Reviews for Of Veelas and Mates
sizzle424242 chapter 6 . 6/13
Thank you for sharing this wonderful story! I love your writing and hope you will continue!
MollyA918 chapter 1 . 5/2
Ilovedthis! Thank you so much for writing this!
Puzzler54 chapter 6 . 2/19
Wow, a powerful emotive story, I couldn't put it down! Well done.
Bella chapter 6 . 2/6
Love this story
Irish Thorn chapter 6 . 2/8
Love this so much! So sweet and sensual, yet fiery and intense; I couldn't ask for more! Absolutely wonderful!
AmethystRoseMalfoy chapter 6 . 2/7
So in love with this picture of domestic bliss!
I love a good Veela story, and a Veela triad is something new and wonderful that I didn't know I needed in my life!
Thank you for sharing this story!
Slytherclaw Black chapter 6 . 2/7
I'm ridiculous and read all of your A/Ns again and my face hurts from smiling so much. I adore you big sister. Absolutely adore you. Thank you for this story. I know you love me most.

The idea of the two veela freaking out as she gives birth is glorious!

Hahaha! Harry is with her! I'm just grinning like an idiot again!

I don't care what it says about me...I love the thought of the boys being that batshit to reach her.

Awwww... Draco recognizes Ron! How did you manage to make that cute?

Oh! A growl-ly Blaise?! *takes notes*

I'm a ridiculous sucker for babies. I know...much surprise. Tiny veela baby! Am so happy. And soon a tiny Zabini baby?! Yaaaaas Queen!

His name is perfect and the moment between them as they discuss it is heart melting.

This has been brilliant Dash! Thank you so much for this glorious gift.

I have now consumed a full pot of coffee and now that my guilt has been assuaged I am off fo write. I will also fry to figure out how to drag all of my reviews from H.I.S.S. over to here. You deserve nothing less and I hope that these reviews have at least made you smile. I love you most!

All of my love
Happy Clawzer
Royan Granger-Nott chapter 6 . 2/6
Aww, it’s tough being a daddy ;o)
Whit96 chapter 6 . 2/6
Awe cute
Maybenotahufflepuff chapter 6 . 2/6
That was adorable and fierce. Thank you
Qween87 chapter 6 . 2/6
So sweet! Love it
TinkerVine le Fey chapter 6 . 2/6
WOW! Oh em gee ahhhhhhh!

404: Coherent thoughts not found.

I had to pause listening after about two paragraphs because my breath quit working from the excitement. You sure know how to bring in a scene with a bang! Now we're good and I can read again.

Ughh my poor Veela family! I hate they had to miss this special moment! Had I known, I would have given them some special sprinkles to keep them subdued. Kudos Harry for being a good little bro and to the Veela Nation for actually doing their damn job.

They are lying Blaise! They're torturing her! Now calm the fuck down so you can go save her and get that girl a pain potion!

(Why do I feel like you had to make things right after I killed that special person in Wings? Is this redemption? Or my own narcissism? lol)

I love how you had Draco force himself to be in control and might I add you have done a splendid job rehabilitating Ron of his jackassery. The black eyes and hissing melt me every time, too.

The sweet fluff broke my brain again with the kiss between the boys. I'm all soft and fluffy now. The crying and kissing and safety is just lovely. Such a incoherent fluff puddle I am.

Hahaha the black eyes and blonde hair.

I think it's cool that you made them have one baby at a time instead of twins.

Awwwwwwwwweeee! What a beautiful addition to this already amazing saga.

Come rain or shine,

Scorpia11 chapter 5 . 1/10
This was absolutely brilliant...truly...the only thing wrong with it is that it isn't longer! I need like forty more chapters! Joking aside I love this pairing as well as the way in which you executed it. The slight differences pertaining to the Vela trope was nice. Always have loved an alpha Draco! Seriously, the entire thing from start to finish was fantabulous! Thanks for sharing!
Catzandbookz8 chapter 5 . 1/7
Great story! Maybe you could write an epilogue or sequel sometime?
Acantha Rayne Oak-Moon chapter 5 . 12/31/2019
Hey Dash, I finally managed to finish this fic. Yay!

It was so good. I laughed, I cried, I had righteous indignation on Hermione's behalf for the possessiveness of her mates and my mind spiralled off in another direction for a spin-off/sequel one shot sort of thing. Details available if you want them.

Now as for specifics on the chapter... I love how you skipped a month to reach some semblance of peace between the veelas and the Gryffindors. Although the steps involved in gaining acceptance from Harry then Ron were very cute and I can imagine necessary. Blaise and Ron playing chess made me smile. Oh, and Blaise can so beat Ron if he tried lol!

Harry and Pansy? Oh my basilisks, did Claw forgive you?

The baby thing was perfect in how you set up the dramatic irony so the readers could probably guess what her 'news' was as it was laid out at the beginning. There was only so many things 'news' could be and the obvious one was a baby so "yay" for obvious.

The misunderstandings were adorable. Her nervousness, their lack of reaction, her anger, their nurturing. So beautifully captured.

Well done on another fic well finished.

Love and Blessings
Moon x
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