
I guess it's a bit of a warning…Ok, for those who normally read my stuff…ehehe, this is a drastic change of pace, very drastic, this is a drama: meaning very little humor and no dancing fat men slapping each other's asses with salmon. So you've been warned. Also, this is my first YnM fic , and don't complain about Tsuzuki's OCC'ness he's kinda angsty and doesn't feel like acting like dork right now. There is also one new character, but no fear; she's not going to interfere with this His/Tsu thing going on. (oh boy =)) As for the rating, pg-13 seems to fit it for now, but beware, it may get worse much, much, worse this may even fall into the gory horror/romance category at some point. Anyways more coming, so please don't just read the first chapter and say "this sucks ass" because its called a progressive story line and I don't feel like just making this a PWP and just have a fu- fun… fest, between Hisoka and Tsuzuki…anyways, please please give this a chance i know its going to start off slow but it'll get going. R&R

Disclaimer: I don't own Yami no Matsuei, so yeah, lets get it on.

Love me.

The sun beat down a hot red glow on through Tsuzuki's eyelids, even though he rested under one of the many Sakura trees at EnmaCho, the shade didn't do him any good. Normally, he liked the sunlight but he hadn't got much sleep last night, or for a while for that matter and the sun didn't aid to his exhaustion. It wasn't so much that it was insomnia, but just way too much thinking. Things had changed ever since his "incident" in Kyoto , but in his case things had to change.

The sound of footsteps progressed over to his current location and soon a pleasing shadow took over the heat of the sun. Tsuzuki opened his eyes to see his blond haired friend stand over him.

"Hi Hisoka." He said looking up at the boy's lean silhouette.

"Hi…Konoe wants us." He said plainly and then walked away. It had been like that for a while now, even after what he had said to Tsuzuki in Kyoto he only became more distant. Tsuzuki had wondered if, maybe, the moment had made Hisoka say things he didn't mean. Humans have a tendency to say things just to please people, whether it's a false promise or a false complement, but no matter what it is there is always some form of care to the person being promised. He didn't doubt that Hisoka cared about him to an extent, but if he did care at all, how much? He got up from his spot on the ground and dusted himself off, he then followed after Hisoka into the EnmaCho building.

He walked into the briefing room where everyone was already sitting down, Watari gave his usual glance and then smile, and Tatsumi, who was standing up, pushed his glasses up with his middle finger.

"Glad to see you could make it." He said sarcastically.

"Sorry I'm late." Tsuzuki said bowing his head.

Konoe just stood there with his constipated look on his face that he always had but when working in the depressing business of trying to track down upset dead folks he really couldn't have a shit eating grin. He plopped a news paper on to the large table in front of him and sat down, while Tatsumi took over. Hisoka pulled the news paper over to him.

"So what's this about?" Hisoka asked looking up from the paper.

"Your familiar with Minase Hijiri's school, correct?" Tatsumi said pointing at a section on the news paper.

"Yeah, why what's happened?" Tsuzuki said in a concerned tone.

"A strange illness seems to be occurring in the students there, they complain of troubles breathing and some complain of having markings on their necks."

"Markings? What type of markings?" Tsuzuki said.

"Slash marks. And the interesting thing of this is all these symptoms occur in their sleep, when they say they feel a pressure on their chest, like someone is pushing down on their rib cages. Many parents have confronted their doctors about it and all they can come up with is that it's some sort of virus, and they overlook the fact that it's been occurring during sleep." Tatsumi explained.

"We'd like you to take on roles in the school and keep an eye on the kids there, if you run into anything you can't handle feel free to call in some back up. I have a feeling this might get nasty," Konoe said, "Well, you're dismissed. You can leave anytime within the next 24 hours."

Everyone got up from their seats and exited the room. Tsuzuki walked over to Hisoka who was still looking at the newspaper, he made a slight noise.

"What?" Tsuzuki asked.

"That school also has a high suicide rate, I wonder if it's some how connected?" He then put down the paper, "In any case I have something to do before we go you can go on ahead if you don't want to wait." At that, Hisoka walked off with the others.