Reviews for Rockin' Reunion!
ameile chapter 12 . 1/27/2006
it's so beautiful... T_T *sob*sob*' chapter 12 . 8/3/2005
*sobs* no *sobs *Dewey!*runs into corner and cries*
wiseoldman chapter 12 . 6/26/2004
great story. i liked you epilouge it added a sort of twist, but it was still sweet.
writerdude3000 chapter 12 . 6/26/2004
Great story! AWEOSME! it's amazing! woot! 9~
Xo Miss Riley Xo chapter 12 . 6/25/2004
*sniff sniff* it's so touching! I love it even more!

RaiFloyd chapter 11 . 6/23/2004
you should DEFINITELY make a sequel! this story rocks! i love dewey! lol and i'm glad that katie and freddy patched things up even though they didn't exactly end up together. don't you hate it when stories end...?
RaiFloyd chapter 10 . 6/23/2004
sorry i have sort of dissapeared, but i didn't have much time to read fanfic or even update my own. until now. GREAT CHAPTER! this has got to be my favorite - i love the speech and how you brought back the stickitodamaneosis thing again. lol. IM me if you want: sarapngfood or czacezar
Xo Miss Riley Xo chapter 11 . 6/22/2004
I loved it! I just read the update and I love it! EPILOUGE! and I would give it a 9! woo hoo!
chocl8chps chapter 11 . 6/19/2004
EPILOGUE! awesome story!
Cleo chapter 11 . 6/18/2004
Please, please do an epilogue! This story was awesome and you have to tell everyone how it turned out in the end!
iluvmyface chapter 11 . 6/18/2004
arghh!i h8 these endings!they make me cry!wah!sobsob...i'll be ok...-blows nose-
mellowyellow36 chapter 11 . 6/17/2004
dude, I think It's illegel for a story to rock this much, and not have a a sequal, for that matter.I loved it to mini little pieces!


~KrAzY kAy
xobadrhymer03 chapter 11 . 6/17/2004
Oh, god...I got all teary eyed...Please do an epilouge!

As he stared at the smiling faces in both pictures, he whispered, "Rock the world, my star little dudes, rock it..."

That made me tear up...

Much much luv, xobadrhymer03


I'm outtie :)
giggling goat chapter 11 . 6/17/2004
I liked your story over all. I'm sad the Katie and Freddy aren't together, but it does make it more realistic. Over all I'd give you a 7. This is one of the better fics in the school of rock section.
Liz chapter 11 . 6/17/2004
(Cheering crowd)



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