Reviews for OTP (One True Pairing) Prompts
Crazzywally chapter 18 . 10/9
Wishing your Halloweem be just as nice. Happy Halloween everybody!
nevr chapter 18 . 10/9
Oh so good! Definitely fluffy enough.
Definitely need more with Bailey - I know this has strarted down the right path, but I think she could really help steer Chuck and have fun with Sarah. More please. Thanks.
wilf21 chapter 18 . 10/9
It really was fluffy and I'm finding the need to have lots of fluff at the moment.
chucksboxers chapter 18 . 10/8
What a trick or treat couple!
sachaelle chapter 18 . 10/8
so it was staged? Well played, well played!
ReaderNotAWriter85 chapter 18 . 10/8
Awesome chapter. Absolutely loved it. Thank you so much for sharing this with us
CharmingCharles2896 chapter 18 . 10/8
Of course Morgan was behind it, Chuck's lucky he's got friends who care about him. Now I want to know the backstory about this whole plot; how does Sarah know Chuck? How does Sarah and Morgan know each other? So many questions, we need answers people!
CharmingCharles2896 chapter 16 . 10/8
We need more stories with Zondra, she's a criminally underutilized character in my opinion. Loved the realization from Sarah, and can I just say...


Okay but more seriously I absolutely adore this who OTP thing.
sachaelle chapter 16 . 10/8
aww, a friend to lover Chuck & Sarah story! I want to read it.
CharmingCharles2896 chapter 15 . 10/8
I need a follow up to this just so we can know how she knew his name and everything, I loved it but I've got to knooooooooow!
CharmingCharles2896 chapter 14 . 10/8
I love how it's always mexican food lol
CharmingCharles2896 chapter 13 . 10/8
It's the little things right? Yeah...
sachaelle chapter 12 . 10/8
Oh cute! But thecnically the first 1 is Captain America. Its the the 3 movie but cap is the 1 avenger. Then the Hulk then Iron Man! Am kidding, if you haven't guessed am an huge fan, and I straight up squealed when I realise you were going to have them watch the movie, for their 1 date.
CharmingCharles2896 chapter 12 . 10/8
We don't see enough drunk Chuck in stories so this was fun.
CharmingCharles2896 chapter 11 . 10/8
I knew it was coming but the moment when Bryce learned about them was great; these are all so good and I would gladly read more of everyone of these little one shots.
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