Reviews for Love me
absent writer chapter 12 . 11/10/2007
I loved this story, and the end was...cute and kinda disappointing LOL! I looked at your reviews to see what other people thought of it...what's with those creepy people? Faggot-killer? Is that why I had to sign in to review? Sorry if that's true, some people here cruise around the anime domains and trash yaoi/shonen-ai stories, one of them even started making dozens of fake accounts to scare people off.

Anyway, I hope those weirdos didn't scare you out of the YnM fandom!
WhiteWolfCub chapter 12 . 5/27/2006
Love the Hisoka kidnapping. Will you be continuing soon though?
joykinz chapter 12 . 3/12/2006
I love your story. nice and sweet. please update soon. but darn tho they didnt go all the way. lol
Time-Again chapter 12 . 2/2/2005

YOU CANT JUST STOP THERE! You CANT! Your gonna drive me INANE! O_O Continue! Ou havent updated for like..2 years! Please..please..please! Continue. :( Pwease?
Ceo Shinji chapter 12 . 8/11/2004
I love this is awsome just what I needed for the evening hehe...keep up the good work can't wait to read more...if there is more...hoping there is...but it is great either way keep up the good work.
Lara chapter 12 . 7/25/2004
This story made me fall from my chair!

I can't wait for the rest!
Kiyomi22 chapter 12 . 5/31/2004
Wow, this is really good. I like how you have everything figured out. It's put together very well. And of course I'm loving the Tsuzuki and Hisoka interaction. _ Can't wait untill the next chapter! Keep up the good work!
Saerafina chapter 12 . 5/19/2004
Are you going to continue this story? Please write more! I love love love it! It's written really well, and the story is awesome so far, and Tsuzuki and Hisoka have been just... beautiful *_* I love Tsuzuki so much and the way you've written about him seems so much in character! With all the negative things happening around him, he would become more serious and angsty and depressed rather than stay his cheery happy self, and I think you did an excellent job of portraying that.
Please, write more? *puppy dog eyes*
Neesh chapter 12 . 4/25/2004
I love it. You have a great writing style. Keep writing. Can't wait for the next chapter.
hee hee tsuzuki a virgin :)
animejt422 chapter 12 . 4/23/2004
WAI!i like your fact i found kind of..(HM) please update it sooner and faster!_
Kinomoto chapter 12 . 4/23/2004
This is maybe the best story I have read in yami no matsuei section. You are such a good writer with such an amazing imagination. The story is so well planned and structure. I really hope you will continue on with it, I really enjop reading it. Thank you very much for bringing such a nice story to life.
Han-Koorime-Kitsune chapter 12 . 4/12/2004
;_; ... how could you... but... THAT'S SO BRUTAL! ::sobs histerically:: NO! NEED MORE! ;_; Kudasai, motto kaku suru! (Please keep writing!)
saccharide chapter 12 . 1/13/2004
aw... tsuzuki's a virgin!
I heart it.
Kuroi Hikari chapter 12 . 1/1/2004
Wow! You're really good at keeping the YnM characters in character! _ Good job... I like this fic! Update soon! _
Jaded Havok chapter 12 . 12/26/2003
to bad it ended... update soon! and i hope that fucked up bitch burns in the hell that muraki and the guardians of death team up together to make for her! bwahahahahahahaha... umm... sorry... UPDATE!
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