Reviews for Fighting With Fire: No Escape
Emilee Amethyst chapter 13 . 5/1
Wow this was good! I binge read the whole thing. Looking forward to the sequel.
Inquisitivex90 chapter 13 . 4/26
Im so happy I found this beauty!
Amazing story! I couldn't stop reading it.
5 stars!
This is added to my favorite stories collection.

Hope you update soon
milhonalivia chapter 13 . 2/24
SongofFete chapter 13 . 8/31/2019
Oh goodness - I forgot that Haymitch would likely be taken by the Capitol instead of Peeta in these games. I've enjoyed this story, can't believe you've only had 3 reviews! chapter 10 . 6/8/2019
Really like this story! Please update soon
Mellarky chapter 3 . 5/15/2019
Now this is exciting!
Radio Free Death chapter 1 . 5/13/2019
[the Square]

Unless the place is really called 'the Square' then it shouldn't be capitalized. This is because you only capitalize when it’s a proper noun, which are the names of individual people, places, or things.

[Unfortunately I'd been forced by the younger tributes and Effie to stay sober.]

That's part of the issue with the chapter so far. Haymitch does not sound like an alcoholic who's going through withdrawal, who drinks to escape the pain. For one, he's incredibly lucid and analytical, He's not shaking, sweating, anxious, and what's worse, he's exposed to the very thing that made him drink in the first place so his symptoms should've really affected him to the point where he can't even form any coherent thoughts or sentences.

[All I feel now is resentment. I have no hope; there is no hope. We have a cause, but no hope to back it. Hope drives causes onward, keeps them moving. Hope fulfills those causes. But without it...certain failure. I know that there's nothing that I can do to stop the Games. I can try; we all can. But the Capitol won't have it, especially not from District Twelve. They've had enough of out wit. They just want to end us before we prove that killing people is unjust. If the other Districts see and realize that it's wrong, they'll rise up and fight back. It's exactly what the Capitol doesn't want. Prove that killing people is unjust. A small flash of hope sparks inside of me. That's what we need to do!]

Great to see Haymitch actually realize that this is the true plan all along, to not play the game. Though I guess there's no Thirteen coming down to pick them up? Haymitch doesn't mention this at all in his narrative.

[I laugh not because it's funny, but because there's only one reality in the Games, and it's harsh. "We can't both survive. We both know that. The Capitol won't make the same mistake again." I pause for a moment. "It has to be you."]

Oh wait, so Haymitch is treating this like it's just another Hunger Games? Whatever happened to them not playing?