Happy Thanksgiving weekend to all those celebrating!

This is a little two shot that I joked about writing in a review to Slytherclaw Black as payback for her dragging my heart through the muck on her story First Snow. However, I should know better than to threaten my girl with a fic of any kind...she takes that type of thing and runs with it. And so here we are!

So I dedicate this fic to one of my bestest friends ever for her Turkey day pressie! Hope you enjoy it Clawzer! I am still writing part two and hope to be done today but just in case...I wanted you to have the start of it.

A secondary thank you and loving shout out hug to Snowbelle and Nyxxi-pie who were there during the attack from Claw in which all were chanting 'you will write this' in different ways. I love you girls for all your support and for being able to lean on you when stuff gets dark or heavy or just ends up being a good day I want to share.

Warnings: Triad/Slash/MM/MFM/Lemons/Language/Smut/Etc-if you are under age or do not like this kind of thing please do move on to something more your speed. Trolls are welcome as we all enjoy making fun of you on our FB groups! :P

Always your Dash!


The bed side table went crashing to the ground as his foot caught it while he rolled in sexual play with his mate. He had been waiting all day as the need burned through his veins and pounded in his groin. Sliding his hands up alabaster skin, gripping narrow hips and pulling, Blaise positioned himself at the entrance to his lover and with one firm thrust he buried his cock fully inside the warm, tight channel.

One long fingered, pale hand reached back and gripped his thigh as Draco groaned in pleasure. Taking a moment to get control of the veela screeching inside of his body, Blaise rolled his hips so he could pull almost completely out before thrusting forward hard. The sound of skin slapping against skin was loud in the room as he set a rapid pace, needing to claim his mate all over again with his pheromones and his seed.

Reaching around as he pulled Draco up so his back was pressed against his front, Blaise wrapped his hand around his lover's jutting length and squeezed before pumping him in time to the thrust of his hips. Their breathing was harsh and ragged as they both neared their peak and as Draco groaned his name into the air, Blaise's veela took that moment to speed to the forefront of his mind and with no hesitation he sank his teeth into Draco's shoulder, the veela mating venom surging through the blonde's body and shoving him violently into orgasm.

As his cries rang through the room, line after line of his release coating Blaise's hand and the bed below them, Blaise let go of his own control and pounded into his mate's willing body until his own release climbed up his spine and rushed from his body in warm spurts of his seed. He pulled his mouth away from Draco's neck as he called his name into the air, his head thrown back as his body tensed and pulsed from the intense pleasure wracking every inch of him.

Pulling out Blaise collapsed backwards on to the bed, his lungs heaving to try to get more air as his body shook from the force of his release. He didn't get a chance to stay that way as warm hands gripped his legs and spread them open. As his mate settled between his hips he opened his eyes to see the solid black eyes as Draco's veela came out to play as well. His cock still hard and now glistening with his first release, he laid his body along Blaise's and rubbed his hard length against Blaise's.

The friction sent waves of pleasure down both of their spines. Just like Blaise's veela, Draco's was going through their mating time and needed to mark his mate just as strongly. As Draco's mouth movement punishingly over Blaise's, he positioned his cock at Blaise's entrance and pushed in just as roughly. The stretching brought about a momentary sting before the pain rolled away on a wave of pleasure. Breaking the kiss to throw his head back and hiss, Draco set a pace of thrusting just as hard and deep as Blaise had, his hips rolling so that he caressed every inch of his cock along every inch inside Blaise.

The overwhelming sensations coupled with the fact he had already come once tonight sent Blaise to moaning uncontrollably, his hands gripping Draco's shoulders and back frantically, his claws biting into that beautiful pale skin to leave small crescent moon shaped wounds in their wake. Normally a second orgasm would take time to reach and they would play for hours as they built that pleasure again. But not tonight…tonight they had little control over their own bodies and were at the whim of their veela nature.

As Draco hissed his desire against Blaise's neck his veela took over and he sank his teeth deep into Blaise's vein. As the venom flooded his system, once again reaffirming their bond, Blaise was blinded from the waves of pleasure that rolled and crested inside his body as his seed flew from his cock to coat the skin between them. Draco was not far behind but kept his teeth in Blaise, prolonging Blaise's orgasm as he left his essence and scent inside and all over his body.

Careful to pull out of Blaise gently, Draco rolled over to his back and lay beside his mate panting, his body jerking from the aftershocks of ecstasy that he had just drowned in. As they lay side by side, their hands intertwining together neither could help the satisfied smile on their faces.

"You know we only have a few minutes before it is going to hit us again."

Draco's chuckle was warm and sent a shiver of delight along Blaise's skin.

"I'm aware…we really need to stop putting it off and go look for the female that is supposed to complete our bonding circle before the mating need kills us both."

Blaise couldn't help but groan at that thought.

"We are considered pariahs now Draco…junior Death Eater's in a society that hates and shuns all that had to do with the Dark Lord and his side of the war. Even ten years later and we are still ostracized when we leave the manor. How are we going to find 'the' female for us when we can't even get close to one to catch their scent?"

Rolling over to face him, Draco waited until Blaise turned to his side too before he brushed the Italian's hair from his face and gave him a loving smile.

"I hate to say it but maybe it's time we registered with the magical creatures division and asked for help. It may be the only way and we are going to have to find her soon or the veela's need for a child is going to override our control and sense of honor and find a female to mate with whether we like it or not. For that matter the female won't have to really be in agreement either and the last thing we need is to lose control and take someone against their will. We are only free of Azkaban by the grace of the Golden Trio as it is…"

Watching his mate close his eyes and his brow pull down in worry, Draco couldn't help the pain it caused and he pulled Blaise in close. He hated that he couldn't provide the last remaining piece his lover needed to be completely happy and his veela hummed a sad note as he closed his own eyes.

They were a rare veela pairing in their world. They had already spent years in the veela nation meeting female veela or half veela in hopes of finding their elusive female mate. Due to the nature of the veela needing to breed children of its own bloodline, normal mating pairs were male to female based.

Every few hundred years or so a pairing would be born that resulted in a triad of sorts. Sometimes if the other veela families were lucky, the female piece would also be of veela blood and the family would be honored for having more than one son-in-law. Most times though the female was a human and just like with magical blood and muggle born witches and wizards, this anomaly was meant to bring in new blood to the veela community. Due to the last two wars, veelas were a rare and dying breed after they refused to serve in Voldemort's army and the birth of Blaise and Draco's veela bonding had been celebrated as a sign they were going to be saved.

Of course that put a ton of pressure on Draco and Blaise to complete their bonding circle and their inner veelas felt that duty just as profoundly as they did. As the years progressed the need came upon them earlier and earlier and it was starting to feel like it would one day hit and not end until pregnancy was confirmed. If that happened, they were going to be forced out of their home to find a female to breed with to stop the unrelenting need and they both knew neither the female nor the baby would survive the birth if it wasn't their true mate.

"Who is in charge of the veela side of the magical creature division…do we know?"

Blaise's voice brought him out of his spiral of negative thoughts and searching through his memory he groaned as he remembered a recent article in the Daily Prophet.

"I hate when you groan like that…it never ends well for us. Who is it?"


Blaise's groan was a perfect match to his and Draco couldn't help but snort with amusement.

"We are so screwed! Why does it have to be the one girl you picked on that would hold our fate in her hands? Can we not get a break…just once?"

Pulling Blaise into his arms and burying his nose in the Italian's silky walnut colored hair, Draco couldn't help agreeing wholeheartedly with him. Why couldn't they catch a break just one time?

Having his mate so close, Draco felt the mating need rush through his veins at the same time Blaise let out a deep groan and rolled his hips to brush his hardening cock against Draco's skin.

"Fuck Drake…I can't keep going through this…it's starting to be as painful as it is pleasurable."

Humming in agreement, Draco pulled Blaise on top of him and drowned out the pain with a kiss, hoping once they appeased this round of need the heat would fade again and give them a few days or even weeks to try to find a way out of the mess they were heading in to.

Hermione rubbed her eyes and sat back in her chair. The week had been so unbelievably long and after the council meeting with the vampire heads and the 'field trip' to check on the local werewolf pack and their new territory, she was exhausted and ready to throw in the proverbial towel. If only she could…

She leaned forward and rested her brow on her desk so that her eyes could look at the floor. Focusing on her breathing she took slow even drags of air in and out as she tried to mentally fight off the headache that was starting behind her eyes. Being the point of contact for so many magical groups had seemed exactly the position she had wanted from day one. Now a year into the assignment and she realized it was another way for the bureaucrats to use her name and face to look good while trying to kill her…she was determined that was their master plan.

Though she adored what she did and was always happy to meet new heads of factions and talk about how to make the laws more fair for their 'kind' whatever that may be, Hermione found she was called in or contacted all hours of the night and day and had not had a decent night's sleep in at least three months. She was running on the fumes of her fumes and was pretty sure if she did not take some down time soon…she was going to collapse and be no good to anyone. The issue…no one else was trusted now by the leaders of said magical groups but her.

Gritting her teeth as the same useless tears of exhaustion tried to form and wishing that she had someone to go home to that could at least hold her and give her comfort even if sleep wasn't an option, she sat back up and then stood, grabbing her beaded bag and the folder that contained all the forms she had to fill out for this last visit and request of the day. This was one she was not looking forward to but as lead on all new cases of magical creature ailments and issues…she had very little choice but to take it.

Leaving her office and walking at her usual steady pace, Hermione shored up her mental defenses, determined no matter what insults or derogatory remarks the two made upon realizing their case manager was the mudblood herself, she would not lose her professionalism or let them see how much those kinds of comments still affected her.

Apparating to the location she was given, Hermione took a moment to let her stomach settled and to smooth down and cast a no-wrinkle spell on her work robes before starting up the long walkway to the front door. The view brought back memories she would prefer to never have to think of again and with a shake of her head she pushed the fear away, repeating her mantras given to her by her mind healer at the end of the war. She was no longer a scared teenager, helpless against older and stronger witches and wizards. She was now a grown woman and deadly in her own right.

Reaching the large oak wood door, Hermione raised her hand to knock only to have the door open on its own before she could. The house elf before her was dressed not in a pillow case or cast off clothing but wore an elf sized suit and tie, his ears were laid back along his head and curled up at the ends as if it were hair styled. His feet were covered with shiny dress shoes and as he gave a slight bow at the waist, his voice though still slightly higher pitched than a human male's voice was both cultured and pleasant.

"Good evening Miss. Please come in and be welcome. The masters are in the lounge waiting on your arrival. Follow me if you please."

Turning he walked through the foyer and turned down a hallway, the door closing on its own as she stepped through. She noticed that the interior was not as dark as she recalled and wondered if the Malfoy heir had redecorated after his mother and father fled England to avoid Azkaban in order to be able to live inside the manor and not have nightmares. The warm cherry and oak wood blended nicely with the blues and greens and grays of various shades in the new rubs and paintings.

As the elf stopped in front of one of the doors, his knock was sharp and clear and within moments a muffled voice rang through and he opened it with a bow in her direction.

"They will see you now. Refreshments will be brought in momentarily."

Smiling at the elf's manners she nodded her head and thanked him before taking a deep breath and walking into the room. The first thing she noticed was that the space was very open and airy and took away the slight bit of claustrophobia she had started to feel. The walls and floors were a nice light pine wood and everything from the furniture to the rugs, paintings to throw pillows were light colors designed to make a person feel relaxed and comfortable. Taking it all in, this was not a room she ever thought to see in the ancient Malfoy manor.

"Agent Granger…thank you for taking the time out of your very busy schedule to come see us. I fear we may have already waited too long to reach out and I for one was relieved to get your owl that you would be by today."

At the smooth voice of Blaise Zabini washed over her she fought back a shiver. He may have been a death eater but he had been an unwilling one and there had always been something captivating and mysteriously sexy about the Italian wizard. Dragging her eyes from the décor she turned to face him, fixing her professional smile on her face…a smile that froze as she caught sight of him.

Dressed in a pair of khaki slacks and a long sleeve button down dress shirt that matched the color of ripe plums, he cut an impressive view. His lean body was sculpted just perfectly to see defined lines as the shirt hugged his chest and arms before falling loosely along his stomach and waist. His hair was without any products and hung to his chin in a dark fall of chocolate silk. His eyes as he got closer were sparkling with warmth and welcome and the green was highlighted by a yellow gold star burst in the center.

On autopilot she held out her hand and as his warm skin enveloped hers, Hermione had to lock her knees to keep from swooning at his feet. As she watched him lift the hand to his lips she noted that though he was a pampered pureblood prince, he had callouses on his palms that spoke of some sort of work with his hands and she wondered if it was from riding a broom or something else. As his lips brushed her knuckles she had the thought that he would be good with his hands and almost whimpered at the images that flashed in her head.

A hiss brought her mind around and as the attractive wizard was yanked almost violently away from her, Hermione had to shake her head to clear the fuzzy cocoon that had wrapped itself around her brain. Following the wizard who was pin wheeling his arms to stay upright, she watched as a black eyed, fangs extended Malfoy hissed once more and took a step in front of Zabini once he was a safe distance from her.

"What the hell Dray?"

The exclamation was hissed angrily as Blaise glared at his mate, his eyes bleeding to black as he felt his fangs extend in his mouth.

"My apologies Gran…Agent Granger. I didn't realize what was happening until you actually looked up at him starry eyed. Give us just a moment to reel in the pheromones and we will be right with you."

She watched as a conversation in a language she had never heard passed back and forth between the two veela before Zabini closed his eyes and took several deep breaths. As he opened them again, his eyes were no longer black but the same amazing green and yellow-gold she had seen earlier. His fangs receded and as he nodded his head, Draco turned around and she got a look at her old school nemesis.

Though his eyes were taking longer to go back to normal, his fangs had disappeared and with his mouth set in a determined line she realized he no longer had the softness of a boy but was now a fully grown wizard…one with chiseled aristocratic bones. His skin was just as pale as it used to be but now had a healthy glow to it that made him look as if he had been cut from marble. His hair was the way she remembered it, just long enough to get into his eyes or gripped as he made love to you and as he ran his hand through it, he took on the almost tousled in bed look.

Shaking her head again as he groaned in front of her, she watched as Blaise slid his hand under one arm and across his chest and pulled until they were leaned against each other. The dark blue button down shirt and black slacks that Malfoy wore looked very sexy against the backdrop of Blaise's coloring and clothing and she wondered what it would look like to see that olive toned hand resting on Malfoy's alabaster skin instead of his shirt. Knowing instantly that that was not a thought she would have normally had, Hermione closed her eyes and took several steps back until her back hit the closed door.

"What is happening?"

Even her voice came out husky and inviting and she cleared her throat to try to gain some semblance of control.

"It has to do with why we requested a meeting and your help. I don't know how much you know about veela history so I will just start at the beginning and explain it if that is okay."

She nodded…not trusting her voice as Malfoy's warm tone washed over her like honey. She had never been able to feel someone's voice before and had even spent weeks around veela with no real ill effects. This was something altogether new and she was certain if she could think straight she would be terrified. Presently the only thing she could focus on was walking over to them, sliding into their arms, and seeing if their bodies were as warm and inviting as their voices. She knew she whimpered as she thought that thought and turning she banged her head several times on the wooden door to try to clear it.

"In veela history there is a rarity born every few hundred years. Two male veela come together as mates and bond fully but because they are unable to produce offspring, they are granted a third mate to share between them…a female. Sometimes this female is veela but that is very rare. Normally the female tends to be of magical blood and usually human so that a new bloodline can be born into the veela community."

Keeping her forehead against the door and lifting her arms to dig her nails into the wood, Hermione murmurs for him to keep going as she tries to focus on the texture beneath her fingertips and the way her breath bounces off the door and back against her cheeks.

"We still go through what veela term 'the heat' but since we do not have a female to trigger it every two months like normal veela do…we have it happen randomly. At first it was every six months give or take a month. We spent several years in the veela towns making sure our mate wasn't an actual veela. The last few years we have just stayed to ourselves since we really are not welcomed outside the walls of this manor."

She could hear the brushing of their shirts and pants against one another and unable to resist she picked her head up and looked back over her shoulder. Both men had their eyes closed and as Blaise held Draco against him, Draco gripped one arm with one hand and his other was holding tightly to Blaise's thigh. They both looked like they were fighting their own compulsions and biting her lip until she tasted blood Hermione turned her head again and focused on the grooves she could trace with her gaze.

"Unfortunately if our mate is not found fast enough we start to have 'the heat' more often until it is all we know or feel. History has only two recorded cases of pairings like ours not finding their female fast enough. Both pairs ended up killing each other to ensure they did not take a female against her will. The need to mate will eventually override our control and we will hunt down the first viable female for breeding and take her. Blaise and I are closing in on that point and we need your help to try to find our mate before it's too late and we have to make a decision neither one of us wants to make."

Trying to clear her head, Hermione took a few deep breaths and then turned around and leaned back against the wall. Both wizards had their eyes focused on her with an intensity that made her heart stutter and her skin pebble up in fear and anticipation…though anticipation for what she wasn't sure.

"Am I to assume that the overwhelming urge to throw myself bodily into your arms is a side effect of the uncontrolled pheromones you are both producing right now?"

She watched Draco's eyes bleed to black as he hissed. Blaise wasn't much better as his eyes followed suit but he tightened his arms around Draco and dragged them both another three steps away from her.

"Please don't say things like that Granger…both of us are on a very thin rope right now and with you close to your monthly…we can smell that you are fertile. If it wasn't so damn urgent, I would ask to reschedule after you have finished your cycle so we could think clearer. And yes that is why you have the urge…our veela are both trying to tempt you to our bed since you are at the ripest time to conceive."

Her body starting to tremble at having to hold herself back, Hermione took a moment to recall her lessons on veela from the High Chancellor before continuing her questions. Just thinking about what all she would need to do to solve their dilemma, Hermione close her eyes as exhaustion washed over her. She could feel the prick of tears under her lids as her want to give in to the temptation made her loneliness feel even more acute in her chest. She jerked in surprise as two arms wound around her body and pulled her in close to two very warm, hard chests. Their scents washed over her, a mix of sandalwood and spice and some sort of tangy orange smell that made her mouth water.

As she was pulled forward a step, she opened her eyes to watch the blue shirt disappear behind her before she was sandwiched in between the two taller males. A purring began in their chests that vibrated out into her body and without any real chance to fight she felt her eyes go heavy before she relented her weight to them. She vaguely realized she was being lifted into very strong, capable arms before her need to sleep overwhelmed her and she followed the sandman into oblivion.