Reviews for Like a Love Song
BubblesToo chapter 5 . 4/29
Wah i jus read this i thought it was going to be an epilogue but it was better, Sasukes POV and an epilogue its just too cute omg
BubblesToo chapter 5 . 4/28
Guest chapter 4 . 4/24
,.thanks for the update
BubblesToo chapter 4 . 4/23
Wait omg i just read this was a part 1 of a 2 part fanfic yay! I’m excited to read the second part omg
BubblesToo chapter 4 . 4/23
wah i love this chapter so much i cant stop rereading it
Uchiha Sarada1 chapter 4 . 4/22
Please update soon.
Yilichan chapter 4 . 4/22
Wow, can I just say how much I loved reading every chapter? My favorite chapter was the definitely the second one! It actually made me want to cry!

Can’t wait for another chapter! Thanks for blessing me with your amazing stories
LumiaTenshi chapter 2 . 4/11
First part made me shout: YES! YOU GO GIRL! *claps like a seal*
Especially that part wherein she tells him that even if he did those things for her, it was just effed up. hahahaha!

Sasuke's POV shows that in truth he is one who's obsessed with her! Yeah right, not creepy level dude.

This is sooooo cute!

Song suggestion: Nothing by The Script
LumiaTenshi chapter 3 . 4/11
I love this!
I love how she recognizes his mental stress and that she felt truly guilty that she doesn't want to took advantage of it.
I also love the fact that he accepts and understand his need for therapy.

This story is refreshing!

I suggest Make It Right by BTS and Psycho by Red Velvet.
BubblesToo chapter 3 . 3/24
Gahh this chapter was just so so cute omg
BubblesToo chapter 1 . 6/20/2019
This was so cute awww