Rockin' Reunion Summary: It's been three years since the band separated- three years since they've seen each other. Now, they're back and the past finally catches up with the School of Rock.

((Okay; I dunno where I'm going with this one. That's okay. I usually never do. Please read and review!! Thanks!)) Disclaimer: I do not own anything/anyone/any part of this story.

Chapter One: Back into Reality
It had been too long. Waaaaay too long. It had been too long since Katie had rocked out on her base guitar. Too long since she had heard from her group of best friends. Waaaaay too long. There she had been, sitting in her USC dorm listening to some Beatles music when her phone had rang. The band was getting back together for a reunion- thank the Lord for Dewey. Every memory that had haunted her since the group had split up for college, life, and love came flooding back- and now she was ready. She was back in Detroit. All she had to do was step inside Dewey's old apartment- home to the School of Rock after school program that had long since been erased. Only she couldn't. Why, she didn't know. She could admit to herself that she had barely changed. What if the others were completely different? What if this reunion turned out to be a dud? No, she had to believe... if she couldn't believe in the future or present, she could at least believe that the past could hold the band together for this one moment. She took a deep breath, opened that door and plunged into the moment. ~*~*~*~*~*~
Oh God, was Zack nervous?! Three years since he had seen most of the faces that should be as familiar to him as the back of his hand. The eager eighteen year olds had been so confident that they would stay in touch back then... but now as twenty and twenty-one he knew that those dreams had not come true.
He remembered the first few months of separation... there had been phone calls, emails, and letters. But with time those had faded- and Zack had only kept in touch with Freddy Jones his best friend. That had been easy, though. The two were going to the same college, were in the same classes, and had the same music scholarship. Zack looked at Freddy now, who was driving his beat-up car- which had the School of Rock crest painted onto the front.
"You nervous, man?" Zack asked him.
"Yeah. You?" Freddy replied, keeping his eyes on the road.
"Duh. I can't believe it's been that long..."
"I know."
"Is this it?"
"Yup." Freddy parked the car- letting out a long sigh. They looked at each other.
"You ready?" Freddy asked Zack- who gulped.
"Let's go." ~*~*~*~*~*~
"It's a long way to the top if you wanna rock and roll!" Tomika belted out as she drove along through the Detroit streets in a red convertible. Ah... it was gonna be so great to see her friends again! She couldn't wait!
I wonder if we all are still as good as we used to be, she wondered. I wonder what Dewey has in store...
Her legs were shaking with anxiousness as she turned onto Dewey's street. The old apartment... It was so great to be back here- to be taking a break from all the traveling and worries. She parked next to a beaten-up blue car. She smiled as she saw the School of Rock Crest on it.
I wonder whose that could be...
She hopped out and stood below the faded hanging sign. Just then, a minivan rolled up beside her. A cheery, blonde face smiled through the window.
Tomika grinned as the woman stepped out of the car and ran towards her in a huge hug.
"Oh my God, Marta! It had been too long!" She cried as they rocked back and forth in embrace.
"Tomika! Oh my God, you look great!" Marta exclaimed as she stepped back. Tomika smiled.
"You're not too shabby yourself!" She joked. "Let's go- I can't wait to catch up with everyone! Oh! This is so great!"
Marta beamed and nodded and they strode into the building together- as confident as the sun shines. ((Okay... my next chapter is coming up super, super soon. I just wanted to get a start so you can get a look at what happens before the reunion –not
much mind you. Please, review! Thanks!))