Reviews for Meet Me On The Battlefield
KEB chapter 9 . 8/19
Interesting. Harry seems to go from old soul to young boy and back far too much. It's rather disjointed. However, the story is still enjoyable. Thanks for writing.
KEB chapter 6 . 8/18
The characters are wonderful, can't wait for the action to pick up. Thanks!
KEB chapter 5 . 8/18
Nice heartwarming story so far.
KEB chapter 3 . 8/18
Another good chapter. Thanks for writing!
KEB chapter 2 . 8/18
Great story, thanks for writing!
muratira chapter 9 . 8/16
Oh thank the gods, the story is NOT dead. Can barely wait to see what comes next.
muratira chapter 10 . 7/4
Gods, this is such a good story. The overall flow, the conversations and structure and all top notch. I wish I could give you constructive criticism but I'm afraid I'm not a literary critic so what little I could say to 'improve' it would be purely subjective. Here's hoping you continue this gem.
SilverLightning26 chapter 10 . 4/10
This is such a good story. The characters, the plot development, all of it. I can't wait to read more!
SilverLightning26 chapter 1 . 4/10
This is the most raw, intense, and realistic encounter with Truth I've read, more so because it was Harry. Very well written!
ShadowHeart175 chapter 10 . 3/30
And that's the tea. Great chapter, the events occurring have got me real excited for what will happen next. I can see the plot blossoming before my eyes and it's a beautiful sight. Thanks for so much to read!
fearthefuzzybear chapter 10 . 3/30
oh NO
Fear the Fuzzy Bear chapter 9 . 3/28
I'm cryING-
it's ok I didn't need that heart anyway

it's just how much I like this is -rips heart out because I, a fool, cannot express-
SkylerHollow chapter 9 . 3/28
Thanks for the chapter.
ShadowHeart175 chapter 9 . 3/27
I really love reading this story! The characters are so compelling and realistic and the writing is more complex and beautiful than I could ever manage to produce. I always get so excited every time a new chapter comes out! It's like Christmas come early so often.
ShadowHeart175 chapter 8 . 3/24
You can't just twist the plot on us like that, you freaking amazing author!
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