Yeah, it's a Maximum Ride/How To Train Your Dragon crossover. I've been working on plenty of these stories when it comes to HTTYD, and throughout all of my reading and writing, I've yet to come across a crossover between these two. So, I figured, why not write one of my own? I hope you guys enjoy it, although I am a little bit unsure about something. What dragon should Max train? I don't really want her to just train one of the more common dragons of the archipelago, so please be sure to answer my questions at the end so I have a second and third opinion. Thanks, and enjoy the show.

*I don't own How To Train Your Dragon, and I don't own Maximum Ride either!*

Dialogue Key

"Thunderdrum - This dragon inhabits sea caves and dark tide pools. When startled, the Thunderdrum produces a concussive sound that can kill a man at close range. Extremely dangerous, kill on sight." = Regular Speech

'Night Fury - Speed: unknown. Size: unknown. The unholy offspring of lightning and death itself. Never engage this dragon. Your only chance: hide and pray that it does not find you.' = Thoughts

"The Skrill - This reclusive creature is highly secretive. It is said to ride lightning bolts. Found only during electrical storms, it can shoot bursts of white fire. If you get too close to a Skrill your hair will stand on end." = Someone Yelling

~How To Train Your Dragon~ = POV Change

Prologue - A Bird Kid in Exile!

~Max's POV.~

I'm fed up with all of this. I can't stand all of the death, double-crosses and heartbreak anymore! Not after what THEY did!

Sorry. You all probably have no idea who I am or what I'm talking about, do you. Well, I'll tell you.

My name's Max. Short for Maximum Ride. I'm a recombinant lifeform created by a cruel scientific research facility known as Itex. Those psychos were doing all sorts of illegal genetic experiments on humans by splicing them with animal DNA upon being conceived in some test tube or petri dish. I myself, along with five others, are some of their more successful experiments.

The other five, though I loathe to say their names, are Fang, Iggy, Nudge, the Gasman or Gazzy, as we like to call him, and finally Angel. We're a group of human/avian hybrids who have our DNA comprised of ninety eight percent human DNA and two percent bird DNA. As a result, we all have wings growing out of our backs, our blood has similar cells to the blood found in most birds, we have these large air sacs that help us stay airborne, our bones are thin and light yet strong, we have extra muscles, and our hearts are different from those of ordinary humans too. In short, we are built for flight.

The only downside is we need to eat a lot. Our bodies require us to take in a lot more calories in order to fuel our flight. But I've been flying for three days and two nights straight now, stopping only to use the bathroom and stop at a laundromat to clean my clothes.

I don't dare stay in one place for longer than absolutely necessary, otherwise I'll likely be captured or killed by another of Itex's successful recombinant lifeforms: the Erasers.

Unlike myself and the others of the flock, the Erasers are human/lupine hybrids. Although, I guess the more accurate term would be leporid, not lupine. They're literally half human and half wolf, and are much bigger and stronger than us. As humans, the Erasers are actually quite attractive. Some would call them male models with soothing or even angelic voices. But when they morph into their wolf forms, they look like the classic horror movie werewolves with blood red eyes. As a matter of fact, later on when I was still with the flock, we had encountered flying Erasers that had wings and could fly like us.

However, their huge size and weighty bulk made flying a real challenge for them. They had a total wingspan of eighteen feet, but those long wings and heavy bodies made for an interestingly stupid combination and made them cumbersome in battle while in the air. But on the ground, they still held quite the advantage over myself and the flock with their enhanced speed and strength.

But in exchange for all of this, the Erasers have one fatal flaw that is not so easily exploitable. They only have a lifespan of five to six years, and when they're close to when that lifespan ends, an expiration date will appear on the back of their neck.

As a matter of fact, no matter how successful the recombinant, we all have an expiration date. And I know that my end is coming soon. As a matter of fact, that's exactly why I'm on my own right now. Jeb Bachelor, a sort of inside man on my mission to defeat and disband Itex and save the world, ran a few scans of myself and the flock to make sure there were no lingering injuries from the battles thus far, and he found something disturbing.

There was another chip embedded in my arm, but this one was different from the tracking chip that my mom, Doctor Martinez, had surgically removed from me. It was so small, it didn't show up on ordinary X-Rays like the ones mom took of me the first time we met. But its size isn't the only thing that makes it different.

You see, each recombinant lifeform has one of these special chips in them that activates when Itex's set life limit for them is drawing closer. Removing them wouldn't be the problem for Fang and the others, and it would rid them of their expiration dates allowing them to life normal human lifespans, but mine is a whole other shoot out. During my fight with Omega, the top creation of Itex, my chip got ruptured and activated prematurely.

Jeb and Doctor Martinez ran a few extra tests to see if anything could be done for me, but… the results came up negative. Even if they did remove the chip, it would do no good for me since it's already been activated and had time to release its signals into my body. They estimate that I only have about a year left to live before I kick the bucket.

When I turned to the flock for support, hoping they'd have my back like they always had, the exact opposite happened. They voted me out of the flock and made Angel their leader due to her own psychic mutations. It hurt me so much that they would ever do that… And I didn't even want to stick around to see or hear what Jeb, mom, or my sister Ella had to say about it. So I ran out that door and have been flying in a random direction ever since.

Well, now you know why I'm out here like this. If you'll all excuse me, I've got a glowing white portal to fly through.

Wait a second, what?

*To Be Continued…*

Well, there's the prologue, everybody. I hope you all liked it. But now, I have a couple of questions that require answers. Ahem!

1.) What kind of dragon do you want Yang to train in this story? (Choices include the Skrill, the Light Fury, a female Night Fury, and the Triple Stryke.)

2.) Do you guys want Max to gain a weapon or powers from the Norse Gods at the end of the story? (This story will be following the plot of the first movie with some differences aside from the crossover itself.)

3.) Should Max lose a limb or something else (an eye, an ear, a wing, etcetera) during the battle with the Red Death?

4.) And finally, should she and Hiccup train multiple dragons? And if so, do you want them to train their own Titan Class dragons? (I.E. the Green Death, a Bewilderbeast, etcetera.)

Thanks a bunch for reading everybody. Please don't forget to answer my questions. Also, my poll is still up, so please go and vote on that if you haven't already. May the Force be with you, and have a great day.