Reviews for Forbidden
Meemeemoo chapter 5 . 7/31/2013
i loveee the cliffhangers at the end of the chapters. i love doing tht too. s/9515433/1/WWE-Story r & r plzzz
Guest chapter 1 . 11/19/2012
whats Randy Orton cellphone number
salsi chapter 11 . 8/13/2011
loved it it, made me laugh, , cant wait for the other parts, wonder how its gonna ends , specially cuz shez under age...
Enigmatic Lotus Leaf chapter 11 . 3/11/2010
So...I don't know if you are still updating this fic or not but I am thoroughly amused by it.
justkimmy chapter 11 . 4/19/2009
OMG Girl! I love this one! Yep I was right before... I found my new favorite Author! I will be keeping an eye out for updates on all your stories! Awesome work girl!
janet chapter 11 . 1/29/2009
oh this is cute

i really like it

my computer is screwed up but it worked long enough for me to finish that last part

hope you continue this story soon
blehhh chapter 11 . 12/3/2007
Awesome story..cant wait to read more..update soon!
Amanda L chapter 11 . 1/18/2007
I really enojoyed this so far! It's a shame that it hasn't been updated in awhile :(

But, overall, I'm pretty happy with it. All though, it's ok if you use the word 'he', because you've used the "third generation star" thing one too many times XD

Good Good, though :D
Tee chapter 11 . 10/4/2006
u should really update this story
cassymae chapter 11 . 9/20/2006
Great Story So Far. Can't Wait To See What Else You Have In Store For Orton An Mim.
x-lil-babi-Nik-x chapter 11 . 7/30/2006
i love it! Update soon!
wwefan01 chapter 11 . 7/3/2006
yay u updated kick ass plez update again this is a great story
pianogal chapter 11 . 6/16/2006
hahaha...i loved it! bad, bad Randy just had to make Miriam's life that much more difficult. i wonder when their little secret affair is going to come out in the open and how Dave is going to react to that? i can't wait to find out.

wwefan01 chapter 10 . 1/16/2006
ehy this is realy good update soon
niocle chapter 10 . 12/9/2005
i love it. i cant wait to find out what happens next please update anothe chapter soon. great job.
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