Reviews for Cruel games of irrationality
Guest chapter 9 . 5/6
Please update!
Luunafreya chapter 9 . 4/27
what? it ends here? will it continue? AHHHHH PLEASE TELL ME IT WILL
A chapter 8 . 4/24
Hi! I just read chap. 8. How exciting! I felt the tension rising in my stomach a I was reading! I really liked it! Thank you!
Alaxia chapter 9 . 4/6
This chapter was amazing, the atmosphere is so intense, I will re read immediately! I can only wait for the next chapter, thank you so much for bringing this story to life!
Marquise de Nile chapter 9 . 4/3
Nice that Juugo's better! It definitely lifted Sakura's spirit. I like how you wrote that her appetite returned, that's very natural after all the stress she'd been in.

Quite a tense confrontation with Raikage. Good that Sasuke was there to argue back against the shady business. He didn't let them take his Sakura XD. Protective Sasuke is really something to behold XD. Btw, Sakura also didn't notice when he came in there. And of course, she was completely uninformed about everything. As nice as it is that Sasuke says she's in his squad, they should work more on keeping everyone on the team in the loop. Also, just the fact that she almost let herself be arrested because she felt guilty and wanted to be punished, that she was trying to find a reason for that arrest and didn't even think about defending herself or that Raikage was in the wrong, speaks a lot about her trauma and baggage. I guess she wanted to defend herself by instinct, but her reason doesn't seem to be working right under the circumstances. I think Sakura needs a vacation.

Thanks for the chapter!
v.yeesha chapter 1 . 4/3
why you destroy sakura's character like that T_T she is stronger and smarter than that.. and you make her like a weak minded damsel in distress, while make sasuke keep saving her.
tatutu chapter 9 . 4/2
Guest chapter 9 . 4/2
really intriguing! cant wait to read more
Guest chapter 9 . 4/2
I would so like to read more.. simply addicting till now
Quwarichi chapter 3 . 4/2
I feel so scared reading this since I can't even try and guess what's going to happen next and I understand both sides of the story and both are right and wrong and my brain is melting hnggggggg
DanielaCarvalho chapter 8 . 3/27
Your story is incredible! I was so immersed in it that I didn't even see time go by, I always liked this theme and you managed to represent the complex characters very well, so congratulations! I can't understand the people who complained about her fanfiction, she is incredible, her work is incredible! (Sorry for my possible mistakes, my native language is not English)
Himey chapter 8 . 3/2
it was great great! keep up the good work:)
Alaxia chapter 8 . 2/29
I love how real this is and how the story is slowly un reveling, can’t wait to read more!
Marquise de Nile chapter 8 . 2/29
Wow. That's some real craziness in the comments. I recommend you to ignore it (or delete the worst of it, though you're probably already doing it). It's just a story. I will never understand people who keep reading stories they don't agree with and don't enjoy and then they harrass the author.

Alright about the chapter:

I like Sasuke's angst, his thoughts about Sakura, his pain of rejection and inability to deal with the situation. How he tries to make sense of her and what he tries never works. The truth is that Sasuke is damaged and he was never great at being social. His failure to communicate and talk about his feelings is on point imo. He needs help. Relationships aren't built just on love, they are built on communication and understanding. Just loving looks can work in a fairytale (or Kishi's lazy writing), but you're going for a more realistic take. It has to be difficult and painful, because not only Sasuke has trauma, Sakura was also deeply hurt and it's a testament to the depth of her love for him. Because if she didn't truly love him, she wouldn't have been so wounded by him and his actions.

The way I see it, when Sakura refuses to make the relationship easy for Sasuke, when she is too tired and confused and hurt to keep trying so hard to understand him, to see the positive of his actions and actually needs him to make himself clear in his own words- that's the big test of their relationship. Because they have to meet halfway. They both have to work and apparently, they both fail at it quite badly. They need a couple therapy ASAP or they will destroy themselves. Or maybe they will manage to finally connect again. I think that's what they need, because when they click once, it will stay that way. So I'm really looking forward to see how you will develop the story and what will occur next and if and how they will overcome these difficulties.

Interesting how Sasuke thinks of himself as a lost boy. That makes him sound really vulnerable. He acts always so confident and sure, but it's only an act, if in his thoughts he's so unsure. I also love how he was eager to see the real Sakura, to draw her out with his chakra. Because the real Sakura, the one who loves him openly is still there, she's just hidden deeply under that angry, distrustful shell she built around herself for protection. I always thought Sasuke's chakra would be fiery, like his elemental nature, so I was surprised when you described it as cold. Were you just trying to contrast it with Sakura's warm chakra?

I find the political intrigue with Suigetsu being ordered and forced by Raikage's ANBU to kill Natsume interesting and I'm looking forward to where this is going, especially if it puts Sakura in some kind of danger that Sasuke can save her from and maybe finally get through to her :) Karin again slays in this chapter, I really like the way you write her. She really matured from that old Karin. Karin without a crush is so cool and she works great as Sasuke's friend. You just get it. The reappearance of the cat is great! I love that he spies on Kumo ANBU and they just have no idea and think he's a normal cat LOL This is really hilarious.

Thank you for another angsty and enjoyable chapter! See you next time!
Guest chapter 3 . 2/29
Such a shame this story has attracted the crazy Sasuke haters:-(
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