Reviews for A Place To Belong
anjoga42 chapter 2 . 7/18
Hi there. I just stumble in your York, and it's so good. I love how your created such a lovely atmosphere. I hope you continue it, i would like reading more
metacllica chapter 2 . 6/26
This is really good. Toga's my favorite member of the League of Villains so it's really cool to find a story like this. Also, earlier in the story she said Izuku looked scarily similar to 'him'. Did she meet Izuku's father at some point? If so... did she kill him? That would be a hell of a twist.
Guest chapter 2 . 6/17
Yes please. I can never get enough of Toga. I look forward to more.
TKLF42 chapter 2 . 6/18
Poor Midoriya... what about training camp?
TitoDePedito chapter 2 . 6/18
I can see this occurring, and I like where you are going with this. Super awesome, and I really like your style of writing! Never gave much love to this pair, but you're making me support it more :)
Rasengalia chapter 2 . 6/17
I am interested to see how you handle Izuku and Toga’s differing ideologies and what I am sure will be a Waffy relationship.
Guerra Bored chapter 2 . 6/16
Seamus Dubh chapter 2 . 6/16
From how the summary was worded I was expecting them just to randomly run into each other in some store and call a temporary truce till the storm let up while having a little heart to heart moment.
But this is much better.
There are too few stories showing them meeting before Summer Camp and with possible redemption/rehabilitation themes. With that I'm guessing this is placed between the Hosu incident and the Exams, though I'm wondering why you are having her killing somebody to find the League instead of being recruited by Giran.
Regardless, it will be interesting to see how you play out her murderous past (hopefully you don't make Izuku too oblivious to this like a lot of writer seem to like doing) and him obviously helping her recover from it.
Can't wait to see Mama-Inko's reaction to Izuku bringing a girl home.
BloodNBits chapter 1 . 6/8
Love for Himiko banzai!
dgj212 chapter 1 . 6/10
A nice start. It was a little confusing with the first paragraph but that's about it.
StevenXMC chapter 1 . 6/9
Love it, can't wait for more.
MrSuperTrololol chapter 1 . 6/9
I really like the idea and your style of writing, can't wait for more!
Allan4242564 chapter 1 . 6/8
oh I like this very much.
Innocent cinnamon bun to the rescue! (/・ω・)/