A/N: I've recently been reading and watching the Hunger Games again and wondered what would have happened had Peeta been reaped and Haymitch volunteered. So, here's my take. From Haymitch's point of view, rather than Katniss'.

OptimusPrime2017 presents to you,

A Hunger Games Fanfiction:

No Escape

Chapter 1:

We kept quiet as we were lead to the Square, each of the three of us in between two Peacekeepers. I still found it hard to believe that these Games were of the past Victors. I tried to glance at Katniss around Peeta, but it was a pointless attempt. I pitied her; she was going back into the arena, whether she wanted to or not- obviously not.

I thought back to the deal I had made with her. If Peeta's name was drawn from the bowl by Effie, I would volunteer. That's what I'd promised. Yet fear kept settling back into my mind, the memories of the last Quarter Quell- my games- flying back. Unfortunately I'd been forced by the younger tributes and Effie to stay sober. But the memories made me doubt that I would volunteer to take Peeta's place.

We reached the Square of District Twelve, walking through the pathway made by the other folks of the district. We were escorted up onto the stage, Peeta and I to Effie's right, Katniss to her left.

Effie gave a pathetic attempt to sound cheery as she began the Reaping. "Welcome, welcome. As we celebrate the seventy-fifth anniversary and third Quarter Quell of the Hunger Games. As always, ladies first." She glanced at Katniss as she made her way to the glass bowl that contained a single paper in it. She pulled it out and frowned, unfolding it as she walked back to the microphone. "The female tribute from District Twelve: Katniss Everdeen."

I could've sworn, that from across the stage, I could see a tear go down the young woman's cheek. She doesn't deserve this...None of us do. But I knew that there was nothing that could be done about it; The Games weren't a choice. Once chosen, you had to enter the arena. I swallowed, thinking hard. Soon Effie would choose either me or Peeta, and I had to be ready to make a choice. The memories flashed through my head again. I remembered holding my intestines in as I collapsed and an axe flew over my head, then coming back and hitting home in the other tribute's own head. My teeth clenched unconsciously. You promised her.

Katniss turned towards Effie, who held out an arm. She walked over to the older woman, turning once again to face the crowd. "Wonderful!" Effie exclaimed with false happiness. She cleared her throat. "And now for the male."

Katniss turned her head and looked at me. I knew what I had to do. It might destroy what little sanity that I have left, but I have to do it. I compose myself and give her a confident, reassuring nod, before blinking and looking forward again. You have to do it. You will do it.

Effie reached into the second glass bowl upon reaching it, pulling out a folded sheet of paper. She unfolded it and walked back to the microphone. "The male tribute from District Twelve: Peeta Mellark."

I saw the look of satisfaction on his face that he would be there for her in the arena. I almost pity him as I clear my throat. "I volunteer as tribute."

"What?" Peeta's shocked, mouth hanging agape. "Haymitch-"

I shake my head at him and hope he remembers the plan to get Katniss out alive. "Nothing changes."

What did you just do? I walked past him, confidently, stopping beside a bewildered Effie. I nod to her to go on and end the Reaping.

She composes herself, looking towards the rest of District Twelve and nodding as well. "Very well! The tributes from District Twelve: Katniss Everdeen and Haymitch Abernathy." She rests her hand on my shoulder and gives me a slight shake before removing it and looking straight again. "Well, all that remains is…"

Effie trailed off as all of District Twelve, starting from Katniss' family, held up three fingers. Then, after a moment, I do the same and Katniss also follows on with it. All is silent as this happens. Peacekeepers come from behind us and grab our arms to lead us away. I hear young Primrose cry out after her sister. Effie tried to protest, stuttering over her words.

"I get to say goodbye…" Katniss told the Peacekeeper leading her away.

"New plan: Straight to the train." Thread responded gruffly.

"No…" My fellow tribute looked longingly towards the crowd, despite being pulled the complete other way. I can hear the desperation in her voice. "I have to say goodbye."

"Katniss!" Primrose cries.

"Goodbye!" She shouts back in a strained voice as she's pulled through the doors and out of view of the crowd.

I'm guided along after her, though I pull my arm free. I know the route, I've only done this twenty-four other times. I hear Effie and Peeta following us and my thoughts turn to the boy. He's the mentor now. It takes me not even a moment to know that he's not had the experience with dealing with getting sponsors. After another few seconds, I remember that he's nice and generally good with people anyway. It should be easier for him than it ever was for me.

We make a right turn and go down some stairs, entering fresh air again. We're lead to the vehicle waiting for us. I scoot into the back seat first, Katniss getting in after. We even manage to squeeze Peeta in here with us, but there's no room to move. The back seat was only made for two people. Effie sits up front in the passenger seat, next to the Peacekeeper transporting us to the train.

We are driven through District Twelve, the vehicle occassionally bumping and smashing us against one another even more, usually resulting in me cursing. I look out the window, watching the familiar buildings flash by. This might very well be my last time here in Twelve. I was taken from home once. I survived. I came back. Against all odds, I'd managed to outlast forty-seven others. And now I'm leaving again. After my Games and last year's, the chances of surviving for either Katniss and I are very, very slim. I'd be surprised if either of us made it down to the top five.

All I know is that President Snow is angry; tired of being outsmarted and played by the tributes of District Twelve. They wouldn't let it happen again, that's for certain.

Before I know it, I see the train sitting at the station and we're being forced out of the vehicle. My legs shake, but not from being crammed in. I was scared. I was heading back to the Capitol; not to watch tributes die, but to die. Get ahold of yourself, Haymitch. If they see you like this, they'll give up hope. That forced my legs to obey rather than give out. I solemnly look down, having no reason nor feeling the pride to hold it up high. Once, I may have been proud to volunteer for my death; once I may have been proud to keep a promise that involved saving someone else. But not anymore. Any pride I used to have is gone. What was there to be proud of? Dying? Stupid. Representing and hoping for an already lost cause? Yeah, right.

All I feel now is resentment. I have no hope; there is no hope. We have a cause, but no hope to back it. Hope drives causes onward, keeps them moving. Hope fulfills those causes. But without it...certain failure. I know that there's nothing that I can do to stop the Games. I can try; we all can. But the Capitol won't have it, especially not from District Twelve. They've had enough of out wit. They just want to end us before we prove that killing people is unjust. If the other Districts see and realize that it's wrong, they'll rise up and fight back. It's exactly what the Capitol doesn't want. Prove that killing people is unjust. A small flash of hope sparks inside of me. That's what we need to do!

I board the train first, followed by Katniss, Peeta, and then Effie. I head for the liquor car, needing to settle my mind, even if it didn't drown everything out. I enter said car and examine the bottles, searching for something that sounded interesting. The train starts moving. As I'm deciding whether to choose Scotch or beer, I hear the door slide open behind me. I turn to see her. Katniss.

She walks up and hugs me. "Thank you, Haymitch."

I awkwardly pat her back. "I made a promise and I'm keeping it."

"Just don't die in there because of me." She demands quietly.

I laugh not because it's funny, but because there's only one reality in the Games, and it's harsh. "We can't both survive. We both know that. The Capitol won't make the same mistake again." I pause for a moment. "It has to be you."

"Don't say that." Katniss releases me and pulls back, her familiar stubborn look in her features. "We'll find a way to both get out. And then neither of the three of us will be part of the Games again. Except mentoring…"

I shake my head. "I don't want to survive again. All it ever brought me was pain." I choose the Scotch, grabbing it.

"I watched your Games the other day." She admits. "How did you survive?"

"Trust me, I would've died if the Capitol had slightly less developed technology." I tell her. "Sometimes I can feel the pain like it's a fresh wound still."

"Did they do anything after?" She questioned. "You outsmarted them badly."

I uncork the bottle in my hand and take a sip. "Oh, they did alright."

"What'd they do?"

"What's the most important thing to anyone?"

"Their family." Katniss tilted her head, taking another second to realize what happened. Horror filled her eyes and her jaw dropped open. "They didn't…"

"They did." I say. "Public execution. I gave Snow my word that I'd do as I was told, but he did it anyway, to keep me in line." I pause. "Then you came along. You are so much like I was. You gave me a new hope after watching so many tributes from our District die. I knew that I'd help you out in the Games, no matter what it took. Help you to not make the same mistake I did." Another pause. I take a sip of the Scotch. "The reason I drink is to help me forget watching my mother, brother, and girlfriend die."

She hugs me again, but I feel more sympathy for her having to hear this than for myself. "You're still an asshole."

I laugh at that, the first genuine laugh in a long time that burst from my lungs. I hear her laugh too. As the laughter dies down, I heave a sigh. I stand there with Katniss for awhile, not minding it too much. As she releases me to go, the door slides open and Peeta enters. The younger couple smiled at each other warmly.

"Katniss." Peeta nods to her and then turns to me. "Haymitch, we need to talk."

I already knew what about, so I nod. "We do." I look to Katniss. "Can you give us a minute, sweetheart?"

"Sure." She left the car, probably going either to the main one or her personal car.

"Well?" I raise an eyebrow at the young man.

"Why'd you volunteer?" Peeta asks. He doesn't seem angry, just confused and shocked.

"Because I made a promise." I reply.

"What? To who?" I can tell that he already knows.

I gesture towards the door with my head. "Her."

"Why?" He questions.

"President Snow isn't going to let two Victors survive this time. She wanted you to be here when she got back, and basically asked me to die for you." I sum it up best I can, with a purposeful sarcastic tone at the end.

"But what about the plan?" Peeta swallows. "You can't do your part and I can't do mine."

"Like I said, nothing changes." I tell him. "You do my part and I'll do yours."

"You're sure it'll still work?"

"Once we talk to the rest of the tributes? Yes."

He nods. "I'll take your word for it. Just don't get her killed."

"She got out alive before, with my help from the outside. We can make this work again." I assured him. "It'll work."

"I hope so, Haymitch." He nods again, holding out his hand.

I shake it.