Ramble 1

LOD: The Book of Rambles
Insanity at it's best: Ramble 1 -- THE GIANT TRUKEYS OF RUTHA!

(((This was a thanksgiving day ramble i made for the forum i'm a part of to wish everyone happy holidays!! marvel at my insanity!! This one includes all the characters! And please dismiss my typos. i wasnt paying attention and i don't care!!)))--------

THE GIANT TURKEYS OF RUTHA (written the holiday of 2000)
(Basically, I, Rap's, am sending all the characters from LOD to my home planet to catch me a giant 3-story turkey for thanksgiving. I begin by snapping them all into existence and then sending them off)

::In a sudden spurt of magic that comes streaking from her claws, all the characters from LOD are now standing dumbfounded on the message board::

Lloyd: Whoa.. WHOA- HOLD THE PHONE!!!

Rose: Oh god.... Rap's have MERCY!!! It's the HOLIDAYS!!!

Albert: Well- we're doomed...

Haschel: WHOO!! Sounds fun!

Meru: YEAHH!!! heheh!!!

Kongol: SMASH!!!!

Lavits: dude!

Dart: bu.. but...

Shana: *cries*

Doel: I'll get a shotgun....

Emily: ... Why does Rap's always include me and Doel in these roleplay things?

Rap's: Because I like you Emily! your Spunky! Doel is just hot.

Emily: great....

Doel: Should I be flattered or horrified?

Albert: How about we order pre-sized bodybags?

Rose: *sigh* I'll get a shotgun too...

Rap's: Now now- no further arguments! Get me the Fattest 3-story Giant turkey you can find!

Dart: Did... she just say...

Haschel: 3-STORY HIGH!?

Lloyd and Lavits: Whooaaa!!!! DUDE!!!


Rap's: Off you go! *raises her claws and summons another burst of magic* And Have fun all! Be careful! Rutha is unpredictable this time of year!

((Let the madness begin.... MWAHAHAHAHHAH!!))

Over the mountainous regions of Rutha- a field appears over the horizon. Just above this beautiful area of grassland a flash of energy bursts into life. With a crackle, a snap and a pop, Raptor's magic desposits the disoriented LOD characters on the ground. From five feet up, I should add.::

Meru: OOOOOooooooowwwwwww *blink* LETS DO IT AGAIN!!!!

Albert: UGH! NO! most certainly NOT! *rubs the back of his head* Rap's couldn't have *placed* us on the ground, could she?

Rose: Whatever. Lets just find the damned turkey Rap's wants and get out of here. *cocks her shotgun* We've all been through enough with her to know these things won't end unless we just go with the flow.

Doel: I'm with that! *cocks his shotgun too.*

::Rose and Doel start off::

Haschel: HELLO!!!! Wait for us!

Rose: *blink* Sorry. it's just that I and Doel are the Oldest here.

LLoyd: EXCUSE ME!? *runs up to them and takes out the Dragon Buster* NOW lets go!


Albert: HOLD IT HOLD IT HOLD IT!!!!! *waves his arms* Lets split up into two groups. We can cover more ground that way in any case. Rose, Uncle, Meru, Lloyd and...

::Lavits starts to jump up and down::

Lavits: ME ME ME ME ME!!!!!

Albert: uh... Lavits... *Watches Lavits run up and high five Lloyd. The two begin to smack each other over the head.* will make up team one. Team two will consist of Myself, Emily, Kongol, Haschel, Dart and Shana. Is that everyone?

Dart: HEY!!! Who died and made you the king of Turkey Hunting?! I'm the leader!

Albert: One- I AM a king. Two- I'm Raptor's favorite character. Three- i'm smarter then you. Now shut up
Dart: *pout*

Shana: HEY!

Albert: Shut. up.

Shana: *lip quiver*

::everyone shakes their heads in agreement.::

Rose: Okay then, let's move out!

Meru: YEAH baby!!!!

::The two teams begin their search as the sun begins to fade, completely unaware that-at this very moment- slanted, EVIL eyes are watching their every move. These beings start to laugh amongst themselves, delighted with a sinister plan that were brewing in the eyes of their leader.::

Evil mysterious voices: Mwa-cluck! Mwa-cluck! Mwa-cluckHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Time passes....

Doel: *Having traveled nearly an hour, he lifts up a hand and signals the group to stop.* okay guys- hold up a second. We've been searching for awhile now and Still no Luck!

Rose: Seriously... *sighs and spins her shotgun*

Meru: Well- if I was a giant Turkey- Where would I hide!?

Lloyd: Dude... THATS IT!!! *looks at Lavits*

Lavits: *looks at Lloyd* YEAH!!! Right on!!!

All: ....

Lavits: We must *think* like the giant 3-story Turkey!

Lloyd: Yes.. we must *become* the giant 3-story Turkey!

Lloyd and Lavits: HAHA!! WE ROCK!!! *chest thump*

Meru: Does anyone other then me find that *slightly* disturbing?

::Rose, Doel and Meru back away from Lloyd and Lavits::

Doel: Bah! Whatever! I'll call up the others and see if they've had any better luck... *Doel takes out a small Walkie-Talkie from his pocket.*

Rose: WHA? Where'd you get THAT!?

Meru: COOOOOLLLL!!!!!!!

Doel: I dunno. I had it on me when we were dropped off- so I guess Rap's is responsible. Where there's one, there has to be two, right!? *holds the button on the com and speaks into it*

Lloyd and Lavits: DUDE!!!!

Doel: Pansy Ass!? Calling Pansy Ass Nephew, do you copy? I repeat, Calling pansy ass nephew- Do you read me!?

::Static crackles over the line, and then Dart picks up::

Dart: hey.. whoa.. COOL!!! is this Doel?

Doel: Yes. Get me the Pansy.

Dart: I'm here!

Doel: i.. ugh.. My NEPHEW, Dart!

Dart: *static* uh.... Whats a nephew?

Doel: Ugh NO! you STUPID-!!!!

::Rose stops Doel from throwing the Walkie Talkie to the ground and picks it from his hands.::

Rose: Dart? This is Rose.

Dart: hey Rose, Sup!

Rose: *eye roll* Get Albert for me, okay?

Dart: oh, Okay!

Lavits and Lloyd: hehee- LOS~ER!!!!

Meru: SHHHH!! Dart might hear!!!

Lavits and Lloyd: *louder* LOS~ER!!!

Meru: *giggles*

::Shuffling is heard over the com::

Albert: This is Albert. is that you, Rose?

Rose: Yes. had any luck as of yet?

Albert: None whatsoever- but we have been hearing strange sounds in the distance. Other then that.. I... AGH!!! *static* ((Dart! NO- No one called you a loser!!! Stop. Dart- I SAID-!!!))

::Rose blinks as a smack and a thud echo off over the com::

Albert: *cough* Sorry. Now- other then that we've come across nothing to make us believe that these -giant turkeys- Rap's is after are in the area.

Rose: hmmm- well, Should we meet up?

Albert: Alright. What is your position?

Rose: About five miles east of where we started off.

Albert: good. Just head west from there. You'll come across a river. Once at this point travel north until you come to a fork- and my group will be waiting.

Rose: No prob. How do you know so much about the area?

Albert: Considering the amount of times Rap's has abducted me from my castle in bale? Don't even ask.

Rose: heh... alright then.

Albert: *static* I'll see you there. Albert out..

::Rose clicks off the Walkie Talkie and sighs::

Rose: Okay all- We're going to meet up with the rest of the group. I figure we'll start search again tomorrow morning. *she hands the com back to Doel* lets get moving- We want to make it there in fair time.

Evil mysterious voices: Mwa-cluck! Mwa-cluck! Mwa-cluckHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Meru: uh... Did anyone hear that!?

Lloyd: huh? hear what?

All: *listen*

Doel: *yawn* it's nothing. lets continue

Evil mysterious voices: Mwa-cluck! Mwa-cluck! Mwa-cluckHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Lavits: Dude.... I heard THAT!!!!

Rose: huh!?

Evil mysterious voices: Mwa-cluck! Mwa-cluck! Mwa-cluckHAHAHAHA!!!!! MWA AHAHAHHHA!!!!

Doel: What the-!?

Meru: SEE!!! I told you! What is it?

Lloyd: Oh man- it's coming from that real ominous patch of darkness up ahead! *points*
::Everyone looks towards a very ominous patch of Darkness, squinting into the thick black.::

Lavits: uhhh... okay. Someone go check it out...

Doel: Well don't look at me!

Meru: ooooo... I dunno about this!

Rose: Bah! Lloyd- you pointed it out- YOU go look!

Lloyd: ME!? NO WAY!

Meru: Come ON Lloyd! Not even for some Scooby Snacks!?

Lavits: Dude... isn't that a dog on a cartoon show?

Lloyd: hey- sure! I'll... WAIT a second!!!

Doel: OH WHATEVER! Lets all go in at the same time! Ready!?

::The group slinks into the darkness::

Evil mysterious voices: Mwa-cluck! Mwa-cluck! Mwa-cluckHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Meru: No-!

Rose: *gasp*

Lloyd: AGHHH!!!

Doel: HOLY-!

Lavits: AAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh.............

::Silence reigns over the grassland::

::Meanwhile- Back with Albert and the others, the party now sits at the divide of a large, rolling river with the moon high above. Shana is kicking her feet back and forth- sitting on a large rock by the waves. Kongol and Haschel are skipping stones into a small pool nearby.::

Shana: *swing, swing, swing*


Haschel: HELL NO! I did!

Dart: Will you two HUSH UP!!??

Albert: *sighs and smacks the Walkie Talkie in his palm*

:;Emily walks up to Albert, looking at the com::

Emily: problem?

Albert: Rose and the others are way overdue... I can't seem to contact them on this device either.

Emily: here- lemme see... maybe you just need to shake it around a little...

::Albert hands her the com::

Emily: now... hmmm... *shakes it* Rose? Doel? *shakes it again and holds the button* HELLO!?!?!? *throws it on the ground and stomps on it* HELLOOO!!!!!!?????

Albert: Ermm.. Emily...

Emily: *shaking it again* ANYONE!? Meru? Lavits? Llyod? *Slams it against a tree trunk*

Albert: *wince* Emily!

Emily: Wait! I think I got it! *grabs a convenient baseball bat and slams it into the river*

Albert: EMILY!!!! *runs to the bank and looks in* now look what you've done!!!

Emily: *walks up to him* Well, it made a -plunk- sound when it hit the water, right!? That's a start, ain't it?

Albert: ugh...... here- maybe we can get it out. Dart? Kongol? Haschel? Shana? Some Help please?
Dart looks up from where he is sitting::

Dart: ooohhhh- so NOW the brainiac wants help! *rubs at his blackeye* hell with you!

Albert: Don't be childish. It's not MY fault you insisted on grappling with me for the com! Shana?

Shana: NOOOO!!! I'll get my hands wet! *swing, swing, swing*

Albert: ..... haschel? Kongol?


Haschel: NO KONGOL DID NOT!!!!!

Albert: *sigh* oh well.. I suppose I'll just have to... HEYYYY!!!
::A chipmunk has dove into the water, grabbed the Walkie Talkie, and begins to run off with it::

Emily: um- Can chipmunks do that?

Albert: ugh- you little bastard! Come BACk here! *chases the chipmunk*

Dart: Go Chipmunk!

:: Albert flings a pile of mud into Dart's bruised eye::

Dart: AGH!!! SH*T!!!! you damned-!!!! *gets* up and starts chasing after Albert, Who is chasing the chipmunk.*

Emily: oh dear!

Shana: Da~art! Stop it! Come back here and worship me! *whimper*


haschel: I... wha!?

::Kongol losses interest in the game of skipping rocks with Haschel and Chases Dart, Who is chasing Albert- who is after the chipmunk::

Albert: *leap* AH -HA!!!! *catches the chipmunk* So there, you! Now give me that back!

Chipmunk: *nose wiggle* -the com drops into the water and is swept away*

Albert: WHY YOU-!!!

Dart: *skids to a stop* awww- look! it gave a nose wiggle!!!

Kongol: AWW!!!! NOSE WIGGLE!!! ME LOVE!!!!

All: awwwwwwww!!!!!

Emily: isn't it cute!? Now dont you DARE hurt it, Albert!

Shana: *jumps over and takes the chipmunk from Albert* YEAH! big meany! *tickles the chipmunk's nose* your just so cute! aren't you-boo boo? little wiggy chip-munky cutesy-poo!? hehehe!!

Chipmunk: RRAAGAGAGAAGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *tries to eat Shana*

Haschel: WTF!??!?!

Emily: OMG!!!!!

Kongol: *runs away screaming*

Dart: CRAP!!! SHANA!!! *grabs the killer chipmunk from Shana- who is screaming, and hurls it into a tree. The chipmunk bounces back and dives for his throat*

Albert: oh this is just typical.... *grabs Emily's baseball bat and twacks it into another tree*

Chipmunk: hhwwwhhhHAHAHAHHAAAGGHHHHHH!!!! *bares teeth and lunges at Albert*

Albert: GAKKK!!! *Chipmunk lands in his hair, gets stuck, and continues to try and claw at his face*

Chipmunk: RGGAAHHHHH!!!!
Albert: AAHHHHHHH!!!
Chipmunk: RAAGGHHHHHH!!!
Albert: AAHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Emily: BITCH-ASS CHIPMUNK!!! *tears the chipmunk away and eats it*

::very loud crunch::

Dart: She did not just.....

Haschel: She did....

Shana: eeewww!!!!

Albert: *light cough* Emily- I had everything under... *eye twitch* perfect control. You know your sister told you to stop eating small animals. It's bad for both your health and your figure.

Emily: *dainty burp* I'm sorry, dear.... but it was attacking you and you KNOW how i get when stuff trys to claw apart your face! *pout*

Albert: it's okay...

::They smile and hug.::

Dart: ooookkkaaayyyy..... ::backs up:: uh- look... The Walkie Talkie is screwed, Shana's been nearly disemboweled by a rabid forest creature, and the others are still missing. Maybe we should go look for them?

All: ......

Albert: I know! Lets all go look for them!

Haschel, Emily and Kongol: Yeah!!!

Dart: HEYYYYYY!!!!!

::Everyone has already begun out into the field, searching. Dart hurries to catch up, when a sudden darkness falls over the group::

Emily: Agh!! i can't see!!!

Shana: AHHHH!!! help me!! i'm lost!!!


Haschel: HEY- Who the **** just grabbed my ass!!!???

Albert: oh shut up! Quite shoving! Dart- is that you!?


Emily: oh.. sorry.... I thought you were Albert!

Albert: Heh. ^_^

Shana: *crying*

Haschel: I STILL wanna know who touched my ass!!!!! Kongol- I swear to god, if that was you.....

Kongol: *scream*

::a silence sweeps the blind group::

Albert: Did you hear that? Kongol just.... ahhh... AGAHHH!!!! *scream*

::Another silence::

Emily: ALBERT!? .... Kongol? Where did they.. *Scream*

Dart: Emily!? NO! I- *scream*

Haschel: okay- What the... *scream*

Shana: *screaming anyway*

Evil mysterious voices: Mwa-cluck! Mwa-cluck! Mwa-cluckHAHAHAHA!!!!!

::hours later, in the dark of an underground cave, the forms of all 11 travelers are slowly waking up inside a vast chamber. Large torches adorn the ceiling- and below them each person is tied to an individual stake along the circular walls.

Rose: ugh.... *blinks and starts to focus her vision* Wh... where are we? *She looks over and see's albert's group* guys!!! your here too?

Haschel: *yawns and opens his eyes* Here? huh? *looks around* Where the hell are we!?!?!

Rose: I was hoping maybe you knew!

Doel: Ugh- well- THIS SUCKS!!! *has just woken up*

Albert: rrr... *cough and blink* huh? wha? what sucks?

:;Albert and Doel, who are tied side by side, look to one another.::

Albert: Your right. This does suck.

Doel: Shut up, brat!

Albert: Well Excu~USE me!!!!

::Little by little, everyone begins to awaken. The large gathering flings questions at one another- but no one can come up with an explanation other then each group had walked into a patch of darkness- and was attacked by someone... or something.::

Haschel: I don't know what it was- but it touched my ass! Someone is gonna get WHOOPED for that!

Meru: Well whatever! We have to find a way out of here!! *struggles against her bonds*

Emily: yeah! Meru's right! We must escape!

Shana: *crying her eyes out*

Dart: oh right! Like how!?


Lloyd: me too big guy! This totally suckith!

Lavits: yeah! This Suckith big time!

Shana: *sobs*

All: SHUT UP!!!!

Shana: *sniff*

Evil mysterious voices: Mwa-cluck! Mwa-cluck! Mwa-cluckHAHAHAHA!!!!!

::Everyone freezes::

Meru: Thats it! Thats the voice!!! *sticks a foot towards the entrance to the chamber* It's coming from that hallway- and I think it's getting closer!

Doel: Damnit- and none of us have our weapons!!

Albert: your oh so bright, aren't you uncle? not that the damned things would have done us any good in the first place! We ARE tied UP you know!!!!!!

Doel: *growls* if I wasn't chained to a stake i would beat the snot out of you!

Albert: Now that's just child abuse!

Doel: IT IS NOT!!!

Albert: IS TOO!!! I'm younger- and we're related!!!!



::everyone looks at Rose::

Rose: Thank you.

Lloyd: look! Someone's coming!!

Lavits: DUDE!!!!

::All eyes turn on the entrance as huge shadowy forms appear within. The sounds of laughter have grown very strong- booming over the room::

Evil mysterious voices: Mwa-cluck! Mwa-cluck! Mwa-cluckHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Rose: no....

Doel: it couldn't be...

Emily: OMG!!!!

Dart: No way....

Kongol: BIG BIRD?

Shana *still crying*


::Four giant 3-story turkeys come looming from the hallway. they fluff their feathers and gobble amongst themselves, casting evil glares at everyone within the room. One of them, the tallest, steps fowards.::

Turkey #1: I did NOT *gobble* Touch your ass on purpose! that was SUCH *gobble* a mistake! You moved!

Haschel: oh SURE. Even Turkeys can't get enough of me!

Emily: Shut up, Haschel...

Haschel: i know....

::The turkeys go back to whispering::

Albert: WELL? Don't just stand there and gobble! What have we been brought here for!?

Meru: YEAH!! What gives you fluff-for-brains!?

Rose: Smart. Piss them off, why don't you?

Turkey #2: *steps fowards* AH HA!!!! *gobble* that is not the question! The question should really be.. what were YOU brought here for?

Turkey #3: Yes indeed... Answer us that without a lie, humans! Answer us that! For we KNOW why you have come!!! You wish to slay one of us, is this not true?

Shana: *speaks up* Uh huh....

:;everyone glares at Shana.::

Lavits: But DUDE!! it's not our fault! There is this psycho raptor queen that says we have to bring her back a turkey for Thanksgiving!

::The turkeys gasp and cover their heads with feathers::

Turkey #1: HOLD THY TONGUE DEMON!!! YOU SPEAK OF THE ACCURSED HOLIDAY!!! *the other two giant Turkeys cower back as the first walks up and smacks him in the head*

Lavits: *coughs* Dude... i just got bitch-slapped by a turkey! that totally sucks!!

Lloyd: Say *suckith* dude... it sounds cooler.....

Dart: Lay off, huh!? You think we WANT to!? if we don't, we can never go home! Rap's is a stubborn freak!!!

Albert: It's true! This is her planet, isn't it? you must have heard of her!?

Turkey #2: hey... *gobble* Ain't you that king Rap's is always abducting from Bale?

Albert: ummmm... maybe?

Turkey #3: HE IS! HE IS!!!! *waddles up to Albert* You are the EVIL QUEEN'S Favorite character from LOD!!! You shall be fed to the oven's first!

The three Turkeys: Mwa-cluck! Mwa-cluck! Mwa-cluckHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Doel: Giant... oven? Oh- this is just wonderful. I swear to god I'm gonna haunt that raptor queen!!!

Rose: Well- count me in with that!

Albert: *sigh* At least I'll never get kidnapped again...

Meru: This really DOES Suckith!!!

Turkey #1: For YOU!!! HHEHEHHEH!!! *gobble* HEHEHEH!!!! As leader of the Giant 3-story Turkeys of Rutha- It shall be a great honor to serve you at our OWN thanxgiving feast! Number 3!
Number 2! Baste them!

Emily: oh GROSSS!!!!

haschel: I'm to young to fry!!!

::Everyone looks at him::

Haschel: in my MIND people!

Lloyd: THIS SUCKITH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Rose: No...

Doel: that can't be...

Albert: *cringe* Please say it's another turkey... PLEASE say it's another turkey!!


3 Giant Turkeys: *gobble in panic*

:;Rap's appears in the room in a swirl of magic and dust. Eyes glowing red with fury, she stalks towards the turkeys- tail swishing back and forth::

Turkey #2: QUEEN RAP'S!!!!!!!

Turkey #3: THE ALMIGHTY RAP's!!!!!

Rap's: you think you could ACTUALLY get away with this!? How dumb do you believe I am?

Turkey #1: Well...


three Giant Turkeys: ......


Dart: hey Rap's- that IS kinda mean.. they're only trying to live!

Meru: *blinks* Hey.... thats true!

Shana: You an awful awful raptor Rap's!!

::Rap's rolls her eyes::

Rap's: WILL YOU GIVE ME BREAK!? These Turkeys are involved in drug smuggling to baby Chipmunks and assorted politicians!


::The turkeys back away in shame::

Rap's: Now- Get into my space cruiser outside or I SWEAR to GOD I will let the feathers fry RIGHT HERE Gravy pants! SHOOOO!!! out with you!!! *she pushes the Turkeys outside and then returns with some wire-cutters*

Emily: Did Rap's.... Actually save us!?

Rose: I'm beyond speechless...

Doel: i don't trust her and those clippers...

Lavits and Lloyd: COOOLL!!!!!!!!

::Rap's begins to snip everyone free- stopping at Albert::

Albert: ((please don't hug me please dont hug me please dont hug me.....))

Rap's: *giggles* i kinda like you this way....

Lloyd: oooooo!!!!!

Albert: SHUT Up!!!!


Albert: Stop it!

Rose: Come on, Rap's... let him go!

Rap's: *sigh* okay!

::Rap's kneels down, hoists the stake Albert is attached to from the ground, and slings it over one shoulder::

Albert: AHHHHHH!!!! PUT ME DOWN!!!! *kick*

Rap's: heheheh!!! After we get back to my quarters!

Albert: *sweatdrop* Oh god.....

Rap's: Come on, all! Lets go home! I made pumpkin pie!!!

Lloyd: YES!!!!

MEru and Haschel: WHOOO HOOOOO!!

Rose: She'll be serving coffee too, I gather.

Rap's: And don't you know it!

Emily: *laughs and tugs on Albert's ponytail*

Albert: I SWEAR to GOD I would have rather taken my chances with the turkeys!!!!
::they all begin to leave::

Dart: H- HEY!!! What about us!!!??

Shana: *sniffle* YEAH!!! hey!! Rap's!??!? DON'T LEAVE US!!!!!

Dart: DOEL! MERU! ROSE!! STOP!!!!!

Shana: NNOOOOOOOOOOOooooooO!!!!!!

Dart: Goddamnit... AT LEAST CUT AWAY THE ROPES!!!!!!! ... guys? HELLO!!!!!!???
:outside, the space-cruiser takes off in a puff of smoke::
THE END!!!!!!