"You're going to answer for everything you've done."

Suyin's words echoed through Kuvira's dream, before she awoke in a cold sweat. As her words faded, and sleep washed away, the stabbing pain in Kuvira's rib cage began surfacing. She clutched at the right half of her side with her left arm, wincing as the slow steady rhythm of the boat rocked her ever so slightly, putting pressure on her damaged side.

Kuvira turned her face to the left, the glow of Republic City shown through the wooden square bars of the cell. The brightest glow not coming from the actual lights of the city, but from the spirit portal she accidentally helped create some days ago. Her eyes followed the yellowish green ray as far as she could up into the night sky.

She had no way of knowing what time it was. She had been 'temporarily' placed in this wooded cell on a wooden boat outside the shore of Republic City for the past two nights since her surrender. It wasn't anything fancy or big, nothing compared to the wooden jail that Ghazan the lava bender had been stationed on, so far out in the middle of the ocean. Small or not, it still served its purpose, rendering her earth and metal bending useless while aboard.

'If Suyin had her way I would be rotting on that same boat hundreds of miles away right now.' She grimaced at the thought of how quickly Suyin wanted to banish her again, but this time she couldn't blame her.

'That's what I deserve anyway, after what I've done,' she thought, as she rolled onto to her less painful side, facing the city completely. She struggled in vain to find a comfortable position for her arms against the hard wooden cot. Her wrists were still bound by the platinum shackles which limited her movement.

Besides the indistinguishable chatter from the guards that were stationed to watch her, it was quiet. Kuvira sighed as she closed her eyes, searching to find sleep. Sleep was the only thing that brought her temporary relief from her physical pain. Sometimes the nightmares and memories that found her at night were worse than the physical pain she felt, but she was tired and wanted nothing more than to drift off.

As her thoughts fell to the day of disaster, she wondered how Su didn't see it. Didn't see the pain she was in as she was escorted away from the avatar's caring hold, by herself and Lin. The pain was laced in her expressions every time she had been pulled or pushed by guards. The way she winced at any twist or sudden movement made. Silent tears began to build up in her eyes and started to steam across her face at the realization that Suyin had to have noticed, but just didn't care.

'Why would she? Im a monster. I deserve this pain."

Her shoulders slowly shook as her emotions began to flow freely. She hadn't cried since… since… she was alone with the avatar in the spirit world. The avatar had treated her like a human being, if not more, even after everything she did to her.

It wasn't long now that Kuvira began to slip into a more restful nights sleep, filled with peaceful dreams of being wrapped in the avatars arms once more, and this time, unlike before, she wouldn't push away.

Kuvira was thrown from her cot, landing with a painful thud on the wooden floor beneath her.

"Ahhhrghhh!" Her eyes were shut tightly while she huffed in pain, "Fuckkk.."

The waves from a large ship speeding out to sea caused her small personal prison to rock hard side to side, causing her to fall off her bed amid sleeping.

"Look who finally 'rolled out of bed, hahaha!" One of the male guards snickered, as he walked closer to the cell, carrying a wooden tray with her breakfast. "Get it guys? Because she was actually rolled… from her bed.." He looked between the other guards trying to get a reaction from them.

"Really funny Teo." Another male guard responded dryly, from the upper deck. "Would you give her her breakfast already? She's probably hungry, its already past 10."

The guard Teo, who didn't heed to the comment from the other, just stood outside her cell, looking down on Kuvira. She knew he was a fire bender, or so she highly suspected as much. The guards all wore the same Republic City uniform, regardless of their specific bending abilities. She had trained herself to read people through other things than just clothing, like how they talked, how they acted.

"Idiot…" Kuvira whispered under her breath, still frozen on the floor in pain. She wondered if her soldiers and guards in her army were this annoying to the people she placed under their watch in her reeducation camps… no. They weren't reeducation camps. They were prisons, nothing different from the one she was in now.

"Did you have something you wanted to say, great uniter?" Teo snapped, as he squatted down getting closer to Kuvira's level, while still remaining on the outside of the cell.

'Great Uniter.' She remembered how people chanted to her, making her feel powerful and justified. Not this time, hearing it made her sick, the way is he said it was laced with poison.

She didn't bother looking over at him, she didn't need to look to know that his eyes were wondering across her broken body, she could feel it. He was fishing to make out as much of her curves as he could through her tattered uniform. Without her metal pieces that she use to carry, she felt vulnerable.

'I need to get out of this. Maybe that's part of my punishment, being forced to wear a reminder of my past.'

"Its a shame really, I haven't heard a word from you since Lin and Su brought you aboard two days ago." Teo dropped the tray to the ground, spilling a small cup of fruit over in the process. The sound startled her, causing Kuvira to steal a glance at his face. He had black hair that was pulled up into a top knot, and dark brown eyes that lit up like embers when the sunlight hit them. His face was handsome, he had no facial hair and was young looking. He couldn't be older than 26. His lips were resting in a relaxed smirk, as he looked at her with disgust and… desire. She couldn't deny it as much as she wanted to, that his eyes held a devilish look of desire for her.

"We have an incoming boat headed from Air Temple Island!" Shouted a female guard, from the opposite side of the floating prison. Teo stood up and looked towards the direction the woman was pointing.

"Manchu, can you make out who is aboard the ship?" Teo yelled, to the male guard who was on the upper deck that had earlier responded to Teo's dry humor.

"I think, well I'm pretty sure its the avatar, sir."

Kuvira's heart began to beat slightly faster from the mention of the avatar. Finding enough strength, she sat up from her previous position, and leaned with her back against the bed post, facing the direction all the guards were looking, still clutching her injured side. Sure enough, there was someone headed towards her prison, and not just anyone, it was Korra. Kuvira wondered why she would be coming here. She found herself fidgeting anxiously at the thought that maybe she was coming out of her own personal interest..

Korra began to slow her approach once she was in closer proximity, as to not rock the boat to much. She pulled up to the side, and jumped onto the wooden deck, landing with a soft thud. She carried a small box in her arms.

"Avatar Korra, what do we owe the pleasure of your visit?" Teo asked smoothly, as he walked up to face her directly.

"I am here to see Kuvira. Chief Beifong said she could use a change of clothes before she gets transferred." Korra made a jester at the box she was carrying and continued, "I was told told someone named Teo would be in charge this watch?"

'Of course she came because she was told. Im a fool for thinking she would be here for any other reason.'

"Yes, that's me. Let me open Kuvira's cell for you. This way, avatar Korra." Teo led Korra towards the wooden cell doors, where he unlocked and opened it leaving it ajar. "I am under special orders to supervise Kuvira while in Republic City territory, and although there is no earth or metal for her to bend out here she is still a very dangerous woman. I will be standing watch at the door while you are in her cell for.. safety precautions."

Kuvira kept her head hung as he walked over and reached for her shackles. In one swift movement they were removed and he was back at the door with the avatar. She rubbed her wrists, thankful to have a break from them.

Korra walked inside her cell and placed the box on her wooden bed. She began removing items from it and laying them out. The clothing was all black, except for the under garments which were medium grey. There was baggy black pants and a long sleeve shirt, along with a v-neck top with cut off sleeves that would be worn over the other.

"Im sorry these weren't brought to you sooner," Korra broke the silence as she emptied the remaining items from the box. "If I had known things wouldn't have been taken care of right away, I wouldn't have went to the spirt world so soon after your surrender." Her voice was sincere.

She walked in front of Kuvira, extending a hand towards her sitting form, offering assistance to stand up.

"I dont need your help." Kuvira snapped, discarding the kind gesture. She placed her right hand on the side of the bed and began hoisting herself upwards until she stood on her feet, facing away from the avatar. Kuvira slipped out of the top of her uniform, dropping it to the floor. Feeling the eyes of both Korra and Teo, she turned to face them. "Can I get some damn privacy here?"

Korras eyes widened as they fell on the blood stained side of her white undershirt. "You're hurt. Why weren't you taken to medical before you were put out here?!" Korras face whipped towards Teo, "Why didn't you report that she was injured and needed medical attention!"

"I wasn't aware she was hurt, avatar. She never said anything about it, in fact she hasn't said anything at all this whole time she's been aboard until just now." Teo raised both hands and shrugged.

Korra returned her attention to the injured woman, reaching towards her, but kuvira leaned away.

"Kuvira… Please, I can help you heal with my water bending. I just need you to lift your shirt so I can see it."

Korra's voice was so soft and caring, much like it was after they landed in the spirit world. Guilt began to overwhelm her.

"I promise I won't hurt you, Im just trying to help. If you lie down it will make this much easier for both of us."

'What choice do I have?,' as she moved onto the bed, wincing as she laid on her back. Korra was quick to pull her tank top up, exposing the wounded area. It wasn't bleeding anymore, but there was still an open gash, surrounded by deep bruising, extending from the middle of her ribs on the right side to the lower right corner of her stomach. Water began flowing from a canteen that was strapped to Korra's side, until it was up to her hands covering them.

"This will only sting for a second but I promise it will feel much better once im done." With that the water began to glow a light hue of blue as it ran over her injured skin. The cold made goosebumps breakout all over her body and just like she was warned the area began to burn slightly. She shut her eyes tight, trying to focus on something besides the stinging. It was only moments later that all the pain faded away, and only thing she could feel was the avatars fingers skimming the skin of her stomach. They moved across softly, starting from the top of her rib cage on her sore side. Kuvira kept her eyes closed, as she felt them trace her stomach moving lower. Her cheeks warmed as they grazed near her lower abdomen, causing an unfamiliar feeling in her lower stomach.

'Mmmmm that feels… nice.'

"Ehhem.. Kuvira?"

The avatar was standing there, one hand rubbing the back of her neck. "Im done healing. You can finish changing now." Korras eyes were locked with hers, almost prying for the thoughts she had just interrupted.

Kuvira sat up and looked over her wound, what use to be open and painful was now a light pink scar, with barely noticeable bruising atop her ribs. She stood up slowly, bracing for the sharp stabbing to surface, but it didnt come. A sigh of relief escaped her felt so much better. Her body could bend and stretch with ease again, she tested it by raising both arms straight above her head. Out of the corner of her eyes she noticed Korra, looking over her stretched form, with a smile on her face. Guilt made her stomach churn, how could she continue to show her so much kindness.

"Avatar Korra, I owe you an apology for earlier. I shouldn't have snapped at you for wanting to help me."

"Dont worry about it. Im just glad I was the one who came, there wouldn't have been much Lin could have done for you if I had let her bring your change of clothes." Kuvira raised an eyebrow in question.

"What do you mean, 'had let Lin bring my change of clothes'? She didnt ask you to do it?"

Korra shrugged, "no, she didnt. I wanted to. When I got back from the spirit world last night, I attended a meeting with a few of the cities leaders and discussed the plan for rebuilding the city. After it was over I asked Lin where they were keeping you. She told me you were here, but that this is temporary of course. She mentioned that she was going to deliver a change of clothes along with a few other items in the morning and thats when I offered, I wanted to check up on you myself. Make sure you were okay, I figured with how upset Suyin was the night she took you away, her emotions might have made it easy to.. overlook the correct way to handle all of this." Her arms raising to gesture at the prison, supplies and Kuvira herself. "Besides a change of clothes and some bedding, was there anything else you needed?"

Kuvira ran her fingers over the clothes laid out on her bed, anxious to get out of her tattered uniform.

"Ive been stuck in my uniform for some days now, id really like to wash off before I change if thats possible?"

"Kuvira isn't allowed to leave this boat until I receive orders from Lin herself." Teo added from the doorway.

Korra glanced at Kuvira, who stood there in her blood stained white tank top, dirty worn dark green pants and black military boots, before turning to face Teo.

"Im sure it would be fine for her to wash off in the water Teo. Lin did send a towel with her stuff, im assuming she probably figured shed need as much. Washing off in the water is better than nothing." Korra added while removing a towel from the box.

"I said she can't leave the boat, Avatar Korra." Teo stated more firmly. He locked eyes with Kuvira.

"Ill stand right by the edge with her. Dont worry we won't be long." Korra nodded at Kuvira to follow her out of the cell onto the deck walking past Teo. Kuvira followed her to edge that faced Republic City. She noticed all the guards attention was on her, as if they were preparing to engage should she try and escape.

'Bunch of idiots. Like I could successfully swim away from the avatar, or like id even try to.' She looked over the edge at the dark blue water, realizing shed never swam in the ocean before. Not that she was worried about it, she was a strong swimmer, frequently practiced in the pools at Zaofu as one of her regular workout routines.

"The avatar doesn't have all day, and neither do I." Teo stood arms folded against his chest a few paces from the edge with a smug smirk. "Do you plan on getting in fully dressed or what."

Kuvira became suddenly aware that she didnt want to strip naked in from off all the guards, especially Teo who obviously wanted her to, and with the avatar who was standing very close.

Korra caught onto her hesitation. "You can leave your underclothing on, the water is dark enough this far out that you could take them off once youre submerged. If you wanted to. Whatever you feel most comfortable doing."

Kuvira began removing her shoes, and socks, placing them to the side. She slipped off her pants, stepping out of each leg and adding them to her pile of clothes. Korra averted her eyes away while she did this, kind enough to give her some privacy, unlike Teo who she was pretty sure didnt blink the whole time. Kuvira wasn't embarrassed, standing there in her grey underwear and stained white tank top. She had no reason to be. She had strong toned legs, formed from all her years dancing and training as a guard. She had never been shy before, always confident in herself both body and abilities, but something about the thought of Korra looking over her exposed legs caused her to grow hot in the place between them.

Wanting some relief from the situation causing such things to her body, she stepped over the side and was engulfed by the ocean. The cold water felt amazing on her skin. The initial shock of cold caused her to swim quickly back to the surface. She was greeted by the avatar, who was crouching by the edge, and Teo who stood close behind her.

"Wrap it up, this isn't a pool party." Teo pitched in.

She quickly ran her hands over her skin, washing off any dirt or blood. She dunked her head under once more to wash her face and pushed her hair back. This was just what she needed.

"Are you ready to get out?" Korra asked as she extended a hand towards her, offering aid in climbing back aboard. Unlike the last time, Kuvira accepted her help. Kuvira quickly wrapped herself in the towel, picked up the pile of clothes and followed Korra back to her cell.

"Put your old clothes in the box once you are out of them. There are clean dry under clothes here. Ill stand just outside the door while you change."

Kuvira quickly dried off as much as she could and slipped out of her underwear, still holding the towel wrapped around her. After pulling on the fresh pair she worked on slipping off her tank top and bra, replacing both with a clean dry new one as well. Feeling covered enough again she dropped her towel into the box and continued getting dressed. Black bottoms, socks and flats. Black long sleeve and v-neck top. She gathered her old clothing and put them in the box as well.

"I can take that," Korra reached for the box, after stepping back into her cell. "Im not sure when you're getting transferred, nor where too, but I'm sure everything will work out." Korra gave her a slight nod, as she looked over the earth bender once more, before turning away. Teo closed the wooden door of her cell, locking it up.

"Kuvira? One more thing, don't forget to eat your breakfast." Korra turned back to say, on her way to the single boat she arrived in.

Looking down, she noticed the fruit had been picked up and placed back in the bowl, nicely set on the tray along with the rest of her food, sitting outside the tray hole of her cell wall. Now that she was no longer in pain, she was able to feel just how hungry she was. Wanting to thank Korra for yet another, kind action, she looked up, but it was too late. Korra was already on her way back to air temple island.