Reviews for Maximum Ride in How To Train Your Dragon
Guest chapter 5 . 6/12/2019
I think Max should get a Large scar from the red death or lose an eye either or️
DJ Rodriguez chapter 5 . 5/26/2019
Now this was worth the wait! And I will say this... when Max comes back to consciousness, oh Thor better be fast cause when she gets her hands on him... ooof! Not going to be pretty. Its still cool on how you mix your story with events from the movie, and I have to say I am on Gobber's side when it comes to Hiccup's situation.

And speaking of said lad, he did the right thing in letting the Night Fury go. Sometimes, different is better. Just depends on the situation and such. And I do wonder what will happen when Hiccup wakes up, and also Max too.

Excellent work! Keep it up!
DJ Rodriguez chapter 4 . 5/20/2019
Now this was cool! It seems that Max has seen the turning point in Hiccup's life, and also how the Norse gods/goddesses look into mortal affairs. I have to say, this is getting interesting. I really wonder on what is going to happen next!

I will help out as best I can, my friend! Now, for the questions! Ahem...

I would go for the Saint Shield Bit Beasts from the original Beyblade series. I believe that defense would be the best thing when going up against strong offensive beings.

And I will answer your poll question! You have done good so far, don't let doubt and second-guessing overtake you!

Keep it up!
DJ Rodriguez chapter 3 . 5/17/2019
Short, but cool! It seems that Max is going to see why Loki is called the God of Mischief. And it seems that she is going to be in for one heck of a ride!

Oh, now to answer those questions!

1.) Let the expiration date be destroyed in style by the deities of Asgard!

2.) I would like for her to train a Light Furry!

3.) Ummm… I would have to say no. Too much power can corrupt her, so I would have to say no to that.

Keep it up, my friend!
Riko chapter 2 . 3/15/2019
This is amazing! Can’t wait for the next chapter! I’d say a female night fury for max btw...
DJ Rodriguez chapter 2 . 2/8/2019
Now this was worth the wait! I like it how you put the intro of "How To Train Your Dragons" here! Very good! It seems that things are going badly for Max's old companions, and it seems that said little avian lady is seeing what happened in Berk in the past. Interesting...

I shall now answer your questions as best I can!

1.) For Max, the primary one should be the Female Night Fury!

2.) Max should get the Bewilderbeast, and Hiccup the Green Death!

3.) I believe that Hiccup & Max should train (and learn) from the Rumblehorn, Speed Stinger, Snow Wraith, and perhaps even Catastrophic Quaken! And for a gentle pace, how about a Buffalord?

4.) Yes! I believe that for her, since she is part avian and is quick... how about something from Freya? From what I read up on her, she is this:

(In Norse mythology, Freya is a goddess of love and fertility, and the most beautiful and propitious of the goddesses. She is the patron goddess of crops and birth, the symbol of sensuality and was called upon in matters of love. She loves music, spring and flowers, and is particularly fond of the elves (fairies). Freya is one of the foremost goddesses of the Vanir.

Goddess of sex, battle, and pleasure, most beautiful and desirable of white-armed women, Freyja was sister to the male fertility god Freyr. Freyja had unusual parity with Odin, for they divided the heroic dead amongst themselves. Half went to live eternally in Odin's hall, and half in Freyja's hall Sessrumnir- and the goddess got first pick.

As befits a goddess, Freyja owned potent magical equipment. Like Frigg, she possessed a falcon skin, which when pulled over her shoulders, allowed her to take the form of that also provided a useful disguise when needed - important to a goddess whose personage made her instantly recognisable.

Her golden-bristled boar is called Battle Swine (Hildisvini), and recalls her role as the receiver of heroic dead. Battle helmets topped with iron and bronze images of boars have been found throughout England and Scandinavia, for the boar's savage and cunning nature was widely revered. The other animal is the mare, associated with night, unbridled sexuality, and dangerous magical power. To "ride the night-mare" meant then, as now, to have bad dreams.)

I hope this has proved helpful! My friend, keep it up!
RexeonNightingale chapter 2 . 2/6/2019
1) Female night fury
2) Hiccup; Green Death/ Max; Bewilderbeast
3) Triple Stryke, skrill, Deadly Nadder, Scauldron, Thunderdrum, Typhoomarang
4) Steel clawed gauntlets and regeneration
DJ Rodriguez chapter 1 . 1/29/2019
Hmmm... I have never seen this Maximum Ride series. Truth be told, didn't even knew it existed. But from what I have read here so far, it seems to be interesting on many levels. So Max is a hybrid that sadly has been drawn a bad card, and add to the flock kicking him out, he's really down and out.

I hope that the white portal he goes through holds some of the answers that he is seeking... those said and those not said.

Now, to answer your questions! Ahem...

1.) I vote for the female Night Fury!

2.) I believe that it would be interesting to see what kind of boon Max would receive from any of the Norse deities.

3.) Nope! Let her get hurt yes, but not losing a limb.

4.) Yes! And yes to the other ones as well! Would be cool for them to train dragons that should be considered a class unto their own!

Good so far! Keep it up!