NAME: 'Forbidden'

AUTHOR: Mrs Bridget Orton


I do not own any of the WWE superstars mentioned in this fanfiction. I only own Mim Batista.


Mim Batista. She's beautiful, smart and everything Randy Orton's ever wanted in a girl, but she's the only one he can't have. The reason: her brother.

CHAPTER 1 - THE NEWS Dave Batista practically jumped from his seat in the Evolution locker room as his cell phone suddenly started ringing. He knew who it was going to be on the line so he didn't even bother checking the caller ID before he quickly flipped his phone open and took the call.

'Hey you!'

'Hey! How's my favourite guy doing?'

'Not too bad. I was waiting for your call'

'Aww. Isn't that sweet'

'Yeah, whatever'

Batista rolled his eyes at the girls usual sarcastic voice.

'So, I told Vince you could start work tomorrow, ok?'

'Awesome, thanks so much Dave'

'Don't mention it. Anyway, when does your flight get in?'


'I'll come and pick you up and then take you here to meet some people before tomorrow'

'How do the guys feel about it?'

Batista smiled as he knew she was relating back to Evolution. Triple H, Ric Flair and Randy Orton were 'the guys' she was talking about.

'They're cool about it. Trust me. They're gonna like you.'

'I hope so. Coz, whether they like it or not I have a 2 yr contract, which means 2 yrs of their lives spent with me'

Dave just laughed and so did she.

'Anyway, I have to go'

'OK, well I'll be at the airport at around 9:15pm, k?'

'OK. Remember it's Manhattan Central.'

'Got it'

'OK, I'll see you in a couple of hours'

'Got it. Love you'

'Same here big man'



Randy Orton watched his fellow Evolution member hang up his cell phone as he took a seat next to the 3rd generation superstar who as preparing for a match up next on Monday night RAW.

"Who was that?" Randy asked with a cocky smile on his face as he rested him head on his hand and turned to face Batista.
Batista couldn't help but laugh a little at the young man. He knew that Randy was referring to the 'love you' at the end of his phone call. Batista was completely fooled by Randy's mature look and age at first impression, but after being with Evolution for this long, he found out that Randy was the biggest kid he'd ever met. Like a teenage boy stuck in a man's body, that was Randy to a T.
"Not who you think," Dave laughed as he turned to look at Randy.
"So..." Randy said as he continued to lace up his black wrestling boots "Who was it then?"
"It was my sister," Batista continued as he picked up his cold can of beer and took a swig "You know the one who lives in Louisvile?"

A look of confusion hit Randy's young 24 year old face and Batista saw it.

"The one that's going to be working in Art Design for RAW for the next couple of months," Batista continued looking at Randy to see if remembered anything Batista had been saying for the past couple of weeks "Eric decided she could travel with us so he worked her into a new storyline thing with Evolution..."
"Oh yeah," Randy said as he vaguely remembered Batista mentioning her before.
Batista put his beer down as he turned to face Randy. Randy was simply nodding as he processed the information Batista was feeding him. Batista read him like a book and knew that Randy wasn't interested enough to have remembered Dave rambling on about it for weeks now.

"Is she hot?" Randy finally asked as he looked up from the carpet in the Evolution locker room.
Batista smiled. Randy was full on serious about it. Batista could tell by the look on his face. Trust Randy Orton to ask that about a girl. I mean that was all he was interested in, right? Randy was quite the 'lady killer' and found himself swamped by girls whenever Evolution hit the night clubs, so it was only natural for Randy to ask a question like that. He knew women loved him and most of the time it went to his head. It was Batista's job to deflate that very large ego every once and a while. Without the ego, Randy was much more pleasant to be around and talk to. That was the way that Batista liked him.
"She's my sister," Batista said "And don't get any ideas Orton. I don't want you playin' her like you do with the rest of your girls."

"Hey!" Randy said putting his hands up in defence "I'm just curious."

"Yeah, I know," Batista said as he cocked an eyebrow at Randy "That's what you always say, and before I know it you're in trouble... again!"

Randy smiled as he stood up to headed for the door.

His match was up next and he couldn't be late getting to the ring. He opened the door and then turned to face Batista who was still seated where he was a minute ago.

"C'mon, Dave," Randy said as he held the doorknob in his right hand "Tell me. Is she hot?"

He looked like an innocent teenage boy that's number one priority in life was women. Batista cocked another eyebrow at Randy before laughing again.

"Yeah, she's hot," Batista said in sarcastic voice "She's a babe!"

Randy found himself laughing with Batista this time.

"How old is she?" Randy asked again as the two settled their laughter down.

"She's 17 in 3 months, I think?" Batista said as he tried to remember "Yeah, 17."

Randy simply nodded before turned to head out the door before Batista stopped him again.

"But like I said, man," Batista said "Don't even think about it or I'll be after you!"

Randy started to laugh as he pushed the door completely open and stepped outside into the corridor.

"OK, but look at me," Randy said as he looked down at his muscles and his perfectly toned and tanned abs "She might be the one coming after me."

Randy gave Dave a cocky smile before closing the door behind him. Dave laughed at his best friend before grabbing his suit jacket and heading for the door. He didn't have a match tonight and he had to pick up Mim from the airport.

A/N: My second fan fic is here. I decided to post it while I'm thinking up ideas for An Unlikely Match for future chapters. I hope you like this one. Please read and review! Tell me what you think before I get started on the next few chapters. Hugs, Mrs Bridget Orton.