Reviews for Snowbarry- Season 5
buffylovezsupercat chapter 6 . 9/19
Wow, and not a good wow at that. I usually cheer at most of your updates but getting through this one was pretty painful.

You're literally doing a rewrite of The Flash by making it a Sb endgame but why, Why, WHY?!, still use Iris lines for Caitlin. 99% of Iris' lines would never be said by Caitlin.

And Barry would've never have called Caitlin his Lightning rod and would've been curved if he ever tried.

Also Caitlin would've suspected and have believed sooner rather than later about the switch without the use of that super Cringe & Problematic balcony scene or having to resort to nano, drugging Oliver/Barry. (Caitlin's & Cisco's lack of belief on the ep wasn’t believable. They should've been more open minded from the beginning as shown throughout s1 & s2.)

I mean you've made it sorta original by adding an extra scene here and there, so why keep those cringe Iris lines & scenes for Cait is my question.

Also that scene at the Asylum was another that you should've changed.

She's pregnant!

After fighting so hard to restart her pregnancy and get Frost back why would she risk her unborn child, specially after she's already met the adult version and is attached emotionally to her.

Plus she seemed to have forgotten she was pregnant when she woke up and it wasn’t until Barry got worried that she off-handedly remembers and makes a note to get herself checked out if there's time.

This was my concern about the baby plot. Cause like I've said before, Cait/Frost are pretty fast healers but not invulnerable.

I think the only good thing you did here was 86 the whole fawning over Oliver Queen thing they did on the episode. (Shivers) super gross and disrespectful on the show writers part.

Sorry, about my rant but we can all have a misstep here and there but otherwise these chapters have been pretty solid and can't wait to see what you do for the next episode.
Barley29 chapter 6 . 9/19
So good!
Guest chapter 6 . 9/19
the balcony scene was awful and out of character for Caitlin to say and probably your worst chapter to date.
Silver-Infinite chapter 5 . 8/28
Earlier seasons were the good old days alright
Rosesflowers chapter 5 . 8/26
Nice scene, i like that you added nora seeing her mother get kidnapped
Roswelllostcause chapter 5 . 8/25
When I watched that episode my reaction to Nora watching Barry's reaction to Caitlin being kidnapped. The look on her face was that Barry cares more then he lets on about Caitlin.
Barley29 chapter 2 . 8/25
Love this scene.
Barley29 chapter 4 . 8/14
Thanks for the chapter.
Silver-Infinite chapter 4 . 8/12
Cannot wait until the next chapter
theflashladbabyfanfictonwriter chapter 4 . 8/7
Will you be doing the elseworlds crossover in this story
Guest chapter 4 . 8/5
YESS! Now for the pivitol event!

The Father-Daughter time travel plot!

I know Thawne is going to have a reaction when he sees Nora is Barry and Caitlin's!

I wonder if Zoom might react when he'll catch Caitlin's resemblance in Nora!
SerrinTyr635 chapter 1 . 8/5
Once again another amazing update, thanks Write_To_You! ️
Rosesflowers chapter 4 . 8/5
This episode is one of my favorite snowbarry scenes (but the karaoke scene will always be the number one snowbarry scene) and I love how cute you made the scene where Barry and Cait are making the pies. But I have a question, how many months is Caitlin? and is her baby bump showing?
theflashladbabyfanfictonwriter chapter 4 . 8/5
did caitlin tell the team she is pregnant
Roswelllostcause chapter 4 . 8/5
I still think the pie secne is one of the best of season 5.
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