Reviews for Longbottom Rose
Guest chapter 41 . 5/15
this may be the best fanfic I've read in years. loved it
otterfur chapter 29 . 1/26/2013
Alpenwolf chapter 41 . 9/27/2011
Took me a while, but I just read the last chapter and I gotta say it's great. I enjoyed reading it. :)
Alpenwolf chapter 37 . 9/26/2011
Duct tape, huh? xDDD The imagine in my head is a pretty one ... Just imagine an adult being duct taped to a chair for his own good, hell, that must have a sight ... (its funny as long as you arent the one who is duct taped to the chair ...)
Alpenwolf chapter 19 . 9/24/2011
those poor poor boys xD I almost pity them
Alpenwolf chapter 3 . 9/13/2011
re-reading is funny ... I mean after I read the "Hollywood remake"-version ... I wonder where the differences will be or if I will notice them, but I still have like 40 chapters to read
Billybob - csagun36 chapter 1 . 10/14/2010
I have greatly enjoyed your story, to the point where I have rewritten it, expanded several the sub-plots ron-mione and ginny-draco and made the whole story more adult orientated. As you have not written in five years, I was hoping you’d let me do this.

I wish permission to publish my re-write of your story as first published 04-16-04, I am willing to e-mail it too you a chapter at a time for your feed back.

I can be reached at cannoneer1831e
sweetsunshine000 chapter 4 . 8/1/2007
No offense, but I didn't really like it. It could've been good, but I thought you made Alaire too perfect, like someone's imagination gone wild, and even arrogant. You also made it seem like Hermione was the evil one, which she is not. I also think Alaire is a little bit of a slut. She was seriously flirting, not just playfully, with two guys, and she was doing it in front of each other. And it annoyed me a little that you made it seem like America was better than Britain, and that Americans were completely different from the British. I'm American. I heard of patriotism, but that was overboard.
SweetiePye2332 chapter 2 . 2/18/2006

*shakes Alaire away* YUCK! you need to fix her. she's too nice, and flirty and i think she's STUPID!
lovah of Ron chapter 41 . 2/14/2006
i love all your stories but this was very well written! snaps for you! if you ever get the chance, please read my story, which as of now, is not even posted yet.

Keep on writing your intriguing stories!

lovah of Ron
magicwand chapter 41 . 7/25/2005
Thank you for the story! Loved Neville and Alaire.
Bonzai beetle chapter 41 . 7/21/2005
omg how much do i love that last line! not what i expected but it made me laugh for about 5 mins since it was so great!
Ryua Malfoy chapter 41 . 7/13/2005
It's OVER?

Aww... I'm so incredibly sad. I absolutely loved this story. I'm a fan of OC's... since my story is also centered around one... and Alaire was perfect. I'll be telling people to read this one, you can be sure.

...It was nice, that little note about all the Nevilles of the world? I was one... for so, so long. It's very cool to see him turn out so great in this story.
enLIGHTenment chapter 41 . 7/12/2005
ohh! ::bouncing up and down:: I just want to screech and melt at the same time!

this is such a lovely story! There is absolutely no way for me to be able to express how much happier i am after reading this. while reading this... oh, just... oh! _
Cheelalaucha chapter 41 . 7/12/2005
Ahh... from smiles to kisses to everything else.

Totally awesome, I must say.

"Everyone deserves to be loved if they can just accept it." How very true that is.

Thanks for givin' us HP fans somethin' great ta read about our one and only Neville Longbottom. Best wishes in future, and happy writing.

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