Reviews for LOD: The Book of Rambles
Black 13 Productions chapter 1 . 11/8/2005
How do you take a bad day and turn it good? Add this story to your favs and be prepared to laugh your buttocks off. Indeed, I love this collection of fun and random short thingymabobs you put up here . Always makes me laugh.
Solowren chapter 1 . 6/8/2004
Ya know, I was just looking at the reviews for your other stories, and I noticed something: You are *quite* the popular author/artist/poet!(did I forget anything?) I read this one from a long time ago... it's *still* hillarious. ...Is that how you spell that...?
Nel Fittir chapter 7 . 5/27/2004
Raps! I missed you like an ice cream elf misses his ice cream! Oh...About the LOD characters killing could they? You're the only one who can switch Lloyd and Albert back, mwahaha!

Lloyd is a sexy should write yaoi about him and Albert! XD
Mei McKorrmik chapter 6 . 3/21/2004
Alexis-i think you should make a choose your own adventure-legend of dragoon style or something like that
Alexandra-*is tied to a pole with fire surronding her* .
Mei McKorrmik chapter 7 . 3/17/2004
Alex-please update!
L. Damarik Laizare chapter 1 . 11/15/2003
Giant turkeys...O_o' Never woulda thought of that one. I likes. Much so. Must write more...(drools slightly)
Sammy D. Fatale chapter 7 . 10/13/2003
*Dies from laughing do hard and then magically revives* *Snicker* Oh I love this You are the Messiah of Hilarity (Sp?). In fact I love all of your LoD stories. So this review is for all of your stories. The humorous ones and the serious ones. I love them all! MWhahahahahahaha. Would you care for a cup of *Peers into cup* eh never mind *Discreetly dumps cup into a tree pot and tree withers* I just remembered that I made that.
Unholydragon666 chapter 1 . 10/12/2003
nah we must NOT be afraid. we must read it all until our brain burn and turn into ashes so we can became all weird while twitching on the ground _

LOL I like ramble and I ADORE seeing character getting traumatized! XD I'm bad

you should post more one day! I really like those! (m... ramble... yummy!)
Shep-Head chapter 1 . 7/1/2003
that was way to good
Jade chapter 4 . 12/22/2002
:climbs back into her chair after laughing so hard::: RAPS WRITE MORREEE! :::wipes the tears from her eyes::: i really like the part in Chapter 3 when Albert throws the gerbil heads at the therapist dude _ lol wrriittee moorreeeeee
Songwind chapter 7 . 11/17/2002
(finally blinks and wipes away tears) Oh my God, that has to be one of the FUNNIEST stories I have EVER read! You absolutely MUST update this, I love it!
tina chapter 1 . 11/7/2002
DAMN! that was funny! hehe..lavitz got bitch-slapped by a drug-smuggling turkey! keep the fics coming!
Jezzi.tofadeawayagain chapter 7 . 10/21/2002
ROFLHAO! That was great...damn i missed your rambles.
Jezzi.tofadeawayagain chapter 6 . 10/21/2002
LMAO! That was random...but what should I expect, eh?
pureVENOM chapter 7 . 10/17/2002
Hehehe! Soa, I've waited AGES for new rambles! And these...are geeewd. Thank you.
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