Disclaimer: Harry Potter is from the creative genius that is J.K. Rowling. We are not her. This is merely a fan fiction to tide us over until Book 6.

A/N: This is a collaboration between myself and MedievalWoman. This is my first time dealing with an OC. We both hope you enjoy it.

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The sun set over the lake at Hogwarts, lighting up the sky in a variety of gentle hues. A dark haired boy looked out over the scene from a room in the east tower of the castle. Neville Longbottom could just see some of the colors from the window of his study.

Normally, it was unusual for a student to have a private study, but Professor Sprout had arranged it for Neville, her prize student last year. Neville's private study was a place he would work on his herbology experiments, especially his current one.

The tiny sprout was a cross hybrid of Neville's own design. It combined three different hybrids — passionflower, firerose and moonflower. He wasn' t sure what all the flower would look like, but based on the properties of each of those plants, not only would it be beautiful, but would only bloom when its owner had found true love. That was almost a fatal flaw, Neville thought. He'd have to give it to someone, who had or could find, a true love to see if it worked.

Noting the time and that the sorting was about to begin, Neville charmed the window so that light would continue streaming through the window even after dark. He would take it off first thing in the morning when the sun rose. Peaking out of the window, he could see the first-years coming up the path from the docks. Something unusual caught his eyes.

There was a larger figure, not as large as Hagrid, but bigger than the first-years with them. The individual had on a dark blue cloak on that seemed to glitter and dance in the last rays of the sun while sparkling in the moonlight as the moon rose behind the figure.

Neville stared for awhile and hoped that his flower would sparkle and shine like that cloak. Glancing at the time again, turned on some soft music for his plant before rushing out of the room and toward the Great Hall.

Neville rushed down the hall, in time to see the trio heading to the great hall. He followed behind them, hearing snatches of their conversation as they entered.

"I'm bloody starving," Ron said flopping down at the Gryffindor table. "What do you mean the sorting's going to be longer this year 'Mione?"

"All I know is that McGonagall said there would be more than the sorting of first-years this year at the feast," Hermione said sitting across from Ron.

"Well maybe we're going to have another bloody ball," groaned Ron.

"I hope not," Harry said sitting down beside Hermione. Looking to his side, he saw Neville had taken a seat Next to him.He gave and received a small smile of recognition.

"Let's get on with it," Ron said. "I'm starving."

"As usual," Neville heard Hermione sarcastically remark.

Very soon, a bunch of first years entered the hall. However, at the rear of the group, followed a tall individual wrapped tightly in the sparkling cloak that Neville had seen earlier. Everyone peered around the table hoping to see who it was, but the individual kept the hood of the cloak up and pulled the cloak closer to his or her body. There were whispers that went everywhere, but they were hushed as McGonagall called for silence and the sorting hat started its song.

As soon as the first years were finished sorted, everyone watched the one person that was left. With a quick movement, the figure tossed off its cloak to reveal its wearer.

A girl stood in pale blue robes that sparkled in the enchanted moonlight from the ceiling. As the girl pulled down the hood of her cloak, she revealed her dirty-blonde hair which was cut to her chin and a pair of midnight blue eyes that seemed almost black. She seemed anxious but excited as well. A small grin crossed her face as she looked around at the students searching for a friendly face.

"This is Alaire Goodnight. She is from the United States. Louisiana to be precise," Dumbledore said to everyone. "She will be studying with us this year. I'm sure you will all have questions for her, but I ask you to please give her time to adjust first."

The girl's midnight blue eyes set themselves at the Gryffindor table, as she watched two dark-haired boys. She had always found men with dark hair very attractive and these two were very nice indeed. She wondered just how she would be able to sit with them. It seemed every place at every table was well taken.

McGonagall then addressed her.

"Because of certain differences between cultures, I do not think the sorting hat would be very accurate," McGonagall said putting the hat down. "So the headmaster has decided to let you choose which house you wish to be in."

"So I can sit wherever I want?" the girl said eyeing the two raven-haired boys at the Gryffindor table.

"Yes, who you sit with will determine your house."

"All right then," she grinned, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a piece of paper. Suddenly, a brilliant flash of smoke filled the spot where the girl once stood. Everyone had to turn their eyes away for a moment from its brilliance. When the smoke cleared, Alaire wasn't there. Instead, she could be found sitting between Neville and Harry, who were shocked to see her there.

"Was that necessary Miss Goodnight?" asked Dumbledore.

"Just a bit of flash, professor," she answered turning back to Neville and Harry. "Hello."

"Hello," the answered almost in unison, before everyone at the other tables began to talk and Hermione's voice loud voice echoed down the Gryffindor table.

"But that's impossible!" Hermione snapped to herself as she began rambling. "No one can apparate in Hogwarts! I've read it a thousand times. With the wards up that's impossible, even for a the most advanced magic. Dumbledore can't even do it."

"It's all right Hermione," Ron said patting her on the shoulder.

"Ah," Alaire said amused as Hermione continued to sputter on. "I've comforted the distressed and distressed the comforted. My work here is done."

She motioned for Harry and Neville to lean closer to her before she whispered, "It was flash paper. I used it as a diversion and just simply walked over here, but don't tell her that."

Both Neville and Harry snickered, as Hermione turned and glared at all three of them.

"So," Alaire said scooping some potatoes onto her plate, "You all know who I am now, but I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you."

"Sorry," Harry said quickly before extending his hand. "Harry Potter."

"Name rings a bell. Got any family by the bayou?" she said shaking his hand.

"Er, no," he said, slightly amazed that for once someone didn't know who he was.

"And who is this other extremely handsome and raven-haired man beside me?" she asked turning to Neville, who looked on the other side of him wondering to whom she was referring to. "I mean you, silly."

"Neville Longbottom," he answered, bewildered. "Ah, I've heard of you."

"You have?"

"Flourishing flowers, You did some work on a type of passionflower and its properties. I read it on the trip over here. I guess you're the person to ask about herbology."

Neville blushed as the Harry, Hermione, Ron and Alaire looked at him. Ron mouthed "Passionflower? Neville?" to Hermione, which earned him a kick. The motion caused Alaire to turn toward the pair.

"And who are you?"

"Hermione Granger, Head Girl," Hermione said proudly extending her hand. "I'd be interesting in learning more about the United States and how its magic schools conduct themselves later if you have time."

"Sure. I'm afraid there might be a big cultural difference though. School's here and schools there are run by completely different administrative systems. I'm sure it would be very dull to hear about."

"No," said Hermione excitedly. "I find it quite interesting actually."

"Oh, well," Alaire said dully before motioning to Ron. "Is your boyfriend going to introduce himself?"

"He's not –"

"I'm not –" Ron said loudly. "That is to say, we're not –"

"Ah commitment issues! Lovely. I have a book from Dr. Ruth the two of you must read together," Alaire said fighting to keep a straight face.

"Ah, all right," said Ron, unaware of whom Dr. Ruth was, as Hermione shot Alaire a glare. "I'm Ron Weasley."

"Pleasure," she said shaking his hand. "Weasley. . . Ginny Weasley any relation?"

"That's my sister,' he said pointing to a red-haired girl sitting further down the table. "How do you know her?"

"I don't, but my cousin does," she said motioning over to the Slytherin table.

"You're cousins with a Slytherin?" Harry asked cautiously.

"Yeah, the big one beside the blonde over there."

"You mean Crabbe and Goyle?" Ron asked disbelievingly. "How do Crabbe and Goyle know my sister?"

"Vincent's my cousin. His mother and my mother are sisters. He visited for a bit this summer, and I stayed at his place for awhile before coming here. Vinnie talks in his sleep," she said before shivering. "Believe me he would LOVE to know your sister better."

Ron turned red and mumbled something about "killing the git."

"Don't worry," Alaire said watching Ron's reaction. "Blonde heard him too and threatened serious bodily harm if he thought that way about 'his Virginia again.'"

This only seemed to make Ron angrier, and he tried to get up from his chair only to have Hermione tell him to sit back down. Quickly she tired to change the subject. "So, Alaire, what are you going to study at Hogwarts?"

"Well," Alaire said after swallowing a bit of biscuit. "This is really a finishing school for me. I know charms, transfiguration, defense and some basic healing. However being things are so different over here plant wise I will need to do some remedial work in herbology and potions."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I mean I'm used to dealing with plants native to the U.S. in potions and herbology," she said picking at the potatoes on her plate. "For example, in Louisiana, we have the sweet smelling Magnolia and honeysuckle that are used in a wide variety of potions. Those don't grow over here, so I have to use things like . . . stinking hellebore instead."

Neville chuckled. "I assure you that while our plants are not as beautifully named as yours, there are some equally as fragrant and wonderful."

"And handsome as well," Alaire said lightly smiling at him, before turning back to Hermione. "Different plants mean different potion ingredients and that means different potions."

"I'm sure I can help you there," Harry volunteered. "In the potion department, I mean."

He ignored the amazed stares of Ron and Hermione.

"But, you ha –", Ron's remark was cut short by a well-placed kick by Harry.

"I am going to black and blue by the time this dinner is over," he muttered to Hermione.

"Ah, two handsome, dark strangers come to my aide," Alaire said smiling at Harry too. "I think I'm going to like Britain."