Reviews for OTP (One True Pairing) Prompts
potterfanxp123 chapter 18 . 10/8
It was very of the fluff. Fun, wouldn't mind a bit more of it to be honest.

Looking forward to more! Thank you for writing.
jwatkins chapter 18 . 10/8
You are the real deal. The reigning King of all things fluffy. Imitated, but never duplicated. I bow before your greatness. Drop the mic, exit stage left. Bards will sing your praise for generations... In other words, it was alright. ;)
Dillwg chapter 18 . 10/8
So Morgan was wingmanning the whole time? Are Bailey and Molly going to do a crossover? It’s a little terrifying to consider.
Marc Vun Kannon chapter 18 . 10/8
I'm surprised yopu didn't have Molly with Rapunzel and draft Chuck to ne Flynn. Now we've we've got Bailey and Molly. What happens if those two ever meet?
The universe implodes.
blackcat252 chapter 18 . 10/8
That was great!
baldcoder chapter 17 . 8/18
I could see that happening. Nicely done. I like it.
chucksboxers chapter 17 . 8/17
FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! Fluffy like a down pillow that’s been ripped out from under your head! :-)
MySongStory chapter 17 . 8/16
You can keep writing these as long as you wish. They are all great fun - and this is no exception. Thanks for this one! It’s great!
fezzywhigg chapter 17 . 8/16
Fantastic! The "you're going to fight me" bit was gold! Thanks
nevr chapter 17 . 8/15
Oh yes. This was so good. Chuck as a nurse brought a smile - I take it this version of him is less frightened of needles and blood. Would be good to see this one developed further. Thanks.
Tpsoftballdad chapter 17 . 8/15
That was damn funny, Sarah with all that attitude and Chuck yanks up her cast and swipes her pillow. Never know where these two are going to run into each other lol. Thanks for the fluff and the fun.
Richard76310 chapter 17 . 8/15
Chuck a nurse. Loved the chapter just don’t know what to say. You have a great and inventive imagination.
2old2write chapter 17 . 8/15
A nurse ... well, that’s new. And it works here. But working for Awesome. That might be a challenge.

A she ... a grumpy she ... oh, someone totaled her Porsche ... yes, I’d be grumpy, too. Maybe a govt. agent?

Smokeshow? Also a new term to this old guy. But I get the idea. Hahahahaha ... “even I’ve got eyes...” Wow! A REAL looker! Now what is it Chuck is suppose to do besides get vitals? Hmmmm...


“You can bathe me if you beat me.” What? WHAT?

And cute banter right out of the box! Outstanding. Who’s going to be embarrassed? See her naked? “Maybe you can wash the unmentionables.” ... “Oh, I think they are very mentionable.” Geez, this girl is on fire!

“You still have to fight me, and I’ll let you go first.” Hah! That will teach her. This is one smart and quick almost-nurse. Don’t play with a guy who knows how to operate the bed and broken leg controls. BAM!

“Do you want to check everything out.” You can bet he does. But he’ll never say it, and now he IS embarrassed.

This is a GREAT Scene. Can SO see it being performed! Big laughs!

Really into this fighting game, isn’t she?

A red-headed woman... Hmmm...

“I don’t have anything for you.” ... “Yes you do, attitude for miles.” AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Hilarious. These two are too cute.

Yea! he got his degree. Now the hard work really begins.

Now what are the Woodcombs up to?

“So I was your first, huh?” AHHHHHH Sarah! And still the banter goes on, right off the bat. LOVE. IT.

Good ... Chuck actually asked about the fighting thing. Okay, Sarah, you and ‘the woman’ are just weird. Code for each other, or code of you and the guy? Whatever.

Of course, Chuck does his self-deprecating bit to which Sarah just challenges him, “...if you are brave enough...” Dirty pool? Yes, he won that round. Now she’s here, and ready for a rematch, broken leg and all. Oh, Chuck, you lucky, lucky man.

Totally fun and hilarious. These two are going to challenge one another every day of their lives together. You see those couples practical jokes videos? These two could definitely be in those vids as the “fight” one another every day of their love and joyful lives together.

Thanks for this fun fluff. Sounds like you needed it. Hope it helped. It sure was good for me (and I’m sure lots of other readers). Praying for all the best for you and Mom.

Stay well... Stay safe...
Vurich23 chapter 17 . 8/15
Very cool and sweet! This was a good one. Thank you for posting it!
jwatkins chapter 17 . 8/15
Such fluffy goodness! I need 3-5 servings a day. Keep it coming
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