Reviews for Made for each other
nagiten chapter 1 . 7/2
there kal-el red K then there just had enough of people hyprocise red K..
i prefer the last one to the first...
but great story
wolftattoo chapter 1 . 4/8
You should write a little sequel of what happens after Clark, Chloe & Lois leave the engagement dinner.
wolftattoo chapter 1 . 4/8
I too am sick of the writers always having Clark run back to Lana like some dog on a leash Clark is suppose to grow, mature & change to become the man & hero he was destined to be. Instead they give us this bullshit about him & Lana belonging together we all know they don't their story was suppose to end after they graduated high school. Instead the writers made Lana think everything was about her they could've made Smallville's Lana more like Annette O'Toole's Lana sweet, beautiful, kind, caring who loved Clark for who he is instead we got a Lana who was selfish, manipulative, shallow, greedy, mean basically an evil version of Lex. Lana did some despicable things & yet everyone calls her on it & Clark doesn't call her on it he gets pissed if anyone says anything bad about Lana sorry, but she needs to be knocked of her pedestal & show the nasty bitch she has become.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/7
I'm rewatching the entire series now and I agree with you about Clark on red K. I also am so sick of seeing Lana being center of attention. She bounces between guys every season. I mean 6 seasons now and she is still manipulative, clingy and hypocritical.
Star1X chapter 1 . 1/25
That "You're more a Luthor than a Kent these days, anyway." in the show was savage, glad you kept it.

I loved RedK Clark, granted, he went off the deep 2nd in S2/3 with it, but his one liners were brilliant
OmniUIShaggyOverexaggerated chapter 1 . 1/16
Greatness! And it's both a Clois and Clhark pairing to boot. In your face, Lana!
adam199118 chapter 1 . 1/14
Ah, this too was priceless. I miss Red K Clark. He does speak the truth and the feelings of the audience. It is said that on Red K, you reveal your true thoughts on anything. See you soon, Elessar.
spnfan2005 chapter 1 . 1/14
love it please write more
Cer1992 chapter 1 . 1/14
I love this! Why is it that fanfiction seems to always make much more sense, have better writing, and is way more consistent than the actual shows? After all the crap Lana gave Clark from Seasons 2-6, one would think he would've developed some deep down negative feelings towards her that the red kryptonite would've surely brought out to the surface.
Phillipe363 chapter 1 . 1/14
Enjoyable story and better then the show

Why? Because you actually kept Clark in character on Red K and have him permanently break things off with Lana after calling her out. Which was so very satisfying to read. Instead of having him protected by the writers "Even on red K Clark has to worship Lana" crap.

Then again I guess it is true to where certain comic book writers have Lois be mentally abusive to Clark and he just takes it like a whipped dog, including even being cheated on. Or the Richard Donner Superman cut where Lois was willing to expose Clark as Superman in the Daily Planet all without caring how it would effect him, and they call this "love." yuck, not like Kidder's version was all that great in the finale films anyway. IMO but Lois in the Reeve films is one of my least favorite versions.

Like the calling out on all various things Lana did over the years, Clark calling everybody out besides Chloe and Lois for the treatment of Alica.

No I don't blame Lana either, it's not she asked to be trapped but true this is Red K Clark.

Yeah I frankly wouldn't mind seeing a more Red K Clark.

Oh for the ending, you know what would be even better for a more cracky ending is if Clark decided to act on his feelings with Chloe who responded in kind maybe some of the Red K got into her from Clark kissing her, with Chloe and Lois agreeing to share Clark.

Let's both Clois and Chlark happen with no more Clana crap, I'd be fine with that having happened in the show

Good story and your doing good on Smallvile fics
Stand with Ward and Queen chapter 1 . 1/14
Good fix it.

This should not have been so satisfying to read but, like you said, Kal speaks what he and audience feels.

So enjoyed Kal going after Lana for everything, including the Alicia situation.

So wish this is how the episode had gone down.
Bl4ckHunter chapter 1 . 1/14
Nice one-shot.

No sympathies for Lana. She had it all coming.

Red K Clark is more interesting than Boy Scout Clark, that much I will admit.