Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or the song


Rated: T

A cry from you would always be all it took for me to come to your aid. A cry of pain - I would never be able to bear it if I hadn't done anything to ease it when I very well knew I could. It would haunt me for days if you ever even came close to getting hurt - not that I would ever let that happen. Not after those few times I saw cuts and bruises mar your beautiful skin.

A smile from you, it would always brighten my day, however. If anything was going wrong, your smile would always be welcomed. At least, I assumed it would… After a while, your smiles… I no longer knew how to feel about them. There was always something hidden in them. I remember when you truly used to smile back when we were much younger. You never knew, but I always liked to watch your smile. How it used to reach your eyes. How it made your eyes shine even more than they already did. How they made you look even more attractive in the sun.

I always had some issues truly expressing my affection for you ever since we were both placed in Team 7 with Naruto. I wanted to be your tomorrow, so I lived today. My clumsy heart however, never really gave me much help when it came to you, though. You were always a weakness for me. A weakness that could easily be exploited. One that many had began to notice.

From the moment we were placed on the same team, and as we began to "spend" more time together, you were the only one for me. The only one for my heart. This is a truth that is blatantly obvious to anyone. Anyone except me and you, apparently. Not that I blame you, though. I was always rejecting that heart you carried on your sleeve. That heart that you had just for me. Me, on the other hand, refused to accept that amazing love you were so willing to give me.

But that was then, and now everything is different. Even though we are more wary of each other now than before, I can't help but to say, "Thanks."

Thanks for keeping a spot for me in your heart. Thanks for trying to hold onto the short lived memories of our genin selves on the same team. Thanks for there never being a time where you didn't love me back then. After defecting, and returning to Konoha, and every horrible thing I did in between to all of my precious people, I do not deserve your love.

Every time I heard you mutter those words, my heart warmed, to the point where it felt like my heart was overflowing with the love you felt for me. Yet, now, I am still much too scared to return those same words to you, knowing you too were scared. I haven't heard an "I love you" from you in years. Even if we spend all our waking time together, or at least, even if I attempt to spend all my waking time with you. I know you are scared that I will reject you like I used to back when I had my clumsy, clumsy heart. But don't you know, Sakura? Don't you know that my heart is only for you? That can't be clearer to me as I watch you sitting across from me. I want to say something other than, "thanks," but my clumsy heart just won't let me. But it's not just that… there is also fear.

What if you no longer love me like you used to? What if the heart that you used to save just for me is no longer just for me? I wouldn't blame you in the slightest… I have only tried to kill you so many times. It is due to this that I know that our names are forever engraved in each other's heart. Mine in yours for the time you tried to spare me from the darkness that consumed me, and now yours in mine, from witnessing how powerful your love had been. But please don't forget me. Don't tell me you no longer love me.

I now know that it has always been you, and that… that will never change. It has never changed. I was simply too blind to understand it when we were genin.

Your eyes meet mine again. Words better than "thanks" began to swim in my head.

"Sasuke-kun, are you alright? I didn't want to say anything, but you've sorta been staring at me for a while. You haven't even touched your food yet!"

I snap back to reality, feeling my ears warm, knowing that she could not see them.

"Hn… Yes, sorry. I got a little distracted by my mission next week," I offered.

"Oh yeah," she exclaimed as a smirk started to form on her mouth, "Now that you're a jōnin like me, you get to actually go on cool missions with me now. You must be so excited!"

I tried to give her a blank stare, but I couldn't lie. I was actually quite excited. It was also a definite plus that it would be all of Team 7 going, but more so that I would be able to spend time with Sakura outside of the village.

"Ah, it's going to be great," she exclaimed, a big smile on her face, "I love you guys so much! I miss the good old days, before..."

She trailed off, trying to avoid eye contact with me, while I was too busy trying to calm my heart after she said she loved me. Granted, it was not the way I hoped, but for now I would take it.

"I'm so sorry, Sasuke-kun! I didn't meant to be so insensitive! You know I love you, right," she said before blushing, "Ah sorry! I didn't mean to make this even more awkward… I, uh, have to go."

She stood up, apparently thinking that I would express a negative reaction to her confession of love. Although I was not too sure which kind of love she was expressing, I grabbed her hand, silently taking in the warmth it brought me. This was my chance to tell her something better than "thanks" - and I needed to do it quick, before she removed her hand from my grasp and walked away.

"Sakura. Don't. I … I love you," I said avoiding eye contact, pleasantly shocked that I finally told her, six years after we had been placed on the same team.

I felt a soft hand on my chin, moving my head so I could see her eyes again. They were shining, but not only that - her smile also reached her eyes. I had been waiting so long to see that, not that I would ever tell her.

"You know, Naruto told me this, but I just believed he was lying," she said, before an evil glint appeared in her eye, "unless this is all a trick…"

"No, Sakura," I said in a quiet and more serious voice, "I do love you. It's always been you."

I stood up and pulled her into my arms, loving the feel of her body against mine. It was almost like she was perfect for me. Almost like I didn't know that already.

"If you ever doubt that," I said harshly, hearing her chuckle, "you better watch out. But right now, I have a dobe to kill."

I teleported away toward that dobe's chakra signature, hearing only a "Sasuke-kun! Don't!" as a smile finally appeared on my face.