Reviews for Snowbarry- Season 5
Guest chapter 2 . 7/1
CW is about Drama not logic
SnowbarryMyEndgame chapter 2 . 7/1
To answer your question the writers are dumb!
Now I loved this chapter as I read it I seen it in my minds eye!
You know how I feel about your writing! Keep up with the amazing job!
Green-Extreme-Ninjetti13 chapter 2 . 7/1
Liked this story so far.
I wonder if Nora is gonna Iris' dates?
Roswelllostcause chapter 2 . 7/1
This was a fun scene. The reason Snowbarry isn't canon is because the writers have been brainwashed into believing that WestAllen is the only way to go. Let's not get into the fact that since the pilot Iris has bashed Barry on a number of things including his love of science saying he isn't speaking English when he talks about it. Or that it wasn't until she found out he was the Flash had any intreast in him. Oh and whenever Oliver comes to town Iris goes all gaga over him. While Caitlin could care less if Barry was the Flash or not. Telling him when Blackout took his speed that it didn't matter if he had his speed or not. He would always be him.
theflashladbabyfanfictonwriter chapter 1 . 6/27
Will you be doing the nora having a power dampening chip thing
Rosesflowers chapter 1 . 6/27
Yay I am so happy that you did season 5 and I am so proud of you for doing this, because I know how long it takes to make a chapter and I think that the fact that you write and put a lot of more detail in the chapter than the real episode is amazing, it is almost like I can see the chapter in my mind.
Silver-Infinite chapter 1 . 6/26
So who do you envison SnowAllen's Nora being play by?
lollypop18092006 chapter 1 . 6/26
Guest chapter 1 . 6/25
Thank You so Much for this!

So CUTE the Caitlin and Nora bonding moments!

Nora has yet to meet her Snow Grandparents! How will Caitlin's mother react? Also... how Killer Frost react? Well, she basically was part of Nora's conception, so that will make Frost her mother too.

Can't wait!
SerrinTyr635 chapter 1 . 6/25
Aghhhhhhh! It’s so good! :D This is going to be epic, thanks Write-to-You
Guest chapter 1 . 6/25
This was a good story thanks for writing it
XWF1000 chapter 1 . 6/25
Glad you have returned & doing Season 5 of your version of it. Hope you plan on Season 6 in the mere future cause IMO, yours will probably be better.
Roswelllostcause chapter 1 . 6/25
Happy to see this. Can't wait for more.
Barley29 chapter 1 . 6/25
Awesome can’t wait.
SnowbarryMyEndgame chapter 1 . 6/25
So, happy you are doing Season 5. I love the way you are writing it, can’t wait for the next chapter!
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