about it.

Th president knew about it, because one of the captains decided to inform him about the situation and left connection on with the president, he them appears in one of the screens to present itself and say that the Americans will help them with any they can, to which surprised the faunus and ask why they help us, to which the president say "your species are in desperate need of humanitarian help and we will help you anyway we can" to which they were grateful, but still wary of them, they arrange to stablish and build a town in the south of the country with the help of America to build a town that can house a few thousand, this will be the start of an wary alliance for the first couple of years.

For the first 5 years this alliance was wary by many people, mostly faunus, but after that time all begin to settle down, with faunus getting jobs well paid it, not being treated like second class citizens, not being discriminated and living in peace, and for the next 50 years more faunus begin to arrive at America, with wariness at first, but later on accepting it, thanks to the other faunus.

The government after knowing about the kingdoms, re-activated the CIA, stop any expansion in the planet and that any expansion in the moon, all types of windows were replaced with on-way windows and retractable panels to block any light front them, all experiments and spaceships weaponry had to be made in the space, all construction of spaceships had to be build in the moon or spaceports and for the next 700 years all types of advancement in America happen. Medical advancement made possible that the age of the human increase to 150 years old, the creation of AI, fusion reactors become the new energy on ground and started to appear on ships, a new type of mech (titan class) appear with their pilots working at one of the highest secretly levels, that the ships can go down to orbit without heavy damage and the creation of kinetic shields

And for all those centuries they stay hidden, but they know that this will not last forever, and all that started with a call of help from the faunus in menagerie.

Author note:

Welcome to my first story, ladies and gentlemen!

Well as I say this is my first story that I have made, but this wasn't my idea, the original idea was created by 98 and he give me the permission to take his idea, but he takes all the credit for the idea, NOT ME.

This story is going to be more like a x-over, but not with characters, is going more with the technology and weaponry of different anime, videogames and a few original stuffs that I made, but as well you (the readers) can make original stuff.

If you will be so kindly to check the authors note at the end of the chapter, I will explain the rule for the review or pm's.

PS: this isn't a story that I'm doing just for fun, this (and any future stories) will be in honor of a family member that couldn't make it to this world, so for me to honor him the protagonist will always have the first name of that person (no matter what) and if the character is female i will ask the mother of that person what woulb had been the name if she was a girl.

PS.2: the tittle is work in progress,, if you have a better title, PM me to check it out.

PS.3: sorry if you find something weird with my writing, i don't write very well english

Well, I hope that you like this story, even if this is my first try.

Now for the upload schedule, I can't tell exactly when I upload, but I could say that is between 2 weeks and a little more than a month

Now the rule (dread arises, hehe):

-It will not be tolerated bad mouthing towards me or anyone on the reviews, this stories is for having fun, so be polite with everyone.

-If you criticize me or the story, first know what are talking about and THEN criticize.

-If there are error, with my writing then say it (I need all the help possible)

-OC's are permitted in any story (faunus, human, AI), but I need to evaluate them first

-I would not write overpowered OC's, in this story at least and when I need one, I would say it

That's all for of the rules, later I would put additional ones.

So that's all and I hope that you have a good day and like always.

See you around.