Reviews for The Interference of Mara Jade
wedgegeck chapter 9 . 5/20
That was both heartwarming and awesome. Always happy to see Vader redeemed, and doubly so when it involves Mara Jade!
Black' Victor Cachat chapter 9 . 4/9
Very pleasant story, with some nice original twists. Well done! :-D
Numbnuts55 chapter 7 . 2/9
Do you want to marry her?" Admiral Ackbar demanded.

Solo nodded enthusiastically, "Yes!"

"Do you want to marry him?"

"Yes!" Leia chortled in delight.

"You're married."
Chani chapter 9 . 1/19
So awesome! I really, really loved this, especially how you used Mara. Thanks a lot for writing and sharing this. I had lots of fun reading.
andjelija.nenic chapter 4 . 11/21/2019
Update more chapters about this story,because it's the best,extra and the great story that I was reading about it,and I am also starting to love and to like reading to this story. So can you please write more chapters,because I want to know what happens in the next chapters about it. THANKS SO MUCH FOR WRITTEN TO THIS STORY,thanks so much about it.&&&£££%%%$$$
Krysta Farrell chapter 9 . 11/11/2019
This was truly a wonderful story! I love that Tatooine finally got some rain at the end!

I'm really tired and my brain is fried so my review will be short. I really enjoyed the story, especially the friendship and budding romance between Luke and Mara. Artoo Detoo orchestrating Palpatine's demise was just awesome! That little droid surely does know what he's doing when it comes to assassinating someone, lol.

Anyway, I hope you'll write some more Star Wars stories soon! I know I'll enjoy reading them. Gage a wonderful evening!
SnowflakesandMozart chapter 9 . 10/22/2019
Well, this was fun. I didn't read as you posted, so I got to glom it all in one gulp this morning. Another creative death for Palpatine and a romp for everyone else. Thanks for posting.

P.S. I hope you're feeling better.
Morriganna chapter 9 . 10/21/2019
Wonderful story, I truly enjoyed it.

A change of pace next time? Go all Sith! Luke and Leia as Sith growing up with Vader as their father. Sith through and through, yet the family loves each other dearly.
ichigo urahara Shihoin chapter 9 . 10/21/2019
really fabulous
OfficerDonNZ chapter 9 . 10/20/2019
Fun story. Nice to see Mara Jade. Needed to read something like this after the stressful time I've been having lately.
IanAlphaAxel chapter 9 . 10/20/2019
Absolutely loved this story! :)
LittleRobinRedbreast chapter 9 . 10/20/2019
Awwww! So many children. And it rained! Rain on Tatooine. Who'd of thought. This was a wonderful epilogue. Thank you for sharing. :)
EmlynMara chapter 9 . 10/20/2019
Wonderful ending. Rain on Tatooine. I like that it didn’t happen overnight, and that it didn’t happen without additional tampering. Life is not perfect, but with time and effort, changes - positive changes - can occur. Fun, and thought provoking.
Brievel chapter 9 . 10/20/2019
A wonderful story that I thoroughly enjoyed. I can't wait for your next work of art!
banzi chapter 9 . 10/20/2019
Enjoyed your story
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