Reviews for Kuvira's Redemption
Guest chapter 9 . 9/7
This was good
Korrasami-infinitely chapter 9 . 1/6
Dude! How did I not know this existed?! I love it! I actually think you're going at a perfect pace. There's no need to rush it, especially when there are so many opportunities to build the sexual tension. I like that you're not rushing it. I mean look at the situation from more of an outward perspective. Kuvira is working on her redemption after causing so much damage and harm. This is a journey for her and, yeah, it would be totally hot for her to get with korra, but you've also created a world with so much potential for story plot as well. Throw in some sexual tension here and there and then BAM hit it with the big one :D I think it's great and you're doing an amazing job. Thanks for writing!
carlisaunders16 chapter 9 . 8/18/2019
My little gay heart cant take this. Please write more or I may die from cliff hanger sickness.
TheOneandOonly chapter 8 . 5/28/2019
I'm really enjoying the story so far! Curious and also very excited to see what your new plan will be (especially if it draws inspiration from Carol). I'm also glad that the build-up to Korvira is already starting! Also, why isn't it a surprise that Su is a filthy cheater? I dislike her so much!
ThePlatinumLotus chapter 8 . 5/16/2019
So Teo works for Su, and Su is a cheater. No shock there, but wtf is she plotting? That last scene was cute. At least Kuvira has Korra and Manchu looking out for her. Please update again soon!
ThePlatinumLotus chapter 7 . 5/7/2019
Very glad you're back! Missed this! I wanna snack Su for her rudeness! Please update again!
Moirah chapter 7 . 5/7/2019
Not at all surprised by Su's reaction, dumb metal b****.

I hope they'll have better luck in the Southern Water Tribe.

The kiss was cute, I hope there's more of that with them. :)
Doc.GAT chapter 1 . 3/18/2019
So far I'm loving this. Keep up the great work.
Guest chapter 6 . 3/8/2019
Oh Kuvira! I wanna hug her so bad!
ThePlatinumLotus chapter 6 . 3/8/2019
I like it when Korra gets territorial and jealous, brings out her protective side. They should enlist her as Kuviras main guard. She would do her job much better with Manchu.

Great work! Looking forward to more!
Guest chapter 5 . 3/3/2019
Kuvira is so gorgeous the world doesn't understand!
ThePlatinumLotus chapter 5 . 3/3/2019
Oh wow that was hot, a little sad on Bataar and Kuvira, but still hot!
Moirah chapter 4 . 3/2/2019
If Teo tries anything I will jump through the internet and butcher him!
Guest chapter 4 . 3/2/2019
It could've gone a lot worse for her, let's hope Kuvira can show them she means business.
ThePlatinumLotus chapter 4 . 3/2/2019
It's a start for her, that's what matters. Su is such a b****, coddling her son when he too is guilty. Why would they assign Teo, if he hurts Kuvira I hope he gets caught! Let Korra kick his a**.

Kuvira is cute here, getting all flushed over Korra. Adorable!

Please update again soon!
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